How to run a command line from USB
@stevefo Ok, so assuming you removed the video manager (e.g. by reinstalling retropie)
And to clear some things up here:
The video manager is just a tool that downloads the shaders and overlays for you and is applying it to the corresponding config files. It is not needed for using shaders or overlays! This function is already implemented into retropie.Ok, let's start:
- Download the overlay zip and unzip it
Taken of the installation page:
Arcade Bezel overlays (John.Merrit)!eNIGyIrB!sgJf4lDXI-YOtVd-u49QmX1qL7ECRMjB95nNf8Meqow
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays/ (put folder in zip file above in here)- Hardest part: Copying the files to your pi:
If you have a programm like winSCP:
- Connect to your pie
- Navigate to `/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays/
- Copy the folder with the overlays into there
If you have a usb drive and a ssh connection:
- Copy the folder with the overlays onto the root of your usb drive (rename the folder to bezels_overlays)
- Plug the usb drive into your pi
- Connect via ssh
- Type this (one command)
cp -rv /media/usb0/bezels_overlays /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/overlays
- On Emulationstation:
Open this page and navigate to the menu shown in the Basic Configuration
Look at the last/third screenshot:
SetOverlay Enabled
andOverlay File
to wich image you want as overlay - That's it
- Download the overlay zip and unzip it
@DarkWolf it messed up the format of my reply but I guess it's readable
@DarkWolf Ok, just did a fresh install of retropie. I'm running late too. I'll try this method later this evening.
I'll check back to see if you have changed anything before I try it. I'll be using the SSH route.
Thanks for your continued help.
@stevefo Updated it a bit, hope that helps :)
@DarkWolf If it's not one thing it's another. I only use a MacBook. Anything I download from Mega gets messed up on here. I can never get mega to work on a mac.
@stevefo The arcade bezel overlays are from through Mega downloader.
@stevefo I got the file. It let me download form browser.
@stevefo ok, got it to work. The Arcade overlays are so good that they work better with screen curvature. I get overlap when it's flat. Damn!
Thank You for your help, I really appreciate it. I have another question that should be easy to answer but not sure it's allowed. Can I message you? If so, how?
I have another question that should be easy to answer but not sure it's allowed.
As long as it doesn't break any of these rules, you'll be fine.
@stevefo Haha, we needed some time here, but now it's working, great!
Regarding your question: Sure, but like @mediamogul said:
As long as it doesn't break any of these rules, you'll be fine.
Check this first ;-)
@DarkWolf I have some MAME games that don't work. I've tried Mame 4 all, mame lb, and mame 2003. Any suggestions?
@stevefo You can view a list with supported roms here: -
@DarkWolf great info! Thanks
What should I put in the Arcade folder in Retropie?
@stevefo There was a thread abput the arcade folder allready:
But I will summ that up quickly:
You don't have to use the folder, if you are using mame/fba folders. But if you want to have all roms for mame/fba in one folder, you can use that. But keep in mind that you have to understand the "folder" and how the emulators work first.Taken from the thread:
When you dump your romset into the arcade directory, you should know which emulator they were built for. You can set em accordingly from the runcommand. If you arbitrarily dump all sorts of roms into it, then good luck sorting em out. I personally prefer to have my MAME sets organized under specific emulators with the best of their respective builds.
And you can also read this wiki page: from the wiki page:
So you can have one zipped ROMset for each of these (mame4all, FBA, NeoGeo, advmame) To avoid having several EmulationStation menus for different arcade emulators, all arcade-based ROMs can be placed in the arcade ROM folder, but you will have to specify which emulator each will use from the Runcommand Menu
So basicly it "cleans" the mess of having different folder for different arcade emulators.
But you have to set it up correctly.
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