Using a gamepad with CoolCV (Colecovision emulator)
@SpudsMcToole every gamepad is different. If you can download the PC version of coolcv you should be able to press F7? I think and it should give you the codes for your buttons that coolcv wants
@herb_fargus Thanks, that helped me figure it out*. I only have one problem now. My mapping file now looks like this for my wireless Playstation pad:
' CoolCV mappings for Colecovision controllers to keyboard and joystick
up_1 key1073741906 joy0_4
right_1 key1073741903 joy0_5
down_1 key1073741905 joy0_6
left_1 key1073741904 joy0_7
left_button_1 key32 joy0_14
right_button_1 key109 joy0_1
button3_1 key1073741939
button4_1 key1073741939
key1_1 key49 joy0_15
key2_1 key50 joy0_13
key3_1 key51 joy0_12
key4_1 key52 joy0_11
key5_1 key108 joy0_10
key6_1 key54 joy0_8
key7_1 key55
key8_1 key56
key9_1 key57
key*_1 key111
key0_1 key48
key#_1 key112That sets the d-pad to the movement controls, X to the fire button, the other three face buttons plus R1 to be 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the Coleco keypad (for games that require you to choose a difficulty), and R2 to be Exit, and all of that works sweetly.
The reason for this line:
key5_1 key108 joy0_10
is that the Opcode games annoyingly use "L" on the keyboard to insert a credit, and according to the CoolCV keymapper that's key108. But setting a button on the joypad (L1 in this case) to mimic key108 does nothing.
(I tried two different keyboards and L is key 108 on both of them.)
Any ideas?
*for anyone else with a wireless Dual Shock 3, the mappings turned out to be:
joy0_0 is Select
joy0_1 is L3
joy0_2 is R3
joy0_3 is Start
joy0_4 is dpad up
joy0_5 is dpad right
joy0_6 is dpad down
joy0_7 is dpad left
joy0_8 is L2
joy0_9 is R2
joy0_10 is L1
joy0_11 is R1
joy0_12 is Triangle
joy0_13 is Circle
joy0_14 is X
joy0_15 is Square -
@SpudsMcToole (I already tried "key108 key108 joy0_10" and "key108 joy0_10")
@SpudsMcToole Never mind - by a long process of elimination, logic and a bit of blind luck I figured it wanted key#_2 :)
Hi folks, my first post here.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but when I attempt to modify the coolcv_mapping.txt file to remap buttons for this emulator, after I make my changes and save the file, I launch a game and then exit out, the file reverts back to its original contents. I've even deleted the file and after launching a coleco game again, the original file comes back.
So I'm clearly not editing the correct file or editing it on the correct manner.
I'm accessing the coolcv_mapping.txt file over the network, path is \\configs\coleco
My goal is to get several 8bitdo BT controllers working in Colecovision, which seems to be working, however I can't exit out of the game with select+start, and the wireless RF keyboard I'm using does not have a right shift key.
Sorry, I'm a little new to retropie, about 3-4 months now. If someone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
@retroBen The CoolCV mapping file won't let you map double-button presses. Set your quit to a single button, as in the example above.
@SpudsMcToole said in Using a gamepad with CoolCV (Colecovision emulator):
The CoolCV mapping file won't let you map double-button presses.
Are you very sure about that? It was reported as being possible here.
@mediamogul Is that the version you downloaded, though, rather than the standard one?
That's a good point and I'm not sure. I was assuming that the binary in RetroPie had most likely been updated since then, but maybe it hasn't.
I just checked and the version in RetroPie is indeed up to date, so mapping two buttons to activate a function should work.
I'm trying to figure out the mapping for my 8bitdo, can't find the appropriate variables so I can create the cfg file
anyone knows where I could get that?
Have you tried running
? -
@mediamogul said in Using a gamepad with CoolCV (Colecovision emulator):
no, I didn't know such thing existed I'll try to figure out how it works, thanks
thanks for the fast answer
Thanks a lot again,
I'm now able to identify and map X,Y,B,A,Start,Select but somehow the D-Pad give me two axis :
left :
Event: type 2, time 7816110, number 6, value -32767
Event: type 2, time 7816250, number 6, value 0
Event: type 2, time 7817890, number 6, value 32767
Event: type 2, time 7818000, number 6, value 0
Event: type 2, time 7820250, number 7, value -32767
Event: type 2, time 7820350, number 7, value 0
Event: type 2, time 7820970, number 7, value 32767
Event: type 2, time 7821090, number 7, value 0I'm wondering how I can fit this in as a value in the coolcv_mapping.txt since they are not fixed values.
I've tried to add joy0_6 and joy0_7 as values but didn't work since it seems to miss somthing.
@herb_fargus f7 works on the pi as well.
@Fultos here is my up down left right settings. it auto uses an axis, so the analog on a ps3 analog or any dpad/analog that has an axis should work without having to set a joy setting. here is how mine looks
up_1 key1073741906 right_1 key1073741903 down_1 key1073741905 left_1 key1073741904
@edmaul69 well it sure does work with the analog stick, but I'm looking to make my D-Pad work as a replacement of the original big clunky joystick of the Coleco.
@Fultos so the d-pad is hats on the 8bitdo here is the config from the 8-bitdo. not sure if you can use h0 up down left right's on the coleco. here is the config from the 8-bitdo
input_up_btn = "h0up" input_down_btn = "h0down" input_left_btn = "h0left" input_right_btn = "h0right"
i will try to test tomorrow
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