AmiBerry stops working since RetroPie 4.1.19
hello there
i dont know what happend but since 4.1.19 update amiberry stops working. have no idea how to fix it or what could be a problem. can someone help me ?Pi Model or other hardware: B+
Power Supply used: Pi
RetroPie Version: 4.1.21
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website.
USB Devices connected: wireless keyboard dongle, flashdrive sandisk 64gb
Controller used: Playstation 3
Emulator: AmiBerry -
Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in
Amiberry was only added in 4.1.19.
I've already said this in the Build Test thread, but for me, amiberry was missing the executable binary when I tried to install it from binary.
I can confirm the binary is missing - will fix.
[edit] fixed.
thank you very much for help ;) sorry for problem ... my english is not so good, but im trying my best ;) cheers
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