Attract Mode with RetroPie - Alternative to EmulationStation
New to this Attract Mode stuff, been using RetroPie for a couple of months now, also pretty new to Linux.
But a couple of questions if I may...not sure if these should be asked here of in the Attract Mode forum.
Floob's Attract Mode image 0.4 with Artwork - 17GB image - I spent ages trying to download it from Mega only for it to barf at 10.0GB, had this happen several times on several machines with several browsers. Only after a bit of searching I found that Mega will not complete a >10GB download (although it will pump out the first 10GB to fsck you off) unless you install their extension/tool. Having done that on a VM I now have the image. Floob, maybe you could make a note to others that are unaware of Mega's limitations/crippling and warn that the Mega extension is required to download your image.
Having said that, your image works great and I appreciate your efforts and look forward to your next release.
Installing AM on top of ES:
I followed the instructions in the video to install AM 2.0 on top of ES as your image is a couple of months old and I have another card with RP4.0 as my main build.Running AM from the ~ prompt as suggested above fails with command not found - I needed to type ~/develop/attract/attract to get it to load. Maybe I missed something in the video but I don't think so.
Once running there is one emulator set up - MAME, with no options configured but when attempting to configure the options the fields can be selected but anything typed into those fields is ignored. Is it something I'm doing/did wrong? I can create a new emulator but have the same problem when trying to edit the runcommand etc.
I suppose the following could be regarded as feature requests if not already incorporated and I haven't found them yet:
Is there a way to do a global update of games in all emulators? At the moment it's a case of editing each emulator and telling it to update the catalog - would be nice to have a smoother way of doing it. E.g. you've just built a new image, copied your games across, it would be nice to just hit a global catalog update.
Create emulators based on those already installed in ES. This would b a massive time-saver as the ES config could be read and emulators created in AM to match - they use the same runcommands and pass the same arguments. The creation could also create default flyer/snap/wheel folders in the config and in the filesystem if not already there.
Would also be nice to have an apt-get method of installing, or even better integrated into the main RP installer script given that ES is no longer in development.
@Floob said in Attract Mode with RetroPie - Alternative to EmulationStation:
@robertybob I will probably put another together at the end of July with a few bells and whistles, but remember its just a proof of concept image as opposed to a supported version. If you want a more stable system you will be better off with the standard RetroPie build.
Floob, is there anyway that this could become a fully supported version? donations? etc
i much prefer this to the permanent hiatus status of EmulationStation, and by the looks of it I'm not the only one.
you've done such an awesome job to get this far with the proof of concept, would the next step not be a supported version?i think i've asked this before
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
@vfrvulcan said in Attract Mode with RetroPie - Alternative to EmulationStation:
Floob's Attract Mode image 0.4 with Artwork - 17GB image - I spent ages trying to download it from Mega only for it to barf at 10.0GB, had this happen several times on several machines with several browsers. Only after a bit of searching I found that Mega will not complete a >10GB download (although it will pump out the first 10GB to fsck you off) unless you install their extension/tool. Having done that on a VM I now have the image. Floob, maybe you could make a note to others that are unaware of Mega's limitations/crippling and warn that the Mega extension is required to download
your image.Use MegaDownloader instead. No issues downloading it here.
Now updated to RetroPie 4. Link in first post.
thank you
Issues with the latest build when using dragonrise encoders (Zero Delay)
All controls configure and work in ES / Games, but will not configure and work in Attract mode.
I'm not the only one from a quick google and looks to be a Linux issue?
OK, so the issue it with V2.1 of attract mode, so that leads to my next question.
I have a retropie 4.0 image that is just how i like it, is it possible to install attract mode 2.0 onto this and have the best of both worlds as i know V2.0 works without issues.
If so how do i go about it, to ensure i install the 'older' version rather than the newer version.
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
There is not a Sega Mega CD emulator in Attraction mode,how do you add one..??
WARNING Don't install LXDE with RetroPie Setup it mess it up and stops ES from loading roms and you will not be able to connect by SSH anymore.I did post about this.Version 0.5.RetroPie 4.0.
Someone posted about here too..
I know its not down to you (not your fault )all you did was make AM and its great,just wanted to warn people.Thanks Floob..:) It reminds me of 3D Arcade a bit..;)
Oh before I forget,The controls,I put in my controller and when I use it it jumps menus,so if I press down on my controller,if its on Emulators it would highlight Controls and miss Displays,I use a MayFlash MD adapter in my Megadrive/Mega CD case.
I didnt make Attract Mode, I just pre-installed it on the image.You can get AM support here: run through the emulator configs on the videos for AM at the start of this thread, but basically edit an existing one and swap in the name of the system you want to emulate.
Where can I get videos from,can AM download them,I try Emumovies and I can't find any for Megadrive and Mega CD,has anyone got any they can share..??
Found some here.. for hyperspin will they work with AM..?
[Link removed due to copyright content hosted there]
Sorry didn't know the link was copyright,anyway,where do I put the videos,There is not a video folder in .Attract..??
@spannernick1 You can choose where ever you want to place the videos. Personally I would put them in /roms/megadrive/snaps. Afterwards you need to open Attract Mode and write the location of the videos there.
You should really use 25 minutes of your time and check out @Floob 's updated video for Retropie 4:
Just a heads up, the guy son the RetroPie Facebook page have been smashing out updated attract mode builds for a while now. I've asked them to post their progress here, but they aren't that interested. If you want to get them complete with all the artwork, it's not a bad place to go. Unfortunately I think they also distribute roms with the images.
@Ekstreme said in Attract Mode with RetroPie - Alternative to EmulationStation:
Unfortunately I think they also distribute roms with the images.
If they wish to contribute to the project legally, they're very welcome to do so and we'd appreciate the effort.
Otherwise we want nothing to do with them.
All sentiments that I have expressed to them. I don't think they have any real interest outside their bubble which is a shame as they have done a lot of work with all the image gathering and configuration. Some of them look really great. I also refuse to download a 64gb+ image every time the developers create an update. It's just not right.
I dont have Facebook so cant check that out, but you could always list features that have been implemented and I can incorporate into this version that doesnt break copyright laws.
Hopefully the facebook group arent grabbing these images and just tweaking them. -
When I get some time I'll see what I can do. AFAIK they are just working on compiling all the images for the wheels, screenshots and backgrounds. Having not actually used attract mode I don't know more than that.
From what I've seen a lot of the images are custom made. Some are actually really cool
I have got all my emulators woking and some of the artwork using scraper but they're not all there,but for some reason can't get the videos to work for the Sega Mega CD,I have even added a video folder,but all its doing is showing the snaps..(To Floob sorry for thinking you made this,I thought you were Andrew..:) )I Would like to get some marquees for the PAL version of the Mega CD..if any one has them..?
Has anyone used Emulaxian..? This Is Like a copy of it. Thank Emulaxian for the wheel,it was made in 2001,then Hyperspin copied it..;) -
This might be out of the question but I'm gonna ask you guys anyway.
Is it even possible to compile Attract Mode with a Raspberry Pi Zero?
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