Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game
@DD-Indeed Hm.
What if you select a different key as hotkey?
What's the content of a sample file inside
, ideally the one with the name of your controller?Can you paste here the content?
This is the content of that config:
input_device = "Twin USB Joystick"
input_driver = "udev"
input_r_y_plus_axis = "+2"
input_l3_btn = "10"
input_r_x_minus_axis = "-3"
input_l_btn = "6"
input_load_state_btn = "6"
input_start_btn = "9"
input_exit_emulator_btn = "9"
input_l_y_minus_axis = "-1"
input_up_btn = "h0up"
input_r_y_minus_axis = "-2"
input_a_btn = "1"
input_b_btn = "2"
input_reset_btn = "2"
input_enable_hotkey_btn = "8"
input_down_btn = "h0down"
input_l_x_plus_axis = "+0"
input_l_y_plus_axis = "+1"
input_r_btn = "7"
input_save_state_btn = "7"
input_r2_btn = "5"
input_r3_btn = "11"
input_right_btn = "h0right"
input_state_slot_increase_btn = "h0right"
input_x_btn = "0"
input_menu_toggle_btn = "0"
input_select_btn = "8"
input_l_x_minus_axis = "-0"
input_y_btn = "3"
input_left_btn = "h0left"
input_state_slot_decrease_btn = "h0left"
input_r_x_plus_axis = "+3"
input_l2_btn = "4" -
I see nothing wrong here, unfortunately. Things seem to be as I expected.
Could it not be picking up the two events simultaneously?
Have you tried changing the hotkey to a random button (say, A or B), and see if it works?
@pjft said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
I see nothing wrong here, unfortunately. Things seem to be as I expected.
Could it not be picking up the two events simultaneously?
Have you tried changing the hotkey to a random button (say, A or B), and see if it works?
Not yet, as I don't know, that which button is which from those normal buttons, like ABXY, etc, etc. Could it be, that the whole system doesn't recognize button combo presses ? Because this whole issue is with other emulators as well, not just the PS1 one.
@DD-Indeed Well, do that in ES.
Re-define controls, and when asked for select and start just press any other button (and, likewise, when asked for those other buttons, press select and start instead). Same for the hotkey. These will update the emulator controls.
Just to check whether if for some reason there's some problem with the controller events.
You can then re-define the ES controls, to reset it.
Didn't work. Its gotta be about the combo buttons, and that the system doesn't recognize them.
Well, there's a reasonable way to test that. When you play any game, does it detect when you press two buttons (A and B together for instance)?
I'm hopeful it does, otherwise you'd be complaining more about it by now, if you couldn't say jump and fire? :)
@pjft said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
Well, there's a reasonable way to test that. When you play any game, does it detect when you press two buttons (A and B together for instance)?
I'm hopeful it does, otherwise you'd be complaining more about it by now, if you couldn't say jump and fire? :)
Shooting works in RE3, R1 to raise up the gun and X to shoot. So yea, this is getting pretty mysterious.
@DD-Indeed there are a number of config files that could override your controller settings, so for psx you could check:
/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg the latter file should normally be about 5 lines long
@dankcushions said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
@DD-Indeed there are a number of config files that could override your controller settings, so for psx you could check:
/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/psx/retroarch.cfg the latter file should normally be about 5 lines long
I'm new to this place/thing, so I dunno what to look for, but I saw couple lines, where was some information missing.
I could paste the config information here, if that's allowed, long message. :D
I could paste the config information here, if that's allowed, long message. :D
It's fine, so long as you put small logs in code blocks - see - and put large logs on a pastebin type site like or similar.
Okay, got it. Here's the one found in the RetroArch All-folder:
And here's the one found in the psx-folder:
@DD-Indeed said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
Okay, got it. Here's the one found in the RetroArch All-folder:
this one is suspicious:
input_enable_hotkey = "tab"
the default is
input_enable_hotkey = "nul"
i think this might be your issue
And here's the one found in the psx-folder:
this one looks fine
Those are the ones the keyboard use. Could it be, that it now conflicts with the keyboard config ? I have put Select to Tab in keyboard.
@DD-Indeed said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
Those are the ones the keyboard use. Could it be, that it now conflicts with the keyboard config ? I have put Select to Tab in keyboard.
it shouldn't, but it's worth testing :)
my only other suggestion is that maybe you're not looking at the right controller cfg file. is it the only one in the directory?
There is actually subfolder in the retroarch/all called retroarch-joypads, where is this config for the controller, Twin USB Joystick.cfg. You wanna read that ?
Edit: Nevermind, you already know the information of that.
Running out of ideas over here, gotta look it down tomorrow, but please feel free to write some possible options down here, I would be more than pleased.
One thing I forgot to mention is the controller I'm using. Firstly I tried with PS2 Dual Shock 2, which didn't work, but now I'm trying to get the configs done to Dual Analog-controller, I have three of those, somewhat rare ones. But I'm not suspecting the controllers, since they both work on PC with that adapter.
@DD-Indeed i has a suggestion in the prev. post
@dankcushions said in Hotkey not working with PS1/PS2 controllers - Can't exit game:
@DD-Indeed i has a suggestion in the prev. post
I saw it, thanks, but I'm too tired to look it anymore today, but I'll examine more tomorrow.
I started to think, that does the analog system affect into the config ? You see, I configured the controller with analog on, so that the red light was illuminated on the controller. After reboot, controller only works, when I press the analog on again from the controller. I propably should configure it without the analog, so that it works on the boot immediately.
Edit: Now I managed to mess up something, so that the controller works on the RetroPie-menu, but stops working on the games. And keyboard hotkeys stop working on the games as well. Time to reinstall the system again. -.-
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