It all went to
Can anyone help with a problem I have? Being a noob I switched my 4Gig jumpdrive to my 1T and it didn't work. NOW, when I try to load any roms it says "not enough space on device"?? I took the SD card out and put into my laptop but couldn't tell where to delete anything?
Do I have to install from scratch or is there something I can do?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Any more specs? I assume it's a raspberry pi 3?
The SD card is not really readable under Windows because it makes a few partitions that are only viewable or readable under linux. Don't know about the hdd though, I have a 64gb SD so I don't need an external drive.And if you want to check what's on the SD card, I would suggest a ftp client to check where your roms did get.
What you could try is to clone your drive to your TB drive and expand the partition where your drive stores its roms to max size with easus partition something.
@JackTrades What type of 1TB drive is this? is it an sd card, usb memory stick, hard drive? If its a sd card or usb memory stick, there are well known fakes on eBay that are actually 16GB cards with the internals faking that its larger.
It's an external hard drive, WD passport. It's a Raspberry pie 2, 8 gig sd card internal and I originally used a 4 gig stick usb drive to install the roms. It booted directly to retropie and worked perfectly until I changed the theme, (which turned everything white) and tried to replace the 1T for the 4G.
Thanks for the help. Greatly appreciated.
@lostless It is a WD passport, hard drive, so it's definitely a legit size. I just thought the more space the better, guess I was wrong incorrect. lol
you need to fix /etc/fstab so it mounts your 1TB drive in the same location. Since your 4 gig stick is gone, anything that gets put into the folder is going to your 8 gig sd card and thus filling up the free space
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