• Problem with n64 Rom

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    @MAHER said in Problem with n64 Rom:

    Is there a way to resolve this issue?

    AFAICT, only by installing the upstream libretro core ?

    Can I manually install the core I need?

    You can modify the scriptmodule for lr-parallel64 to get the sources from the libretro repository and try installing it from source. There's no guarantee that installation will work or that the core will run on an ARM device with reasonable performance.

    I'm still unsure about what you mean when you refer to the "fork."

    fork in this context means copy. RetroPie installs an older (and probably ARM optimized) copy of the Parallel 64 core.

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  • Script: SoftPatchSelector

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    @NIGHTKILLER05 I would say any game that has a lot of patches would be best. Maybe some of the Mario or Pokémon games. If it is just a single patch you want to use for a game, it's probably not worth it. Especially if it's a translation or a color patch for a GameBoy title or something like that.

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    The game is terribly mean but still a joy to play.

    Expect to grind hard on each level if you ever want to get the proper ending.

  • Send GPIO command

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  • Solution for scraping homebrews?

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    Since the scrapers usually get the info from an external site, the easiest solution would be to add that information there. Otherwise, I know Skyscraper has an import scraping module where you can add your own information, complementing what's on the source site, but that has to be done for each ROM - so it's just like editing the information manually from EmulationStation or directly adding that information to the gamelist.xml file.

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    Haven't been on the forum in awhile and happened to be looking around and saw this. Not sure if you're still looking for info on this.. but i'm a big fan of romhacks, I found the biggest obstacle to be creating the gamelist. Getting a nice romhack list setup in ES or Launchbox takes a fair amount of manual effort.

    Obviously none of the scrapers will scrape & create gamelists for you because their romhacks and there is no official list, but if you have romhack naming convention figured out how you like and have them all named, you can get a base XML created from Unviversal XML Scraper (https://github.com/Universal-Rom-Tools/Universal-XML-Scraper/releases) and go from there. I name my romhacks like this:
    snes-romhacks-naming (1).png

    In ES, I created separate "systems" for romhacks and even English translated roms if I felt there were enough to warrant it. to create the separate systems, I copied the system from the theme folder, renamed it and edited the theme.xml to replace the "ControllerOverlay" art & "logo2" art with a different image (both are normally the controller.svg file, I just a png image, which..mine doesn't line up perfect, but it's good enough for me) so when you're scrolling through you can differentiate between them easily.

    You also need to edit the es_systems.cfg and copy the system you want, and rename the affected fields for that.
    snes-romhacks-es_systems (1).png

    So for SNES, I actually have 4 different systems in my Carbon ES theme folder, and in the ROMS folder:

    For filling in the gamelist fields for each hack, I just kept it simple and did a description, I didn't worry about year/developer/etc. And I just used the box of the original game as the image, I didn't try to find screenshots or specific box art for romhacks. snes-romhacks-gamelist (1).png

    As far as your question on patching, I can't really answer that, I pre-patch all romhacks, I'm not sure if emulators can do on-the-fly patching or not. Also compress roms as .zip, just normal compression rate, nothing crazy.

    I'm sure there are easier/better ways to do some of this stuff, but this is what I came up with at the time. Hope this info is useful to someone.

  • Snes roms hacks How can i get it working?[Solved]

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    Sure u need to convert the file to smc with the game file too -


  • Hyper Street Kart

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    @greenhawk84 It could be a bad dump or just a different version of the game, in example regional difference. The patch just requires a specific version of that rom, otherwise it can't patch it correctly.

  • Demakes as ROM's (no .exe)

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    There are tons of Chinese knockoff demakes that are terrible and forgetable, but a few great ones.

    Final Fantasy VII for NES.

    Sonic the Hedgehog on the NES

    Resident Evil on the NES

  • Mods of PS1 games

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    @mediamogul thanks for the tip! i will definitely look for it

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    @jonnykesh said in Super Mario Land 2 DX is out!:

    Patches are not subject to copyright.

    Just as a point of interest, any creative intellectual work is automatically protected by copyright when it is created under US law since 1978. This would obviously vary from country to country, but the patches in question would indeed fall under protection in certain areas of the world. One particularly relevant violation that comes to mind is a limited print run of 'Cheetah Men II' that utilized a fan-made patch from romhacking.net without permission for monetary gain. The people responsible actually owned the full rights to the game and the accompanying intellectual property, so I imagine they just assumed they had the right to use the patch as well.

  • Best Nes rom hacks?

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    IMO one of the best hacks out there is Rockman 4 Minus Infinity. It's hard as hell, even by Megaman standards (I had to save-state literally every 5 seconds just to get through it), but look past the difficulty and you'll get one of the best hacks I can think of.

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    @capeman Well that's leaps and bounds better than my NES/Atari setup

  • Question about NES ROMs compatibility

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    I'm still not sure what's going on. It seems like any new NES rom I load onto the retropie experiences the same issue. When I say new I mean any rom that wasn't already previously loaded on the retropie before I started to experience the issue.

    I downloaded a fresh set of no-intro roms and verified they were correct using clrmamepro. I compared one of the currently working roms [Addams Family, The (USA).nes] to one of the ones in the new set I downloaded i.e.

    Addams Family, The (USA).nes

    CRC32: 94A230A9 MD5: 56DF8432043A2D724BAB64FEB39912D5 SHA-1: 7E236610BDFDE5A439A19E18C873982E2C607643

    Everything matched so I know I'm using the correct set of roms.

    I then tried to add a new rom from the same set [10-Yard Fight (USA, Europe).nes], however this rom won't load, it experiences the same problem as the other roms I described in my earlier post i.e. the screen turns black for a couple of seconds then comes back to the rom list.

    10-Yard Fight (USA, Europe).nes

    CRC32: B312DF62 MD5: 0E2E5DD0C3D8A48C28588DA93EAFA82B SHA-1: ED2E5D9B4BEC0A87BAD56930A2482F752C0E06EC

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

  • Best Rom Hacks?

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    I just messed with that one today and it’s incredible!

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    @CaelThunderwing Did you find any good 1:1 settings from a GB game to GBC? I haven't, even in the RetroArch config options. Eg. the color from Pokemon Blue does not match what it would be if I put it into an actual GBC (where Charmander would be red and Bulbasaur be green). I tried changing the file format to GBC with no avail.