• Retropie/emulationstation V2.7.6RP

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  • Unable to play retro titles

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    @mitu Hello,
    Thank you for the suggestion, we will try that and keep you posted if it does not work.

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    @Dipkid ok, it worked I opened the controllers and realized that many buttons weren't on the same slots and one of my joysticks was upside down. Thanks for your help.

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    @sirhenrythe5th I think the objective is to track in real-time the 'insert coin' on some machine so as to, my wild guess, charge the usage of the games. The problem is that you need to capture the select button only when you're running the emulator, and when it actually equates to an insert coin event. It's an interesting and not so easy to solve problem (apart from modifying the emulators to do this tracking somehow)

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    Unless I am mistaken or did it incorrectly the last time, win32diskimager, will make a file that is the full size of the sd card (128gb in your case). I am also not aware of how you then access the image to pull files out unless you write it back to another card of sufficient size? I guess there may be a way, I have never looked into it. I have a 32gb backup I have made of one of my retropie builds that is only a couple gig of data on the card.. Since it was that way I have decided not to back it up in that manner since then. Again I may have done something incorrectly.

    I'd recommend starting over with a good quality new blank micro sd card of sufficient size. Then get that working with the current standard image, and keep the original card intact. Then once it is up and running on the new card, you can copy over your roms etc from the old card.

    If you have used it awhile it can also be a failing sd card. I've lost several sd cards over the last year I guess 3 that I remember in various Pis, quality does vary on the cards.