Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad
8bitdo can be a little finicky (I have the pro 2, SNES FC30, g bros adapter and n64 mod kit) but thankfully they have 4 modes, I guess that controller is no different? I tend to use dinput and it works ok on RetroPie. Then use switch mode for my desktop computer
@mitu said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
Pairing works also in XInput mode, but you have to install the xpadneo driver first, from RetroPie-Setup.
With Switch Pro Controller mode all button are work correctly but no vibration function. Vibration is absent :(
I've download xpadneo driver from drivers packages , remove Pro Controller from Bluetooth menu and pair gamepad again in Xinput mode .
- The effect still the same - triggers L2 and R2 - doesn't work.
- The effect still the same - triggers L2 and R2 - doesn't work.
Still need a help.
How to make this gamepad normally work in Xinput mode?
Or how to get vibration in switch pro controller or Dinput modes? -
@IGA Which games/cores/emulators are you trying to get force feedback on?
Make sure you have an up-to-date RetroPie installation, otherwise you'll get an outdated
driver.After you paired it via Bluetooth, test the controller with
and see if L/R are detected. Run from the command line (either from the console or via SSH.jstest /dev/input/js0
and press the buttons to see if they register. You can interrupt the test by pressing
. -
@retropieuser555 said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
@IGA Which games/cores/emulators are you trying to get force feedback on?
- dreamcast\ps1: PCSX ReARMed\ duckstation. Redream for dreamcast. Any games that supported it...
@mitu could you remind how to up date installation - i've forgot (i don't need and want update all retropie at all, cause now after my last update work fine and i don't want to configure something again, that could need to be configurated after new update or something else - i just need update installer only to install new xpadneo)
@mitu said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
After you paired it via Bluetooth, test the controller with jstest and see if L/R are detected. Run from the command line (either from the console or via SSH.
I don't see the point - at Switch or Dinput this buttons are work...
@IGA said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
I don't see the point - at Switch or Dinput this buttons are work...
Ok then.
@IGA With the force feedback, i'll remind myself how to set that up for my 8bitdo Pro 2 as it should probably be the same as the older version. What firmware are you on btw? And force feedback works on windows in retroarch or redream or any other emulators?
@retropieuser555 said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
What firmware are you on btw? And force feedback works on windows in retroarch or redream or any other emulators?
At windows and retroarch feedback works well as a retropie with Xinput (but in Xinput mode emulation station on retopie can't recognize both triggers buttons). At micro-sd flash card with recalbox all work fine too - and vibration and all buttons
How find out what a firmware in btw? What is btw?))
@mitu said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
Make sure you have an up-to-date RetroPie installation, otherwise you'll get an outdated xpadneo driver.
Well, i've go to retropie setup, then make Update Retropie-Setup script. Go to mange packages\manage drivers packages and remove xpadneo. Then install once again - got:
Package Origin: source
Build Date: 2023-11-08T12:13:38+00:00Built from source via:
Type: git
Branch: v.0.9.5
Commit: d2453218678cd5069be0c51f331593b98ace6f62
Date: 2022-09-17T22:39:22+02:00- triggers still not recognized in Xinput mode....
@IGA Just had a quick google, does this solve your problem?
You mentioned you're using lr-pcsx2-rearmed and duckstation, do you mean lr-duckstation? Also in redream's menu can you map your controller triggers manually? As it seems the issue is in emulationstation rather than retroarch. And given L2 R2 don't do a lot in emulationstation you don't really need them working.
@retropieuser555 said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
As it seems the issue is in emulationstation rather than retroarch.
yes. Exactly in emulationstation cause i can't remap l2 and r2 in menu of E.S. And seems to be xinput driver too,
About this video tutorial fix - is bad solution for me, cause i use several 360 gamepads, that work correctly, and when i need or want to choose them i'll need to remap buttons in retroarch each time again - it's sucks
Why at recalbox this gamepad work fine by default? - maybe i should took some drivers files from there and replaced them on retropie or something like this??
@retropieuser555 said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
Also in redream's menu can you map your controller triggers manually?
And even does it is worked i won't do like this - cause i wan't remap buttons each time in each emulators when i want to use any others gamepads - it's nconvenient. For a what? - Xinput there , and Xinput there - all layout the same - comfortable. But if use Dinput, yes, in this way we need change all layout buttons. That why nobody use D input now.
Ok. maye if no methods to solve problem with Xinput, maybe there are methods to get vibration in Switch mode on Retropie?
expletive deleted
.As i've predict, after updating retropie setup script to 4.8.5 i've got new trouble with component video output in progressive mode :(((
Somebody know how to get back to previous 4.7.19 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@IGA you got a temp ban for language. Please keep it civil.
Somebody know how to get back to previous 4.7.19
From a working backup -
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
@mitu said in Issue with 8bit Do SN30 Pro Bluetooth gamepad:
From a working backup -
if I had done it before this update.... :((
- topic:timeago-later,about a month
Once again problem with another 8bitdo controller))
At this time i've got NEO GEO gamepadAnd all works fine, but now with system menu button (hotkey) has issue! When i press it in game - it's work like quit (maybe it registries already as start+hotkey button to exit).
At retropie's home menu this button menu it's work normal - system menu has appeared. But in retroarch, in game - exit.
Even if bind hotkey in any another button such as L1 for example, it still work as still same system button not L1 at gamepad in game....Also I just noticed, that buttons C and D are work in turbo mode as default. I've supposed that my controller is broken or corrupt, but when i've plugged it to PC this buttons wok correctly (no turbo). Unfortunately, i can't test system buttons on PC (star and heart), cause they don't work at Windows
Please tell ,e how could solve this problem, if it possible at all.
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