April 1st - ho ho :-)
@edmaul69 Appreciate that - it means a lot. Thanks.
Didn't realize this post would bring out the scumfucks. Pardon my french
@lilbud google translator couldnt translate that from french to english for me... :) so out of curiousity, how old are you now? Your profile Says 16? I thought you were a few years older. But i could be wrong. I am an old man after all. Wish more younger people could appreciate old games, music and movies like you do.
I knew it. Ha!
Heh, wasn't around for the joke. With some of the negativity from this, just wanted to say, thanks for all of your hard work with Retropie! It's much appreciated! I'm excited to try out image 4.2 now because of the new features (specifically the video presentation of games)!
@edmaul69 My profile is right, I am 16. Just busy playing through 30 years of games, listening to 30 years of music, (Love old classic rock especially.) and 30 years of movies is a work in progress.
So many games to play, the list grows every day. See partial list here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/9306/games-you-haven-t-completed-to-this-very-day-no-cheats-allowed/3 Most of my backlog is RPGs, wish me luck there.
Playing though so many games, I now realize why some games are called, "Nintendo Hard"
Music is the easiest one, with parents who have a huge collection of cassettes, vinyl, and CDs. (I've even started my own vinyl collection.) Finding old music to listen to is easy. My profile header image says a lot about my music tastes.
What's your favorite classic rock song?
That was the only april fool's who got me, so "bravo" :D (pardon my french :p)
I thougth at first you've been hacked -_-Keep up the good joke/work you're awesome guys!
@BuZz I think I was just angry that I had an issue and wanted to see if it was talked about on the forums. I work 60 hour weeks and today was like the only day I could have looked and fixed my issue. I think the joke was funny but maybe just a little too far. I do appreciate everything RetroPie does. It is amazing software and a great place for users to help each other. I guess I was just mad that it was on the day I had off in a while and I couldn't access the page. BTW I did find a user with the same issue by searching was able to fix it. Sorry, I guess it was more frustration than anything.
Yeah, I thought that the guy that was claiming to now own the RetroPie name had taken control of the site, then I thought it could be an April fools joke but the forum was down all day. I thought April fools ends midday ?
I didn't realise I'd been away from the forum for a whole day. I didn't see this happen at all.
Did anyone by any chance see the joke post by edible arrangements? It was a Facebook picture of an edible arrangement made of buffalo wings and ranch....
Thought to myself, wow I would actually want an edible arrangement if they did that, and so did every other man on earth who saw it... what they thought of as a joke appears to be the biggest missed opportunity in history.
#offtopic #ijustwokeupandalreadywantbuffalowings #whyamihashtaggingonaforum
@Capeman I made chicken wings for dinner tonight. I just covered them in teriyaki sauce and chucked them in the oven for an hour. So good.
@tyreal90 Probably Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen, second place would go to Money for Nothing by the Dire Straits.
This is probably the hardest question I have answered. So many good songs.
I didn't find it funny, but I guess the forum has evolved for me from tech support to a community of people with similar interests that I enjoy chatting with.
@BuZz you've really fooled me. Here is a list of things that came to my mind when I saw that:
- The forum is under maintenance. I'll try again later.
- After trying again several hours later: OMG! Is this the end of the forum?!
- They blocked IPs from Brazil (it happened before in other games networks, I think many Brazilian gamers like to cheat).
- OMG!! I'm involved in an interesting RetroPie-related project with @UDb23 and we were talking about it in the forum. Will we continue with no forum to share our work?
- Will @Rookervik , @lilbud and others lost their interest in making those cool splashscreens for the community without a forum to share them?
- Is this the end of MAME ROW?!
- The list of sad things goes on...
Man, the prank worked: you really scared me! But please don't do it again. I beg you.
As @obsidianspider said, RetroPie isn't only those scripts to install retrogaming software on a Raspberry Pi, it's a community of retronerds sharing cool stuff (es themes, arts, tools, knowledge, etc).
I really appreciate all your hardwork not only on the code, but keeping this forum too. You rock!!
I'm gonna make another donation with a message "please don't make that prank on the forum again".
@meleu said in April 1st - ho ho :-):
The forum is under maintenance. I'll try again later.
After trying again several hours later: OMG! Is this the end of the forum?!
They blocked IPs from Brazil (it happened before in other games networks, I think many Brazilian gamers like to cheat).
OMG!! I'm involved in an interesting RetroPie-related project with @UDb23 and we were talking about it in the forum. Will we continue with no forum to share our work?
Will @Rookervik , @lilbud and others lost their interest in making those cool splashscreens for the community without a forum to share them?
It was only off for 10 hours (or less) - Kodi site was off for much longer :) You definitely should all make sure you can manage without the forum for 10 hours. Sounds unhealthy if you can't.
I enjoyed the break. Tbh I'm getting unhappy with the project as of late. Too many users (with constant complaints), piracy and trademark issues and now the overreaction from some because the forum was off for 10 hours. Maybe time for me to find a new hobby. Appreciate the comments of support though from some of you.
I more often than not use the forums to see what cool stuff others have thought up to give me some ideas. Absolutely love seeing what can be done with RetroPie and how to make things look even better - @UDb23 I'm looking at you with your overlays :)
Had me panicking that the forum had been closed for some reason! So great April Fools Day joke @BuZz !
I think retropie is like getting a swiss army knife with 200 functions and without a manual. It makes it extremely fun to see what you can make it do after you think you've found everything!
Please don't give up. You guys have made something truly game changing. I have showed retropie to over 10 of my friends and not one of them hasn't been amazed.
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