Emulation Station boots back to BIOS
Morning guys,
I did a load of updates in the BIOS yesterday and it took literally all day and then this morning on boot the system booted up Emulation Station and then went back to this screen.
Would anybody be kind enough to help me try and fix this?
Kind regards,
I had to do a total re-install after getting this the other day. I was originally running 3.6 and then did a clean install of the latest version. I'm still not sure what triggered it, though. The only new things that I did were:
Had some Amiga and PSX bios files in the BIOS folder on my USB stick, and put a LOT of roms onto the stick in the 'retropie' folder. I'd transferred over a .zip file of roms, unpacked them, and then - stupidly - forgot to get rid of the original .zip, so I think ES choked on that file - once I cleared it from the roms path everything was fine.
Put simply, I think this screen appears when ES crashes for whatever reason, so whatever edits you were making, I believe one or more may be causing a crash.
@IWANIAK I think you mean the terminal. The BIOS is general part of the boot screen for a Windows pc
Anyways yes likely something you did with your theme that broke it.
Is nobody going to mention the Power Ranger...?
!!!!! Damn - we'll never be able to un-see that! -
Ha! I I love that he decides to abandon all pretense and just invades the shot. I'd watch that movie.
Haha yeah, it's our office mascot!
I have reinstalled everything and everything seems to be in order now, cheers guys :)
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