lr-fba-next DAT no-clones-no-neogeo request
@Rion Hey, thanks for the response!
I did mean Lightspeed - autocorrect on my phone decided Lightscribe is still relevant, i guess.
The wiki page has been massively helpful. I tried to manage roms in the past and it was kind of a catastrophe. I'm using this RetroPie setup to really double down on getting comfortable with it, and that wiki page was what really set me on the correct path. There is a fba-lr-no-clones-no-neogeo.xml in, but it's based on v0.2.97.30.
My goal is to have two romsets based on FBA v0.2.97.39:
- Arcade - no playchoice, no mature, no lightgun, casino, etc.. also either no-clones or merged
- Neo Geo, I'd rather treat this more like its own system
I wrangled Lightspeed into to filtering out all the crap. My plan right now is to load up FB Alpha v0.2.97.39 (ClrMame Pro XML) (NeoGeo Only).dat in clrmamepro, point it at my filtered roms folder as a source, and do a rebuild, instructing clrmamepro to MOVE the NeoGeo roms out.
So I think I've achieved the goal of building out what I actually want on my retropie (yay!), but I am not sure I achieved the goal of learning the best way to do it in the future (boo!). A lot of the rom tools i've tried have been pretty impressive, and I should probably learn a better way to do this for next time.
And when i google it, this is a prominent thread that comes up, so I figured it would be a good place to post.
@Aksen said in lr-fba-next DAT no-clones-no-neogeo request:
I am not sure I achieved the goal of learning the best way to do it in the future (boo!). A lot of the rom tools i've tried have been pretty impressive, and I should probably learn a better way to do this for next time.
And when i google it, this is a prominent thread that comes up, so I figured it would be a good place to post.please see my 4th post in this thread :) that's how i built those neo-geo/lite dats - it's just romlister.
@dankcushions thanks a ton! I read things here and there but it's still a bit of a demystification process for me right now. So I guess I glossed over some of that because romlister was giving me trouble, and Lightspeed was more user friendly. but I can see how romlister is more flexible, and maybe the one stop shop for what I want to do :)
Can I ask, does it matter what mame version I use for listxml? I am using 0170 to best line up with the current FBA romset, but could I be using mame64.exe version 0181 instead?
Thanks for taking the time. I know it's an old thread and a subject that is just constantly retread :)
@Aksen said in lr-fba-next DAT no-clones-no-neogeo request:
@dankcushions thanks a ton! I read things here and there but it's still a bit of a demystification process for me right now. So I guess I glossed over some of that because romlister was giving me trouble, and Lightspeed was more user friendly. but I can see how romlister is more flexible, and maybe the one stop shop for what I want to do :)
Can I ask, does it matter what mame version I use for listxml? I am using 0170 to best line up with the current FBA romset, but could I be using mame64.exe version 0181 instead?
the listxml is just the dat file, no? in that case, you should use the dat file for lr-fbalpha (FBA or whatever emulator you are using. if it's .dat, you can just rename to .xml
@dankcushions Whoa, really? I had jumped through the hoop of getting mame 0170 and putting my set in the "roms" subfolder, then doing listxml from mame. for what it's worth, the resulting xml file was much larger than the official FBA dat (like 140mb?) and I have a feeling that it wrote out the full mame 0170 romset? Because then I had to tell romlister to compare the mame listxml file against my roms folder. I'll try again later just using the official fba dat.
Anyway, I was able to make a no - neogeo dat using your romlister search string above - "!'neogeo' & ". It let me make an xml file, which I renamed to dat and used with no problem in clrmamepro.
The FBA NeoGeo dat I am using (from the wiki) made a huge list of 300+ neogeo games - Now I gotta figure out how to get rid of the clones there. What I've done as a stopgap is process it with the official arcade dat, and make a merged set. Even still, that gave me close to 200 roms, and from what I've heard it should be closer to 150.
@Aksen said in lr-fba-next DAT no-clones-no-neogeo request:
The FBA NeoGeo dat I am using (from the wiki) made a huge list of 300+ neogeo games - Now I gotta figure out how to get rid of the clones there. What I've done as a stopgap is process it with the official arcade dat, and make a merged set. Even still, that gave me close to 200 roms, and from what I've heard it should be closer to 150.
FBA has some romhacks and prototypes which may be some of those.
you probably don't want a merged set BTW - that means you have to keep parents to use clones. non-merged means all roms are standalone
@dankcushions Hmm, maybe it's smarter to ignore FBA dats and just get a standard Neo Geo romset to run? I don't necessarily want the hacks or anything.
@Aksen you could try, but a different romset could be incompatible with FBA. i know the at least is specific to this set.
Some of the tools I created might help you guys... specially: -
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