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    @Dekawar said in Help getting Amiberry to work on RetroPie Thanks:

    @mitu have really been hoping an update would fix ..

    If you have the right BIOS files (as specified in the documentation) and the game still doesn't work, then the issue might be the game. What game(s) are you trying to start, what is their filename and which emulator (lr-puae2021 or amiberry) are you using ?

    If you start the Amiga test kit image, does it work ?

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    this sounds a lot like the problems i am having. i have not moved to UAE yet.
    seeing that they said Amiberry was the easiest one to setup.

    Problems with it after getting it all worked out and setup then getting the Amiberry installed with the installer "Manage optional Packages" so now have Amiga folder showing up to put the games .LHA E:\retropie\roms\amiga with a jump drive
    and putting the kickstart files in the jump drive E:\retropie\BIOS
    so all seems good i looked at the files on the Pi and they seem to have copied over good and in the place it said they should be is there another place to put them???

    but when i try and run a game.

    it goes to a black screen and then winks back to the pick a game screen.
    if i keep clicking on the A key it loads up a screen "System: Amiga" asking to select "default emulator" ES, ER,
    VE, FE, FR, X, Q.
    so when looking "ER" at Bios the names to not match the ones i uploaded. thinking it would be named the same as the ones uploaded.
    not sure if this is the problem. do i need to do something other than just putting them in that folder???
    (( Please help)) i seen something that the updater is not using the newest one will start looking at that.

    my system is a Raspberry Pi3 B+ in the USA.
    Hisense 4 K HDMI tv
    XBox corded controller. Keyboard and mouse.
    have been doing like the video said using the USB jump drive to move files over. "Raspberry Pi 4 Retropie - Amiberry Setup MikeyGRetro"
    and use many other videos to help with setting up Retropie on the Raspberry Pi 3b+ "RetroPie 4.8 Setup and Install Guide for the Raspberry Pi" Wagner's TechTalk.

    i have had UAE for Droid on my phone for 10 years i think. with the Amiga forever Kickstarts. but made a cool 3D printed Amiga case for my Pi 3b+ and wanted something i could use on the TV and the kids could play.
    i do have Amibian working on another flash card on the Pi 3+ but just not as easy to use as the videos said RetroPie is. and this would be good. have seen some info on the site saying need to use the numerical updater seeing the auto one is not working right??

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    @sleve_mcdichael ok i made the file amiberry.conf copyed and put the text in you gave us.


    saved it over network to a the spashcreens fold and now going to move it to


    if this works wow. Thanks does this mean i need to move or make a file called amiga in BIOS/ and that is where i need to put my kickstarts?

  • Amiberry and SMB backup (symlinks)

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    You could just get rid of the symlink-ed Kickstarts and keep them as files in the whdboot/save-data/Kickstarts folder. Amiberry should still work and the files would be backed-up like regular files.

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    @skidiver Cool. Glad you found a solution. As a courtesy for other users (and search engines) please mark your subject post with something like [solved].

  • Amiberry broken on Pi 4/Buster

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    EDIT: i maybe didn't test enough -- the "remaining values are filled" in the .conf, only when run the +Start Amiberry.sh. When launch by one of the .lha roms instead, no values are filled, but the game still seem to work. They load and play anyway, did not test saving. But it's late and I've shut down for the night. Will test saving tomorrow.

    Yes, saving works:

    pi@retropie:/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry $ cat conf/amiberry.conf rom_path=/home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/amiga floppy_path=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga harddrive_path=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga cdrom_path=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga lha_path=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/amiga pi@retropie:/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry $ ls -l whdboot/save-data/Savegames/ItCameFromTheDesert/ total 16 -rwxr----- 1 pi pi 12444 Dec 20 11:36 ICFTD pi@retropie:/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry $ file whdboot/save-data/Savegames/ItCameFromTheDesert/ICFTD whdboot/save-data/Savegames/ItCameFromTheDesert/ICFTD: data

    ...save file exist, and I can quit and restart amiberry, then re-load the save in-game.

    It's the same with either github/retropie version binary: no values are written (and file NOT created) when loading from .lha rom, saves still work at default location. Values are written (and file is created, with github version) when launch from +Start Amiberry.sh.

    Edit: Launch from .lha rom, then open amiberry config and change eg. Rom path: all values are written to file (for both RP version with minimal conf, or github version with no conf.) But, if open config then quit with no change == no write values.

  • Amiberry won't run any games

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    @Alfa How did you solve the problem?

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    I have now gained new insights into the VSync problem, because it seems that the TV or the HDMI detection is really to blame. I just had my Raspberry Pi connected to my 13-year-old Panasonic 3D TV and the VSync option works exactly as it should. What I also noticed is that the screen modes are swapped in the video setup menu, which you can select when selecting a game before starting Amiberry via Retropie. On my old TV, the 50 Hz modes are first in the list and only then do the 60 Hz entries follow. On my Philips TV from 2014, it is the exact opposite, so that I have to set the correct mode every time I change TVs. However, it does not seem to take the 50 Hz modes into account at all or does not switch despite the selection and only runs at 60 Hz instead of 50 Hz, which I find very strange, because the TV is definitely capable of handling both refresh rates. This also works with all other emulators, whether with VICE (C64) or all RetroArch cores such as NES, SNES, Mega Drive, Arcade, etc. Just not with Amiberry, which I find very unfortunate. The Retropie team would probably have to release an update to detect the connected screen in the Amiga Setup Menu. I actually thought that HDMI screens were all standardized by now and the only explanation I can think of is that it has something to do with an error in the setup script for Amiga core.

  • Amiberry don't start after upgrading

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    I had the same problem.
    In the bottom of this link is my solution. Generel advice is to make a backup before updating RetroPie.

  • No Sound with Amiberry (HDMI)

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    @mitu Hotkey + X worked, changed Sound to HDMI, perfect. Thank you both!

  • Amiberry hotkeys

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    @mitu ah I shall try that many thanks buddy:)

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    @mitu thanks a lot. 5.6.4 has been released with many fixes indeed!

  • Amiga Emulator .hdf files

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    Hi @KingZambo

    Amiberry did have an issue and has just been fixed in v5.6.4 that was released yesterday. I'm updating as we speak and will hopefully be back on track.

    For puae-2021, I amended the gamelist.xml and added an entry that points to my .hdf file. After I realised my kick roms were named wrong (I had to remove the .rom extension.... Doh!) then puae-2021 is now working.

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    Can you add more details about your setup, as detailed in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first ?

    Does this happen to all games or just a few games ? Which version did you have installed before the update (or when was the previous time you updaed) ?

  • Black screen & mouse pointer

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    Lord VekL

    I think the Bios changed position. It is now in home\pi\retropie\bios\amiga and it must contain

    Kickstart v1.3 rev 34.5 (1987)(Commodore)(A500-A1000-A2000-CDTV).rom
    Kickstart v2.05 rev 37.350 (1992)(Commodore)(A600HD).rom
    Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A1200).rom

    I am not sure about the 600 rom if it is necessary though.

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    @Sfora hello! Which version of the games are you relying on? I trust it's the .lha version, right? I just tried ChambersOfShaolin_v2.0_3049.lha as well as DizzyPrinceOfTheYolkfolk_v2.0_1146.lha and both work without any issue on a similar setup.

    If you're seeing the Amiberry logo instead of a typical WHDBooter page whenever you run a game then something's off on your setup. Please make sure to use the .lha as-is do not rename these files.

    amiberry.log is the right place to look for errors. Feel free to share it. Then ensure you're using the exact same KickStart mentioned on that page. Also do not hesitate to read the wiki for further details about WHDLoad/WHDBooter.

    Hope this helps.

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    @mitu said in amiberry second joystick fire button:

    @22marco77 Make sure you update the RetroPie-Setup script first, if you want to install from source. You can also update from binary the amiberry package, the binaries have also been updated to version 5.6.1

    Ok thanks for the information. Can't wait to update I'm super excited to resume challenges to sensible soccer