MAME ROW #69 - Penguin-Kun Wars
This is the MAME Random Of the Week #69
The three random numbers for this week are: 1368 1766 1798
Click here to vote! Which game do you choose for MAME ROW #69?
The result of the poll is posted on Wednesday, so we have Monday and Tuesday for experimentation.
Game Name: Penguin-Kun Wars (US)
Company: UPL
ROM file name: pkunwar.zip1766
Game Name: Spiker
Company: Bally/Sente
Year: 1986
ROM file name: spiker.zip1798
Game Name: Super Slam
Company: Playmark
Year: 1993
ROM file name: sslam.zipWhat is the MAME ROW?
MAME ROW stands for MAME Random Of the Week. We randomly select an arcade game from the 0.78 MAME Reference Set to play on the week. The idea is to play games we've never played before, interact with other forum members, post hi-scores, share game strategies, fun facts, and (the most important) HAVE FUN!
We usually post hi-scores screenshots after playing with only one credit. If you used more than one credit, please mention it on your post.
There's no need to use RetroPie to join the MAME ROW! You can play it on any platform you want.
Feel free to post your hi-score (or any content about the game) anytime you want on the previous rounds topics (link below).
Every Monday we create a topic at the "General Discussion and Gaming > MAME Random Of the Week" forum section with the 3 random games to be voted. And on Wednesday we check the result.
These "rules" are constantly being improved!
Previous Rounds
Wow the Voleyball game --- do you see the footstep in the sand?
My quickest vote ever --- The Penguin Wars!
This is one these partygames ;) -
This week's winner is Penguin-Kun Wars
I didn't have high expectations of this week's selection judging from the videos but tried them all last night and was pleasantly surprised.
Penguin-Kun Wars was great hectic fun, easy to pick up and the computer opponents weren't too good, which is always a possibility in games like this.
I couldn't get the controls working properly in Spiker.
I loved Super Slam, it's a decent tennis game, and also has some funny humour - choosing a dog as an opponent (and the accompanying 'Nice Shot!' dog photo!) and accidentally hitting the ball boys with the ball!
I really liked this one, but it's not really suitable for a MAME ROW, due to lack of scores. It might be difficult to determine who was the winner.
So for that reason, my vote went for Penguin-Kun Wars, although I was too late to be counted anyway!
My best score so far - 103700
This is a fun game.
I am an excellent player. I am present with points.
(I think that's exactly what it says between levels?).
I only played it briefly and made it to the second match, with about 20k points, but given @GtBFilms 's score, I'm not even going to submit that. :)
I'll see if I get to have a full play session with it and report back.
For those of you who played once and got over 100,000 points, you are either amazing players or very lucky. I played for hours and just now got over 100,000. It's a really addictive game.
If you get to a point where they knock you down and then keep throwing balls at you so you stay down, you're doomed. I got to the groundhog (game 4) but that was only once.
123,050 for now
@obsidianspider Well done and good score!
If you are down you can "walk with a limp" if you are using the D-Pad and hope the next ball will not hit you again. Indeed this game isn't as easy as it looks like.You can match much points if you make a perfect game - means all balls are placed by the opponent. If you hit him you get 1000-3000pts (for each hit) dependent of the round you are playing. And you've got the bonus games with 1000 or 1500 pts each "placed" bowl.
So there are tons of possibilites to get a good score :)
But I was never able to get more than 100k again! -
MAME ROW #70 is live!
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