Welcome to RetroPie. RetroPie allows you to turn your Raspberry Pi, ODroid C1/C2, or PC into a retro-gaming machine. It builds upon Raspbian, EmulationStation, RetroArch and many other projects to enable you to play your favourite Arcade, home-console, and classic PC games with the minimum set-up. For power users it also provides a large variety of configuration tools to customise the system as you want.
RetroPie sits on top of a full OS, you can install it on an existing Raspbian, or start with the RetroPie image and add additional software later. It's up to you.
While the RetroPie Project originated at petRockBlock.com this is now the home of RetroPie.
Please note: No copyrighted games are included with RetroPie
RetroPie 4.5.1 update
As detailed in the last post – https://retropie.org.uk/2019/07/composite-out-broken-on-retropie-4-5/ – there were some issues in the last image due to the updated Kernel. A newer Kernel has been released for Raspbian Stretch that resolves the composite output issue, but we also had problems reported with overscan settings and decided to implement…
Composite out broken on RetroPie 4.5
It has come to our attention that composite video out is broken on the 4.5 image due to a firmware bug. We updated the firmware/kernel to one from Raspbian Buster as the latest Raspbian Stretch kernel had an issue breaking Sony Bluetooth devices. However it seems that the more recent…
RetroPie 4.5 is released
After some delays due to recent issues we are pleased to announce RetroPie 4.5. This version does NOT work on the recently released Raspberry Pi 4. We are currently working on support for this. IMPORTANT UPDATE: It has come to our attention that composite out is broken on this release.…
Interview with RetroPie on the digitalSoup podcast

On the 22nd March, RetroPie developer Jools Wills was interviewed on the excellent digitalSoup podcast. Big thanks to digitalSoup for inviting us on the show. If you like geeky banter including retro gaming, their podcast is definitely worth a listen. Interview is here: https://digitalsouppodcast.com/2019/03/22/117-retropie-interview-with-jools-wills/