Play station game issue for retropie
@willnot29 your bios is named wrong. It needs to be SCPH1001.BIN
@willnot29 in all your research did you take a look at this: -
@edmaul69 sorry that was a typo it is SCPH1001.BIN
@meleu Oooooh yeah seen that page. not sure if I'm missing something there.
i will ask you this, the game Roms need to be unzipped. When I unzipped them they go into their owns folders and show .cue files and at least one .BIN file sometimes various .BIN files.
I've also seen some Talk of ECM files, if I unzip then and they are in a regular folder with .CUE and BIN files is that enough?
I don't see any .ECM tags on them is there a step I'm missing here?
@willnot29 open up the cue files and make sure the name of the bin file is correct in it. Caps and lowercase are important. Even on the .bin .Bin. The best way to test is to use a psx eboot instead of bin and cue. Also dont test with european roms. A lot of them dont work so they are bad for testing to get it booting.
@edmaul69 OK i'll check the .CUE files and check my games are not European. I thought maybe I had this piece covered by trying 5 or 6 games separate games
Thanks for the tip I'll let you know
@edmaul69 Sorry probably a stupid question but can't you point me in the right direction as to what a PSX Eboot is
@willnot29 psx is a shortened name for playstation. Eboots are what the playstation portable (psp) plays. At least all 1300 of the u.s. psx games are available as eboots. There is a program that converts the iso and bin files to eboot if you need to convert other games. They are smaller and can have multidisks all in one file. The playstation emulator plays them.
@edmaul69 thank you ill try that also......
thanks everyone for the quick reply
If your googling skills are good, you can find those eboots already made and save you some time. Their extension is .PBP .
You need to uncompress .ECM files with its uncompressor, but really, I found .PBP files to be zero hassle, but not all games have been compressed to that format.
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