Suggestions for ports
Managed to make urban terror latest version 4,3 full workable Genius!!!
also work in progress with smokin guns Reaction and world of padman -
@retropi19 Great work. Did you compile directly from source?
no compile at all, only testing with the engine
@retropi19 Was it ioquake3 or openarena engine that you tested with? The last time i tested urban terror was with ioquake3 the one that you install from RetroPie Setup and i could only get into the main menu of urban terror.
@tpo1990 so early on the post you said how to fix the flickering on Dune Legacy.
now that i have it installed. i wanted to give it a try, but i cant find the file that you said to edit
other then the flicking everything works great.
oh and great work on RTCW. it worked perfectly.
@ExarKunIv It's worth to mention that before you compile Dune Legacy after getting the source files, you need to make a change in in the file named: Game.cpp
You should be able to find the Game.cpp file inside the Dune Legacy source port folder that you extracted.
File path: your/dune/legacy/source/folder/src/Game.cppEdit the Game.cpp file and change the line SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
Change it to the following and save the Game.cpp file.
Then compile Dune Legacy again and the flickering should be gone.
Thank you. Good to hear that RTCW works for other people than my self :-)
since im tired of asking how to do all this, as im sure you are tired of telling.
what are some sites that you used to help teach your self on how to compile and building packages -
@ExarKunIv To begin with i tried to search on Google for how to compile from source on a Raspberry Pi, but that gave me some mixed search results and it was not easy to find out how to do it. I then found out this guys website on how to compile Chocolate Doom from source and that was pretty easy to follow to get it working.
After that success i figured that i wanted even more ports to work, so i kept on looking at different open source ports or clones to see what their compiling instructions for Linux is all about. I then learned that all the source ports has different needs for specific libraries or packages for them to be able to successfully work such as SDL.
In the end i could see that nearly most of them all mentions that you use cmake and make from Command line or terminal to compile from source on Unix/Linux.
It also means that you will need to know how to use command line and the terminal. The best example that i can come up with that tells you how to compile from source is probably the Julius source port or ZDoom which has some more advanced compiling instructions.
@tpo1990 i used this engine:
@retropi19 I have never seen that engine before. Great find. It looks like it is a fork of ioquake3 with some enhancements low specific hardware such as RPI. :-)
How is the performance compaired to ioquake 3?
i haven't try with quake 3 or open arena this engine yet,should be faster thought even on rpi0
@tpo1990 thank you much.
that is just what i was looking for. i did poke around about a year ago and got about the same thing with getting mixed results.
with the few things that you have linked will help i think with me getting a idea on how to play around with this.
when i have questions i might come and pick your brain, but that will be a last resort :) -
@retropi19 It could be very interesting to find out how the different quake3 engines match out in performance.
As always, there can be room for even further performance optimization. :-)
@ExarKunIv I also did it for about a year and tried many things to begin with on the Raspberry Pi.
I hope it helps you out so that you too will be able to get the most out of the Raspberry Pi and of course Linux.
Feel free to ask. I will answer as good as i can. :-)
@tpo1990 i got around 30-35 fps on urban terror without the opengl driver enabled
and by firing with the gun the frame drops to 25-20
i assume with the driver enabled will get the double or more
the only problem is that i dont know how to add bots :P if you can find that for me
can get the smokin guns to get past the loading screen it stucks there maybe it needs the opengl driver will bo more tests later - topic:timeago-later,10 days
@tpo1990 Have you managed to compile ECWolf in RPi without any issues? If true, then which version: the latest stable one, or the development builds?
Anyway, if your tests were done in the latest stable version, I'd like to suggest you to compile any of the development builds too. The reason for that request is simple: better mods support. Recently, there's a lot of Wolfenstein 3D mods with advanced features, such as new weapons, additional monsters, graphic / texture improvements, etc. All those features doesn't work in vanilla Wolf3D, neither in the latest stable version of ECWolf. They work only in the latest development versions of ECWolf, such as the ones listed here.
A interesting example of Wolf3D mod that works only in ECWolf latest dev version is Wolfenstein 3D - Claw of Eisenfaust (SNES-to-ECWolf Port).
@Solid-One I think it was ECWolf latest stable version that i successfully managed to compile. I have not tried the development builds yet. If it supports mods, then it could be interesting to see how well Wolfenstein 3d mods run on our RPI.
Let me try and see if i can get the development builds to compile and get working.
that would be cool to run wolf mods.....did not know that anyone made ones for wolf. lol.
im so out of the loop -
@ExarKunIv They actually exists. I have seen wolf mods in action on a Windows PC. It's just working in a different way than Doom mods.
Just look at Splitwolf, which is some kind of a mod of Wolf4SDL to support split-screen gameplay.
It works great. I think it should be possible to run wolf mods on a Raspberry Pi.
I really love POSTAL 1
Any chance to get it work ?
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