My Upright Arcade Cabinet Build
Love the cutout bits! Super kool!
Is that a guitar amp in the bottom?
@moosepr lol yes, its is a Line6 amp for my Strat, it was temporary. I now have some old PC Speakers above the screen with a mini amp which works well. Astoblaster did sound good with the guitar amp though :-D
all up this was sub $AUD1000. The biggest cost would be the laser cut cabinet, which if I had skills I would have done myself. That would have cost around $AUD800 inc shipping from WA to SA, but I would personally knock off $200 for the personal service and help I got from them
@UP4IT Ha fellow South Aussie, nice. Build looks great... and those lazer cut edges, oh so sweet. Got to get me one of those machines.
@TheStrayMongrel Hey there! Thanks. It does look great. It's not perfect. Maybe the next one will be :-)
How do you have your player one and player two buttons setup? Are they just player one and player two start and the buttons next to them are player one coin and player two coin? How do you have the system configured to exit out of a mame game and to go back to emulation station screen? I am having a little trouble getting this working with my setup.
@jlazore2 The Black buttons are Player 1 and 2 insert coin, and the white ones are player 1 and 2 Start, to exit the game I use the standard hot keys of pressing player 1 insert coin and player 1 start at the same time. I am sure it is the default on the nes controller, I just mapped the buttons to be the same when in the config buttons tool
@UP4IT Cool. That is what I think I will do with mine too. I notice some people put buttons on the side of the cabinet. I guess for pinball games?
@UP4IT awesome work dude
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