WinCE games on Redream
@adambegood Yeah I've just worked it out, .cdi or .gdi winCE roms aren't booting for me, but .chd formats are.
In terms of games that could now work here's a list:-
just for personal understanding: has the required emulation of WinCE within the DC-Emulation any effects on the general performance?
@sirhenrythe5th it should not effect non WinCE game performance as far as I understand
@quicksilver thank you!
As mentioned before english is not my native language, so my question was not clear :)
What i meant was: does WinCE-Emulation within DC-Emulation cost more performance, so that WinCE-Games are slower than those DC-Games which do not require WinCE? -
@sirhenrythe5th yes WinCE games are generally more demanding. Inolen (the dev of redream) stated that not all WinCE games are running full speed on the pi yet but he is still working on it.
Btw is anyone getting a crash while playing virtua cop 2? Edit: I tried the same rom in the mac version and there's no crash.
In my runcommand.log I'm getting:
[WARN] SH4 compiling block that uses the FPU while disabled /opt/retropie/emulators/redream/redream: line 3: 1410 Aborted
I just tested the Linux version, Redream version development v1.5.0-781-G6009D00 and is running windowsCE games.
@quicksilver said in WinCE games on Redream:
@sirhenrythe5th yes WinCE games are generally more demanding. Inolen (the dev of redream) stated that not all WinCE games are running full speed on the pi yet but he is still working on it.
Thank you for this information.
So we have a little chance of playing DC-WinCE-Games at full speed on a Pi4 in the near future.
And even if not, and we have to live with tweaks and frameskips...the Pi5 should handle this without issues ;) -
@retropieuser555 when are you getting the crash in VC2? I can give it a try tonight.
As a general comment, like Quicksilver said I've been grinding out optimizations with a focus on the Pi and it's to 60 FPS in some titles, but still not there. Some less demanding titles such as RE2 and Worms are 60, while Sega Rally 2 hovers around 55 and Armada 50.
I took a break from the 60 FPS effort on the Pi to get this out for the other platforms primarily, I'll focus again on the Pi soon.
@inolen Thanks for all your hard work on the emulator, honestly I wouldn't be able to tell Sega Rally plays at a slower framerate, it looks pretty solid to me.
In Virtua Cop 2 it's after you've shot the 5 or 6th guy in beginner mode, the camera starts to pan towards the building you're about to enter and it crashes as the camera is moving.
I've managed to get the same error in Resident Evil 2 as well, when you get the gun shop and pick up the ammo on the side it crashes as well.
Could well be something in my setup that's causing the crashes though, donno if anyone else is finding these crashes?
@retropieuser555 not sure. We don't do much of the actual compatibility testing on the Pi, so it's possible there's a weird bug that I didn't catch profiling attract modes. I'll take a look tonight.
I am probably being an idiot here but I seem to be stuck in first gear when I select manual in Sega Rally 2. Does anyone know if there is some trick here? Automatic works fine.
@adambegood I was playing on automatic but apparently A is shift up and X and shift down
@retropieuser555 said in WinCE games on Redream:
@adambegood I was playing on automatic but apparently A is shift up and X and shift down
Yeah that works for me in Manual! In automatic it doesn't go past first gear... You obviously don't have this problem.
@adambegood about to try out sega rally. Will let you know if I run into the same issue. So far I have tested starlancer and Bang! Gunship Elite. Starlancer runs great but Bang! Gunship Elite is a bit choppy.
Edit: automatic shifting works fine for me in sega rally 2. @AdamBeGood what type of a controller are using and what button/trigger do you use as the accelerator? I noticed that if I don't press my right trigger in all the way the car won't accelerate enough to upshift. I wonder if your controller button/trigger isn't being detected as fully depressed.
@quicksilver if that's the case, @AdamBeGood try rebinding the trigger in the UI.
just tested armada and it's crashing redream after a few seconds of game play. As soon as the first level loads I go directly up and start attacking the enemies and crashes right about there. Has anyone else tested armada yet?
@quicksilver sounds like the same bug Adam is hitting. I'll get it fixed tonight.
Edit: To clarify, it's likely a 32-bit ARM jit bug, so multiple games are effected.
@inolen you sir are a gentleman and scholar :)
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