Best Rom Hacks?
This looks awesome. I played through the entire metroid save/map hack as well. It was great. -
Well, I just tried patching
Super Mario Bros. 3 (PRG 0) U.nes
as well asSuper Mario Bros. 3 (PRG 1) U.nes
, and both loaded in lr-fceumm and lr-nestopia without any additional steps. It could be that my existing save file was just corrupted in some way. -
I wish all these games could be scraped! I even made a (very lightly) hacked version of Forgotten Worlds with some cheat codes added in that I never play without. More of a Life Hack than a game hack, but I had fun with it.
Also cut out the turn limit in Master of Monsters (super underrated game).
Thanks for encouraging me in some of these hacks. This might be my favorite thing about my Pi thus far. New games!
@hooperre said in Best Rom Hacks?:
This might be my favorite thing about my Pi thus far. New games!
It is quite remarkable when you think about it. I remember looking at the early lackluster hacks such as 'Nude Punch-Out!!' and thinking, "Who would want to play these"? Flash forward almost two decades and we now have fully converted, brand new entries into our favorite franchises that in some occasions equal or even surpass the originals. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play some 'Nude Rad Racer'.
@mediamogul said in Best Rom Hacks?:
@hooperre said in Best Rom Hacks?:
This might be my favorite thing about my Pi thus far. New games!
....I remember looking at the early lackluster hacks such as 'Nude Punch-Out!!' and thinking, "Who would want to play these"? ..
Easy answer: desperates and enthusiasts
im an RPG guy myself so my list will mostly be them a few i can reccommend if you havnt already played them is
Secret of Mana 2/Seiken densetsu 3
Pretty much 100% translated has a few extra hacks you can find for it aswell such as a 3 player mod(did this with 2 friends pretty fun in combat but a tad boring between)Tales of Phantasia
Love this so sue me you have a choice with this one theres the snes version i linked but also a psx translation aswell i personaly use the psx one so cant speak for the snes release plus it has the odd extra in it i believe id also recommend a translated star ocean but that game is glitchy as hell which is a shameBahamut Lagoon
has the odd glitch this one but nothing game breaking usually one tile will graphicly glitch once in a while but i think it depends on the emulator being used has some pretty sweet gfx and a interesting combat systemif you can find it (cant post a link since it was C&D'd by square but i can reccommend chrono trigger flames of eternity aswell though for that youll need to use zsnes unless snes9x has stopped crashing with it
another to look up if platformers are your thing is Sonic Megamix its a pretty exaustive revamp of the first game with tons of new features and different characters witth differant abilities (Sonic, Shadow, Mighty and in a beta tails and knuckles aswell)
nice mention of UMKT there that game is beast agree with the starfox 2 comment aswell grabbed that one the day it was first released personally with MK i used to piss people off with the chameleon code on the PSX version people would hate me for unleashing hell with massive combos and teleports on that game since i more or less memorized his moveset -
@blackshadow said in Best Rom Hacks?:
people would hate me for unleashing hell with massive combos and teleports
Why are people always so jealous of the skills which pay the bills?
Those look to be great RPGs. 'Tales of Phantasia' is especially gorgeous. For several years now, due to an ever increasingly busy schedule, I find myself shying away from RPGs in favor of quick pick up and play action titles that can easily be put down when necessary. However, I can't tell you how much I've missed this type of game play. I might try to turn my habits around with one of your recommendations.
I'm mostly into translations of existing US games or ones that I never heard of from Japan. Sorting these roms out over the past few years, I've found a few good ones:
Castlevania 3 Re-translation using the uncensored japanese version with the extra sound channels and crosses/religious stuff. The music sounds even better.
Actraiser Re-translation using the uncensored japanese version that's much harder. It's a more accurate translation with the religious stuff put back in like being referred to as Lord and Holy, and your main enemy called Satan.
Ganpuru: Gunman's Proof A translated game that's basically a cowboy version of Zelda: A Link To The Past.
Holy Diver A translation. I recently found out about this game. It's a game similar to castlevania and metroid with a lot of metal references. The name of the game, the main character called Randy (Rhoads) and his father called Ronnie (James Dio)
I hope someone eventually translates the SNES Goemon games. They look really fun but I feel like I'll lose a bunch of the fun by not being able to read the text.
There's a new NBA Jams hack and it's fantastic. Def worth trying.
Good link here:
@BennyProfane said in Best Rom Hacks?:
Good link here:
Awesome! Do you know more good hacks for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? (Axem Rangers does not look SO promising)
@cyperghost said in Best Rom Hacks?:
@BennyProfane said in Best Rom Hacks?:
Good link here:
Awesome! Do you know more good hacks for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars? (Axem Rangers does not look SO promising)
There are some here:
Anyone had success with the MSU-1 SNES upgrades on the Pi?
I played "SFACTOR Sonia and Silver" last night, and it was hard, and fun. I actually enjoyed it enough to say I will play it again .
Most of the ones I've patched so far are listed above here already but I do have some I read about and want to check out :
Super Metroid Redesign
Mega Man In Mushroom Kingdom
Super Mario Star Road (N64)
Chrono Trigger: Flames Of Eternity
Oh No! More Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Legend Of Zelda Modern Classic Edition -
Old thread, but the topic never gets old. Here are some of my selection of homebrew and mods. Not all are good and will be probably deleted, but current list is following:
Mods and Hacks
- Chorus of Mysteries / based on Castlevania 1(NES)
- Mario Adventure / based on Mario 3 (NES)
- Super Mario Unlimited / based on Mario 1 (NES)
- Zelda Outlands / based on Zelda 1(NES)
- Conkers High Rule Tail / based on Zelda 3 (SNES)
- Hyper Metroid / based on Metroid 3 (SNES)
- Parallel Worlds / based on Zelda 3 (SNES)
- Radiation's Halloween / based on Earthbound (SNES) -- Note: This one is from famous Toby Fox, who created Undertale!
- Super Zero Mission / based on Metroid 3 (SNES)
- Alter Ego (NES) -- Note: My favorite homebrew game.
- Blade Buster (NES)
- Inversion (NES)
- Life (NES)
- SAF Hardware (SNES)
- Super Boss Gaiden (SNES)
The only drawback is, I don't have any scrape data for those, no videos.
While testing the games again for this list, I found out some are broken now. I don't know why. I thought its the emulator I changed a while back, but after changing it back, they still don't work. Any idea?
@thelostsoul It may be best to open a new help/support thread. Also will need more info on which games/emulator you are using specifically.
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