Can't reload pi3 with roms
Hi all,
I previously had my retropie working beautifully with multiple emulators. I ran into a situation, completely unrelated to retropie where my pi locked up and i had to reinstall rasbian completely. So i went through the whole process of installing retropie again.. but now my roms do not work. It's very strange. So firstly I tried to load them with the same usb i used originally. I couldn't even get the pi to copy the folder structure over to the usb again. Tried turning on usb sharing and still no luck. Anyway, I eventually moved on to transfer with SFTP via cyberduck. This worked to atleast create the folder structure and copy the ROMs to the pi. The pi now has the complete folder structure in retropie/roms/ but none of the emulators show up in emulation station. I also noticed originally when i was trying to copy via usb, that i attempted to manually create an nes folder with a rom and plug into the pi, it copied over but still didn't show up in ES. I'm out of ideas! hopefully someone can help. Thanks guys.
@maryan87 There are several problems here in trying to help. Firstly, what version of Retropie were you using before and what version are you now trying to run? Now this is important because you don't say what emulators you are using. Romset requirements change over time. What worked before may not work now on the latest version of retropie. For example, FBA or the way PSX roms run etc. So that is the first potential problem. Next, are you using the image of retropie? if so, I am not sure why you are trying to create folder structures. If not, do you need to create folder stuctures? What are you creating and where exactly? Finally, not all emulators are installed by default in the latest version so you may not have the emulator that you previously had! Please post more information according to to enable further assistance.
Hey rbaker, thanks for the response. I ended up reflashing the sd with a new image of retropie. Previously i had retropie installed manually on top of raspbian. This is fine because i really dont use the pi for anything but gaming. I'm sure one of the scenarios you mentioned was the problem. It seems like probably the folder structure was corrupted at some point and no longer being correctly picked up by retropie.. i guess =)
Reflashing with the newest version of retropie worked like a charm, all my original roms work. Now im on to trying to get metal slug 5 to work correctly! xD
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