Pi3 b, curious about a few things.
personally speaking other than your Mario 64, Mario kart, basic games. I don't really bother with N64. (as much as I love it)
psx runs pretty much flawlessly for me. I have no heatsinks or fans or overclock. Simply for the reason being that any overclock, heatsinks I've used have added very little if any in the way of performance for me
@jste84 really? Nice man okay. Yeah the heat sinks I have I think will be fine without a fan. Are the psx game more lightweight to the hardware than the n64? :O
Just a minor update in case anyone cares, psx games have ALL ran at full speed for an hour+ with no slowdowns or overheating with just the heat sinks. Performance is freaking awesome on this stock pi3b. FF8, THPS1,2,3, Futurecop, battletanx, all tested so far
Soon I will re code my Logitech f310 for n64 input since you can't enter the rgui in-game and update!
Well welcome to the community :)
Well your little pi will do a do a lot..but you have to feed it and burp it and show it affection. Yeah I said that. You'll get out of it what you put into it..this stuff is not as easy as people make it sound...However it IS worth..me and a lot of other people think so! :D
As to your controller issue..I use the exact controller and so do many others. Not sure why you had to recode your inputs. Understand that just because the controller setup says "A button..B button.." does not mean that you have to "press the right button on the controller." The default layout for the controller is a Super Nintendo layout..why? Who knows.
Might want to read these first..and then reconfigure your buttons accordingly:
notice at the bottom the pictures of the layout for the controller. The labels correspond to the inputs on your logitech. you'll notice the "C-buttons" are the right analog stick...remember if you set up your controller as if it were a snes pad then everything works correctly..that's what it was designed to do.
The reason I say this is because I have a N64 and a sega 6-button controller..I can't just wildly push buttons I want...found that out the hard way lol
here is more info on your f310...best thing to do before you turn on your pi is make sure the switch on the back is set to the "X" the "D" setting is used for windows..the pi runs linux. (Although I think you can use either mode on the pi..I have just never tried it before.)
and seeing as how you are new to this do read the wiki..it will help answer a ton of questions and make things smoother for you. Hey I "know what I'm doing" and I still go there a lot.
Beyond that have fun and game on! :D
@akafox best welcome message I have ever recieved actually. Thank you so much for these links! I will dive in when I get home from work for sure!! If I need your controller coding, would you be able to send it to me if I can't get it rolling? (Though thinking about it... I'll swap those button on the pi input config and see if that's all I needed to do...)
Let me/us know if you have any problems. But redoing your inputs should fix the problem for you.
When I set up my Sega MegaDrive/Genesis 6-Button pad everything was wrong..until I looked it up on the wiki and set it to that..from there it worked great no other messing with it was needed.
@akafox perfect, will do :)
I did encounter an issue last night on psx, Final Fantasy 8.
Everything ran 100% fine until I entered my first battle. The screen froze but the music played as normal. Would this be a gpu issue or something a tiny over clock could fix? -
Huh...not sure on that one. Honestly with emulation it could be anything. If it continues to happen do a search and see if others are having the problem. Some games don't play well with the core though.
@akafox recoded my controller for n64 with that map and it works well!! Zelda runs great... Nothing else runs great hahaha. Starfox runs decent enough to play, quake 2 takes a giant poop
Well that has to do with hardware limitations on the pie...N64 will be hit and miss until a hardware upgrade. Glad you got everything else working though :)
@akafox hey man! Got bored at work and decided to look a little more at that final fantasy issue I was having and someone post said they fixed it by adding a BIOS or whatever the hell that means? Is there a dumb way to explain what that means? I found the link that has a few bios in it but no clue what to do with it.
That is explained in the RetroPie Setup wiki: Playstation Setup page. Just remember it has to be named exactly as the wiki says or it won't work.
I'll let Wikipedia explain what a BIOS is if you really want to know.
@akafox okay thank you! I'll dig in when i get home. :)
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