@yctn said in no Gamepads Detected:
@mitu i found out that the start + home button will quit the emulation and return to th retropi menu when i am in a rom. this is nice cause i notice that the graphics of mupen64plus-glide64 are better then with the ir/libretro core.
Mupen64plus_hotkey = "0"
!Turns off hotkey in N64 emulator only!
choose your button combination for exit/load/save
Find these options under [CoreEvents]
Joy mapping stop = "J0B10/B11"
Joy mapping Load state "J0B10/B6"
Joy mapping Save state "J0B10/B7"
This worked for my Wireless Xbox one controller, (usb-C wired is again different buttons).
I believe N64 8BitDo is J0B9/B12
Each controller type might have different button setup
Disclaimer: it will no longer adjust the hotkeys for other controllers for N64 as player 1. This is not flexible at all. If you want to change it, it must be done manually.