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    7 Posts

    Hi @mitu ,

    I'm returning to advise you of my good fortune and to help any others who may have been in the same situation as me.

    I had been using my Xarcade tank stick controller in "Mode 1" with the Xarcade2Jstick driver which meant that Retropie was recognising it as a keyboard (iPac-type encoder).

    I have now switched the controller to "Mode 4" and omitted the driver which means that Retropie recognises the controller as two separate XBox 360 controllers.

    I can now configure each side of the controller with identical mappings and any game/platform I wish to use the right side instead of the left side of the controller, I simply change the Port 1 binds for in Retroarch.

    When I do this, Hotkey+Start (even on the righthand side) performs correctly and exits the game.

    Thank you once again for your help mitu.

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    12 Posts

    @mortalwombat You apparently didn't run the game with verbose logging. See my link how to do that.

    The logs from a stock RetroPie shouldn't pose any security risks, as they don't give away any information that's not readily available on the net and doesn't apply to any stock RetroPie installation.

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    2 Posts

    @wacko413 said in How to unmap hotkey to reset:

    Hi there. I'm new to RetroPi. I am using RetroPi with a pair of XBOX 360 controllers. On controller one when playing an NES game, if I press "down" and "B", the emulator will reset the game. I don't want that to happen. (I'll be happy with some other control pad-button combo, but not that!)

    How do I change this setting? When I go to:
    "Settings / Input / Hotkey Binds" / "reset game"

    it just says "auto: 1 (n/a), (Key:h)", but nothing about a 2-button combo to trigger this action.

    The hotkey setting for your controller is part of your joypad autoconfiguration. You can redo that from the main EmulationStation menu: Settings > Configure Input

    I press the "Start" button on my controller to get the menu - you can see a picture of it in this page: https://retropie.org.uk/docs/EmulationStation/

    Press all of the buttons on your controller when prompted, and then the last question is which of the buttons do you want to be the Hotkey enable button. "Select" is a typical choice :)

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    3 Posts

    mmm, it seems a little more complicated that I though. I will check all your info. Thanks a lot mitu!

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    3 Posts

    @nmlnet said in Using a second controller for the hot key:

    When I map the input controller buttons for the controller and get to hotkey, it doesn't recognize the keyboard input

    You cannot map inputs from 2 separate input devices in EmulationStation, each one should be mapped separately. Try mapping your keyboard as well - separately from your SNES gamepad - and choose a hotkey there.

    TAhis works because your 2nd device is a keyboard and it works as P1 (just as your gampead), otherwise you wouldn't be able to use a 2nd controller for hotkey - only P1 has hotkey control.