Modified Background Music Script with added overlays!
@cyperghost not dolphin but dreamcast yes
@neonlightning yes indeed
Just saw you forked my xu4 git. Be careful with that scripts.... The WiFi script works flawless. The reset button script needs sudo command for proper work.
The ogst display screen scripts need some modification to runcommand script. I simply deleted display code from runcommand script and ported back to ogst display script. I can give you further instructions if you are interested.
Are you the author of the OGST system pictures?
@madmodder123 Sorry to bother again. But i'm installing the script again with a new build and i'm having another issue where I do ./ and it creates all the folders but I don't get any music playing nor will the overlay pop up, oh and the bgm_toggle doesn't show in the menu. Now when I rerun the install using sudo ./, the music starts playing but there is still no bgm_toggle or any overlays showing up. Any thoughts?
Also while looking at the installation you can see some errors with it trying to pick up 'imagemagick' could that be the reason why? Oh and another thing, when I install using sudo I get an error saying "rc.local[516]: sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/pngview-n: not found" I checked that folder and pngview is in there so at this point I really don't know what could be the issue.
Yeah you need imagemagick to get it to work. Fix that issue first.
Script has been updated a bit, download a new copy, don't run it with sudo.
Also the rc.local entry needs to be changed to:su pi -c 'python ~/ &'
Good news and bad news.
Good news is that I have the script and the installer working on ODROID!
Bad news is that pngview doesn't work on ODROID so the overlay isn't working.
I'll have to find a way to display images on the framebuffer without it.I was in a car accident cause some dumb bitch hit me so I don't have much free time to work on it until I get shit sorted out :P
@madmodder123 Is there need for such a language? ;)
Maybe you can send the songinfos to a second screen like I considered some posts above. The pngview trick uses special abilities from broadcom videocore plus the gpu driver from odroid are not very good documented ... so it is surly possible to add an overlay but I think you should consider to use a full grown media player like vlc to do this task... or just send the picture to a seconds screen ;)
@madmodder123 Alright I fixed the imagemagick issue. But I still am getting this error here. I have su pi -c 'python ~/ &' in the rc.local entry, it's weird since I wasn't having these issues with my other build it worked perfectly and i've done the same exact steps.
not sure why it says pngview-n, in the script does it say: overlay_pngview_location = '/usr/local/bin/pngview' ?
Ah I think I got it fixed, download the file, replace your current one, and then try it.@cyperghost
If you were in much pain as I was you would be swearing too.
I'll think about buying that case. -
@madmodder123 Now I get this
Looks like it still has something to do with pngview-n or something. I checked that folder and its exactly 'pngview'.
I created this account just to thank you for your work :) Hope you can recover fully and fast from your accident!
I would like to report one thing that might be useful: in emulatorlist string array from i noticed it missed the pcsx-rearmed emulator, which is different from the lr-pcsx-emulator one, if you want to add that in the name is "pcsx". It's probably 2-sec work for you but i had trouble finding the actual name of the emulator so i just wanted to help as i could.. I'm no programmer so sorry for non-technical language :/@zaibatsu
I had your same problem.. Probably in these days pngview updated so that it no loger supports the -n command (however this is just an assumption). I solved by modifying madmodder123's at line 179 by removing such command. So modifying the line fromshow_overlay = overlay_pngview_location + " -n -d 0 -b 0x0000 -l 15000 -y " + overlay_y_offset + " -x " + overlay_x_offset + " " + overlay_tmp_file + " &"
show_overlay = overlay_pngview_location + " -d 0 -b 0x0000 -l 15000 -y " + overlay_y_offset + " -x " + overlay_x_offset + " " + overlay_tmp_file + " &"
And it starts working again. Hope i could help you :)
@Marco Thanks! It's working just fine now. I knew it was something simple but I wouldn't have known how to fix it. Thanks again
Glad you enjoyed it :)
I removed the "-n" in the code for now, I also added pcsx-rearmed to the emulator list (along with some other optional games/apps/emulators).
If you run into any more that don't stop the music when launched all you have to do is connect via SSH and type in the "top" command which will show you a list of all the process names.
Then all you do is add it to this line:emulatornames = ["retroarch","ags","uae4all2","uae4arm","capricerpi","linapple","hatari","stella","atari800","xroar","vice","daphne","reicast","pifba","osmose","gpsp","jzintv","basiliskll","mame","advmame","dgen","openmsx","mupen64plus","gngeo","dosbox","ppsspp","simcoupe","scummvm","snes9x","pisnes","frotz","fbzx","fuse","gemrb","cgenesis","zdoom","eduke32","lincity","love","kodi","alephone","micropolis","openbor","openttd","opentyrian","cannonball","tyrquake","ioquake3","residualvm","xrick","sdlpop","uqm","stratagus","wolf4sdl","solarus","drastic","coolcv","PPSSPPSDL","moonlight","Xorg","smw","omxplayer.bin","wolf4sdl-3dr-v14","wolf4sdl-gt-v14","wolf4sdl-spear","wolf4sdl-sw-v14","xvic","xvic cart","xplus4","xpet","x128","x64sc","x64","prince","fba2x","steamlink","pcsx-rearmed","limelight","sdltrs","ti99sm","dosbox-sdl2","minivmac","quasi88","xm7","yabause","abuse","cdogs-sdl","cgenius","digger","gemrb","hcl","love","love-0.10.2","openblok","openfodder","srb2","yquake2","amiberry","zesarux","dxx-rebirth","zesarux"]
If anyone runs into some that aren't on the list, please let me know and i'll update the script!
I might try to work on the script more this weekend if I have time.@cyperghost
Oh and I ended up buying an OGST kit for ODROID, so I may work on that ;) -
Preview of OGST script
Added a custom pixel font and made the default colors look better:
@madmodder123 That looks really good ;) I think that is a good mod for the ODROID and OGST case owner
I think I got the OGST case code all finalized, i'll do some testing to make sure everything still works on the Pi and possibly release the code later this week.
Also i'm still having problems trying to write images to the framebuffer for the ODROID and other linux systems (basically what pngview does for the Pi). If anyone wants to help I would appreciate it :) -
Hi all, sorry to revive this old post. I currently using this beautiful py script but I'm having an issue, music speed is slowed down, some songs more than others. What could that be?
Solved: The issue lies on the Sample rate of the Mp3 file. It seems that Pygame is not able to correctly play anything that's not on 44100Hz Rate, so I Resampled the mp3s that were not on that rate using Audacity@legacy said in Modified Background Music Script with added overlays!:
I click a game, the video loading screen kicks in and the music fades out.
Black screen appears to load the game, but the music kicks in for 1 second and fades out, then the game loads.
is there a fix for this. Thank youI know, I know, you have probably solved this or not interested on it anymore, but for whomever needs it, I had this issue too, I solved it by adding the following lines at the end of the runcommands scripts:
runcommand-onend.shpkill -CONT python
sleep 1 pkill -STOP python
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