Alright, with the risk of being called pedantic, here goes:
I tried rtype.zip and gyruss.zip (haven't tested other versions of these games) with the newest Final Burn Alpha from source ( and compared them to MAME2003 (0.78).
I still notice very small soundglitches, it's like running the game in windows while something happens in the background, making a very small hiccup. I tried filming it, see this video, exactly as the timer skips to 3 seconds into the video:
These glitches happened some 5 times at different places in the first stage that I tested, and did not happen in MAME2003.Gyruss:
I can appreciate the balance adjustments, it's like the sound is centered better in FBA than MAME2003, but I really think the spawning sound is very fuzzy, which was my only problem with the FBA version to begin with. The spawning sounds like it has a cold.... HAHA! I know it doesn't make sense, but it kind of ruins it for me :D
Listen here, in the very beginning of the video when the ship spawns: (truly sorry for the ambient tv-sound, please try to ignore this)
I also made videos of the music in level 2, just for comparison:
As an old drummer, I cannot help to notice that FBA runs a little fewer beats per second, do you hear it also? The music in MAME2003 sounds like it's just a tad faster, especially noticeable on level 2. Not much though.
Damn, this game is just awesome. Hard to play with one hand only though. :)
Another difference is the difficulty - much harder on FBA, notice especially level 1, with almost no enemy fire on MAME compared to quite a lot of shooting on FBA. -
I think some games fell through the cracks. For example, I noticed Chiller is missing for some reason.
@supermagicom don't know this game. Is it best run on mame or fba?
@andershp while i hear the rtype sound glitch in your video (and it's exactly as you describe : feels like something is suddenly happening in the background), i tried to reproduce it myself without success : i just finished the game with the invincibility dipswitch on so that i could pay attention only to the sound (even closed my eyes when there was no boss to fight), i didn't notice a similar hiccup once, i can also say that the game didn't seem to go above 71% cpu usage on my rpi3, even in stage 5 when there are slowdowns (they are probably from the original hardware, i guess they'll disappear if you use the "CPU overclock" core option).
A setup issue is extremely likely, it makes me think about this post where the OP has "jumpy scrolling" when retroarch's video threading is set to on (which is the default setting in retropie, doesn't cause issue with his other emulators including lr-mame2003, and doesn't cause issue with lr-fbalpha for other users including me).
I'll take another look at gyruss later this week-end.
Threaded video = off didn't help unfortunately... -
@barbudreadmon - sorry for the late reply. Further to my earlier comment it was hthero.zip (Hat Trick Hero, i.e the Japanese version of Football Champ) that I meant rather than hattrick.zip. When I play any variant of those rooms on lr-fbalpha they seem to run at about 80% speed - that's what's making the sound quite rough. I haven't messed around with any of the Retroarch settings, they are default. If you (and whoever compiled the list earlier in the thread) can't reproduce this then I guess the issues are unique to my Pi or you may have optimised your settings somehow. I've just bought another Pi 3 so I'll retest on that when I get the chance. I'm suspicious that not all Pi 3s are the same. I cloned mine for a friend and Quake II on PS1 worked on his but not mine. At the time I thought my usb stick might have a bad block or something.....
@andershp I commited other changes for gyruss sound (spawning sound is clearer now). Also, the pace of the music in mame2003 was wrong and was fixed in a later mame, fbalpha use the same as the latest mame.
- topic:timeago-later,7 days
@juice @Darksavior sorry to dig up an old post, but all Taito System F3 games such as Arabian Magic seem to run perfectly on AdvMame 3.4.
I'm a big proponent of AdvanceMAME and use it as my primary arcade emulator, even for NeoGeo and CPS tiles. However, this thread seems like a good place to note that it will not run 'Gorf' at full speed. While lr-mame2003 and lr-fabalpha will run it at full speed, neither support it's audio samples, which is half the novelty of the game. Currently, it looks like lr-mame2010 is the best solution for this particular title.
- topic:timeago-later,14 days
This weeks MAME ROW is Bubble Bobble, but does anyone in here (running the "best mame core" configuration as mentioned above) have problems with the FBA bublboblr.zip file? Because mine doesn't seem to work, so I reloaded both the MAME2003 and FBA versions of bublbobl.zip and they worked fine.
Could anyone check? And which of these are the better versions, ya think?
@andershp oh, I need to go for that then! I use lr Mame 2003 though I find the sound to be slightly "tinnier" than I remember it to be. I imagine you're also taking a stab at it? :)
@AndersHP did you take a look at gyruss in fba since the last "attunement" on sound ?
@pjft said in FBA vs. MAME:
@andershp oh, I need to go for that then! I use lr Mame 2003 though I find the sound to be slightly "tinnier" than I remember it to be. I imagine you're also taking a stab at it? :)
I have the same experience.
Yes, I'm obliged to! :)@barbudreadmon No, I will though. Update fba from source and that's it, right?
@andershp yes :)
@barbudreadmon Just tested, and I still think the spawning sound is very fuzzy and weird, sorry :)
- topic:timeago-later,10 days
@barbudreadmon I have given the FBA version of Gyruss some more time now, and I have found the following differences between MAME and FBA:
The sound effects, mainly the music is higher paced in MAME2003, making FBA sound slow. But is FBA closest to the original?
I will definitely say that comparing to the sound in the videos below, MAME2003 comes closest!
The FBA version apparently doesn't save highscores?
The spawning sound in FBA still sounds fuzzy to me.
The difficulty level is much higher in FBA.
The stereo separation in MAME is weird - I guess this is the work that's been done with the balance in FBA?
I have only played gyruss.zip. Do you know what's done in gyrussce. zip ? Any more Gyruss info to be found somewhere? Love this game!
Can anyone test if they have sound samples working in mario.zip (Mario Bros) on FBA?
I can only get them to work in MAME2003 (music and all)- but only running sounds on FBA.
I have samples from the romset placed in home/pi/RetroPie/BIOS/fba, but still no luck. -
@andershp huh. I play that game every now and then on MAME. What are the samples supposed to do there? What sounds are you missing on FBA?
The music in fba and recent mame is supposed to be properly paced, the music in mame2003 is supposed to be wrongly paced.
Looks to me like the pace in your second video is faster than in the first one, i'm wondering how it was recorded, the first one seems more legit to me.
Hiscores in gyruss are not working properly, which is weird (they are implemented), i'll look into it.
I don't think anything specific was done to the gyruss clones.
The samples in mario are not complete in current fba release, but iirc the sound chip is fully supported in the next release. - topic:timeago-later,14 days
@johnodon thanks for the emulators.cfg! Could you also please share your gamelist.xml since scrappers seem to be a hit & miss for me?
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