Rpi3b+ unplayable on 4k TCL
New guy here, I have read about 15 posts on issues related to all of my problems getting this pi set up.
Pi Model or other hardware: 3b+
Power Supply used: OEM pi (works fine with other OS as well)
RetroPie Version Used: 4.6.1
Built From: RetroPi Image
USB Devices connected: none
Controller used: Wii remotes
Error messages received: VolumeControl::init() - Failed to find mixer elements! (https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/26571/rpi4-retropie-4-6-1-sound-error/4) I have added this as asked here.
Guide used: about 5 Including the setup guide
Emulator: lr-genesis-plus-gx , lr-fceumm
How to replicate the problem:
I've spent about 10 hours trying to get any rom to play. With a fresh install of retropie they are impossible to play with video lag being about 15sec to 2 minutes depending on the emulator and sound usually about a second or so. The retropie main menu is fine with almost no sound lag and no video lag. After making some changes I can't even get a rom to load the main boot screen, it just says "controller connected" and then it pauses the game play.
I am ONLY using a 4k TCL 55S405 tv and have tried both "HDMI" and "Computer" outlets and set both to "Gaming mode" with no changes.
I have set the resolution to 1920/1080 60hz in both rpi-config and also the emulation config. I have changed the audio output to HDMI for both as well. (https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/25664/retropie-performance-extremely-slow-on-4k-tv/6)
I have a heatsink and fan on the case.
I have set audio latency to 1 and do not have any frame rate setting changes.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling retropie with no changes.
I have the arch GUI installed as well, that is how I got the remotes and bluetooth working without a dongle. There are 0 display issues outside attempting to run an emulator.
I have removed all other Genesis and NES emulators that are not used.
Htop showing only 15% CPU and 200mb ram use while running either emulator so its not a system resource issue.I don't know what to do here. I just want to play some old games but have spent way more than enough time to get this running.
@sonicman2020 said in Rpi3b+ unplayable on 4k TCL:
Built From: RetroPi Image
can you please clarify the image file name?
I have set audio latency to 1
huh? that sounds like something that would cause major CPU drain. the default is much higher.
I have the arch GUI installed as well, that is how I got the remotes and bluetooth working without a dongle
arch GUI?
i think we're going to need to a full set of logs/cfgs here: /dev/shm/rumcommand.log after running in verbose mode via runcommand, and /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and the retroarch.cfg of the emulator in question.
the 4k issue only affects pi 4, by the way. previous pis do not support it and should default to 1080p on a 4k tv.
The image was downloaded from the main site webpage for armv7 4.6.1, the latest build.
For audio latency it was set to 16 stock and reducing to 1 really helped the lag.
I installed the default GUI for the image, the rasbian like gui that you can install from the stock retropie image via cmd line. I had to do this to get the Bluetooth to work with the wii remotes.
I will have to get logs when I get a chance. Everything seems to work great other than trying to load a rom. I have the files in .7z format loaded into the Roms folder.
@sonicman2020 while this is 99% unrelated to your issue. I have two TCL TVs. A 55 inch 1080p display which is probably the best tv I've ever bought. As well as a 65 inch 4k which is pretty dang close to the worst display I've ever bought aside from early LCDs in the 2000s with heavy light bleed - oh yes it bleeds too!
The 65 inch never really worked with anything right and it's a shame because it's actually our primary however I found one setting that seems to have resolved most issues. Force the display to use HDMI 2.0 on any input that supports it. Doubt it matters for the pi3 though...
My issues prior with the auto setting would range from my computer booting to a green instead of black boot logo within the bios as well as windows loading. Same for the pi. Resolution switches that go to colorful static which looks very similar to a completely shot display controller. No audio. Random black screening.
And it did this will all devices except my cable box!! Setting this fixed most issues immediately, but I'm still left with the dual panel problem where they clearly joined two smaller LCDs together to make one large one. The left panel is brighter and there is a clear seperation between the two smack dab in the middle. It's not noticable in bright scenarios but I watch a lot of horror movies and play the same games so I notice it a lot.
My wife doesn't see it so I can't justify replacing this without her...I hope it blows up one day!
Some of your other comments seem off the wall though. Why in the world would you compile from source within raspbian desktop when the image is all you need? You said this is just for retro gaming so I'm confused.
Also 7zip for your roms? Last I checked very few or no cores supported that but it's been a while. Also 1ms latency on audio is probably an issue too...
For the gui, you just have to enable it in raspi-config. That’s what I did.I’ll check the hdmi2.0 settings next time I’m there to check. The tv is actually pretty nice for a 4k and $300 sans the absolutely garbage speakers on it.
retroarch.cfg main file:
apply_cheats_after_toggle = "false" aspect_ratio_index = "23" assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/assets" audio_block_frames = "0" audio_device = "" audio_driver = "sdl2" audio_dsp_plugin = "" audio_enable = "true" audio_enable_menu = "false" audio_enable_menu_bgm = "false" audio_enable_menu_cancel = "true" audio_enable_menu_notice = "false" audio_enable_menu_ok = "true" audio_fastforward_mute = "false" audio_filter_dir = "default" audio_latency = "2" audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000" audio_mixer_mute_enable = "false" audio_mixer_volume = "0.000000" audio_mute_enable = "false" audio_out_rate = "48000" audio_rate_control = "true" audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000" audio_resampler = "sinc" audio_resampler_quality = "2" audio_sync = "true" audio_volume = "0.000000" auto_overrides_enable = "true" auto_remaps_enable = "true" auto_screenshot_filename = "true" auto_shaders_enable = "true" autosave_interval = "0" block_sram_overwrite = "false" builtin_imageviewer_enable = "true" 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"" content_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/content_history.lpl" content_history_size = "200" content_image_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/content_image_history.l$ content_music_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/content_music_history.l$ content_runtime_log = "true" content_runtime_log_aggregate = "false" content_show_add = "true" content_show_favorites = "true" content_show_history = "true" content_show_images = "true" content_show_music = "true" content_show_netplay = "true" content_show_playlists = "true" content_show_settings = "true" content_show_settings_password = "" content_show_video = "true" content_video_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/content_video_history.l$ core_assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/downloads" core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg" core_set_supports_no_game_enable = "true" core_updater_auto_extract_archive = "true" core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/assets/" core_updater_buildbot_cores_url = "http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/linux/a$ core_updater_show_experimental_cores = "false" crt_switch_center_adjust = "0" crt_switch_resolution = "0" crt_switch_resolution_super = "2560" crt_switch_resolution_use_custom_refresh_rate = "false" crt_video_refresh_rate = "60.000000" current_resolution_id = "0" cursor_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/database/cursors" custom_viewport_height = "960" custom_viewport_width = "1280" custom_viewport_x = "320" custom_viewport_y = "60" discord_allow = "false" discord_app_id = "475456035851599874" driver_switch_enable = "true" dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default" enable_device_vibration = "false" fastforward_ratio = "0.000000" filter_by_current_core = "false" flicker_filter_enable = "false" flicker_filter_index = "0" fps_show = "false" fps_update_interval = "256" frame_time_counter_reset_after_fastforwarding = "false" frame_time_counter_reset_after_load_state = "false" frame_time_counter_reset_after_save_state = "false" framecount_show = "false" frontend_log_level = "1" game_specific_options = "true" gamma_correction = "0" global_core_options = "true" history_list_enable = "true" input_ai_service = "nul" input_ai_service_axis = "nul" input_ai_service_btn = "nul" input_ai_service_mbtn = "nul" input_analog_deadzone = "0.000000" input_analog_sensitivity = "1.000000" input_audio_mute = "f9" input_audio_mute_axis = "nul" input_audio_mute_btn = "nul" input_audio_mute_mbtn = "nul" input_autodetect_enable = "true" input_axis_threshold = "0.500000" input_bind_hold = "2" input_bind_timeout = "5" input_cheat_index_minus = "t" input_cheat_index_minus_axis = "nul" input_cheat_index_minus_btn = "nul" input_cheat_index_minus_mbtn = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus = "y" input_cheat_index_plus_axis = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus_btn = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus_mbtn = "nul" input_cheat_toggle = "u" input_cheat_toggle_axis = "nul" input_cheat_toggle_btn = "nul" 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I do get this error often when running anything:
error: VolumeControl::init() - Failed to find mixer elements!
Megadrive config file:
# Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/" #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
runcommand logs:
Parameters: Executing: /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-genesis-plus-gx/genesis_plus_gx_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/megadrive/Sonic The Hedgehog.7z" --appendconfig /dev/shm/retroarch.cfg
It actually locked up trying to play this. Note roms are in full ZIP format in respected folders.
Sorry I have not got back in a while, have been very busy.
Now I notice that when I try to run emulators that it freezes once it boots a rom. I also notice that there is a mouse in the upper left corner of the screen (no mouse connected to the pi).
I am going to try this on my 1080p older samsung tv 32" to see what it does.
Also, I installed the Pixel desktop environment from the Raspi-Config.
SO I believe I think I figured it out at least on my samsung 4k in game mode HDMI.
I uninstalled retropie and reinstalled again. Then I set the following for Retroarch config:
Audio latency - 300ms
Poll Type Behavior - EarlyNow I can play both Sega and NES ROMs with minimal issues. For some reason, I have screen cut off on the edges in retroarch, it may be something to do with base OS configurations but at least it's working now properly when playing roms so I am ok with that.
I'll see if it plays ok on the TCL later. If it does, I know its a TV issue.
@sonicman2020 said in Rpi3b+ unplayable on 4k TCL:
I have screen cut off on the edges in retroarch, it may be something to do with base OS configurations but at least it's working now properly when playing roms so I am ok with that.
Set the Samsung picture mode to Screen Fit. It will cut off edges in 16:9 picture mode.
I disabled game mode and found the setting under "Picture size" and then changed "Fit to Screen" from Auto to On.Thanks for the tip!
@sonicman2020 said in Rpi3b+ unplayable on 4k TCL:
run_ahead_enabled = "true"
run_ahead_frames = "1"this is not a standard retroarch.cfg at all. i am not surprised it's unplayable on a 3b. why did you change this setting (and presumably others)? the defaults are carefully selected for what is possible on your hardware.
I was trying settings changes to see if they made differences in quality. Increasing computing in order to hopefully reduce lag was the reason for that specific change since the Pi was only doing about 15% cpu usage trying to play a Rom and maybe 250mb ram use.I believed that setting a lower latency would reduce lag (use more cpu to "get ahead") whereas this actually increased lag to the point of being unable to play any rom even though cpu use was always under 20%. Setting the latency to 300ms, which if were used in normal console gaming, would render a game nearly impossible to play in real-time, especially graphic-intensive games. I believe the compute math for this is backward since increasing latency ms actually increased CPU usage and decreased audio/graphic lag on the Pi. It's almost as if increasing latency is how much you are trying to reduce the actual latency with hardware decoding.
@sonicman2020 with respect, your understanding of the runahead settings, and the audio latency settings are very wrong. if you want to get this working properly, please start again from the retropie image, and don't change such settings: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/First-Installation/
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