Modified Background Music Script with added overlays!
If you change the overlay size it will automatically resize the text.
If you want to edit the font alignment/other font attributes, you can look at this page:
and edit the following line of code to add whatever code you need:generate_image = "sudo convert " + overlay_rounded + "-background " + overlay_background_color + " -fill " + overlay_text_color + " -font " + overlay_text_font + " -gravity center -size " + overlay_size + " label:\"" + song_title + "\" " + overlay_tmp_file # Generate png from text
PS: I would download the latest version of the script, I cleaned up the code to make it easier to edit (the functionality remains unchanged though)
any chance of making this a bit more system agnostic? as is it'll take a fair bit of editing to work on the odroid since you hardcode /home/pi/ in it and odroid uses /home/pigaming/
I will make it more compatible with other systems :)
Not sure when, but i'll update this topic when I do -
@madmodder123 just to confirm does this script work with Retropie 4.4 on Stretch? Didn’t want to screw up anything on my system although this looks awesome!
@BJRetro Yeah it should, I personally haven't started using stretch yet.
If you wanna try it, always make a backup image of your SD card before updating/changing things/adding scripts . Then you can just revert back to the previous image if things are messed up -
I confirm it working fine on Retropie Stretch 4.4.4, with last updates is like an official bgm player.
I suggest turn background overlay white, text black (gray is too light, i don't know the command for darkgray, not seem to work) to match ES menu style.Edit: "DimGray" for text is very close to ES palette!
@DarishZone thank you! Building a bar top this week on a fresh load of Retropie so will try to incorporate this!
I was able to set a config similar to gleam2003 with last madmodder123 update! The overlay is placed on same area of ES notifications. Thanks for your great work, that thread should be more alive...
Completely new to this and I'm having some issues with installing the script. When I try to run the install command i'm met with these "No such file or directory" errors
, and it's not installing the and either. i'd appreciate if if anyone can help me out here.
I have updated the script and it should work now.
Just make sure you delete the old install script and the /home/pi/retropie_music_overlay folder if it is there.
Just run it and it should work -
@madmodder123 Thanks, just tried it and it seems to be working just fine now.
IF you haven't check GitHub, I have an ODROID on the way :) -
@madmodder123 Hehe ;) Rather to mess with the TV-Service you should take a look to to OGST-case... It looks like a N64 case but has a build in display in front. So you might want to send the song information to that display?
My experience for the ORA-image (or TheRA) were really good. I wrote also some scripts to make reset button work. There are also some other scripts in my github account for XU4 ....
But imho the Raspberry gives the better retro experience. You will be lucky with the ODroid if you use it as Media Center, too. For RetroPie alone the RPi is the better choice. If you are a heavy N64 and Dolphin user then the XU4 is your friend ;)
@cyperghost not dolphin but dreamcast yes
@neonlightning yes indeed
Just saw you forked my xu4 git. Be careful with that scripts.... The WiFi script works flawless. The reset button script needs sudo command for proper work.
The ogst display screen scripts need some modification to runcommand script. I simply deleted display code from runcommand script and ported back to ogst display script. I can give you further instructions if you are interested.
Are you the author of the OGST system pictures?
@madmodder123 Sorry to bother again. But i'm installing the script again with a new build and i'm having another issue where I do ./ and it creates all the folders but I don't get any music playing nor will the overlay pop up, oh and the bgm_toggle doesn't show in the menu. Now when I rerun the install using sudo ./, the music starts playing but there is still no bgm_toggle or any overlays showing up. Any thoughts?
Also while looking at the installation you can see some errors with it trying to pick up 'imagemagick' could that be the reason why? Oh and another thing, when I install using sudo I get an error saying "rc.local[516]: sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/pngview-n: not found" I checked that folder and pngview is in there so at this point I really don't know what could be the issue.
Yeah you need imagemagick to get it to work. Fix that issue first.
Script has been updated a bit, download a new copy, don't run it with sudo.
Also the rc.local entry needs to be changed to:su pi -c 'python ~/ &'
Good news and bad news.
Good news is that I have the script and the installer working on ODROID!
Bad news is that pngview doesn't work on ODROID so the overlay isn't working.
I'll have to find a way to display images on the framebuffer without it.I was in a car accident cause some dumb bitch hit me so I don't have much free time to work on it until I get shit sorted out :P
@madmodder123 Is there need for such a language? ;)
Maybe you can send the songinfos to a second screen like I considered some posts above. The pngview trick uses special abilities from broadcom videocore plus the gpu driver from odroid are not very good documented ... so it is surly possible to add an overlay but I think you should consider to use a full grown media player like vlc to do this task... or just send the picture to a seconds screen ;)
@madmodder123 Alright I fixed the imagemagick issue. But I still am getting this error here. I have su pi -c 'python ~/ &' in the rc.local entry, it's weird since I wasn't having these issues with my other build it worked perfectly and i've done the same exact steps.
not sure why it says pngview-n, in the script does it say: overlay_pngview_location = '/usr/local/bin/pngview' ?
Ah I think I got it fixed, download the file, replace your current one, and then try it.@cyperghost
If you were in much pain as I was you would be swearing too.
I'll think about buying that case.
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