Certain overlays not showing up
Hey folks,
I have been adding overlays to my RetroPie setup and I found a set of 1080p overlays online recently. I have gotten a good number of them to work, but I tried to apply a couple of them today and they aren't working. I used the overlays in combination with the set of config files that are copied from Udb's repo...
First game is NBA JAM, which for me is MAME 2003 ROM. I placed the overlay and the .cfg file in the retroarch/overlay/arcade-bezels folder. I then placed the .zip.cfg file in the arcade roms folder. Unfortunately, it didnt work. I also tried to place the .zip.cfg file in roms/mame2003 and roms/mame2003/cfg, and both those locations didnt work...
I also have an overlay for xmen, which is an FBA game for me. I have gotten overlays for other fba games to work, but not this one.
I checked the settings in the configs and looked for spelling or directory errors. Any clues? I have included the png and cfg files for examination if you can spot something wrong with them. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Bump :-)
Solved: When writing the code for the .cfg that resides in the retroarch/overlay/arcade-bezels folder, you must reference the filename of the PNG overlay you are using. DON'T put quotes around that filename. For example:
overlay0_overlay = robocop2-ovl.png
overlay0_overlay = "robocop2-ovl.png"
It may work with, but some overlays will only work without quotes. Recommendation is just no quotes for all games :-)
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