Pi Zero brand new. 4 flashes
Hey all, so I am fairly new to the Pi world.
I have just received a Pi Zero through the post & set up a 32GB Micro SD card with retropie.
I can boot fine on my friends Pi 1, however putting the SD card into the Pi zero its just flashing 4 times with nothing on screen.Where do I go from here as im completely stuck :-/
@djoveryde Which image did you use? 4 flashes is a problem with the boot sequence. I'm wondering if your image is an old one (possibly copied from your friend's working Pi 1 image?) that doesn't have support for the Zero.
If you have a spare Micro SD card, try downloading the latest image from the RetroPie site, put it on the card, and see if that boots.
@obsidianspider it was a clean download of the Retropie v4.1 for Rasberry Pi 0/1
I am using the win32diskimager software to create it.
Verbatim Class 10 SDHC I 32GB
Do you have a different SD card you can try? I ask because I've had a bad SD card give a Pi issues when booting in the past.
@obsidianspider not on me however the Pi One card that works fine in the Pi One fails to boot (4 flashes), yet I can boot the clean retropie/jessie that I made for the Pi Zero on the Pi One perfectly fine.
Spent all day re-writing using different ways and I either get no flashes at all but nothing on screen or 4 flashes with nothing on screen.
@djoveryde I know it can get frustrating. I have a few Zeroes myself and they're touchy. I guess that's what you get with a $5 computer.
Some searching says
4 flashes:
not launched
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