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    10 Posts

    Ok. I understand. Thx for the help.

  • NES pad set up

    Help and Support
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    4 Posts

    @bpyazel said in NES pad set up:

    I've already read it all, multiple times. Is this what you want? Please don't be vague.

    That topic is hardly vague - it is very specific about the information you should provide when posting - which you didn't do (eg version of retropie)

    how does the adapter map the controller ? Does it show up as a keyboard or a joypad ?

    which nes emulator are you using ? (check via runcommand - see the wiki)

    If you updated retropie-setup the version is shown in the main menu of retropie-setup

    please post the contents of /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_input.cfg any files in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/autoconfig

    and the output of this (use SSH to paste it into a terminal)

    for dev in /dev/input/js*; do udevadm info --name=$dev; done

    Please format the output using markdown code blocks (http://commonmark.org/help/) or use a pastebin site.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    I see. So the Xbox dongle would in port 0, the nes in port 1, the DB9 connectors (if this works) in port 2, and the "rom drive" in port 3. Now, what about using a USB hub? I bought a 4-port hub to connect USB devices to (like keyboard, mouse, etc) via the cartridge slot. Should this be plugged into 0, and then the Xbox dongle plugged into that? Or would it make more sense to connect the rom drive to that and have it plugged into port 3? I found out the 4-port (usb powered) hub isn't powerful enough to supply power to my keyboard, so I'm going to the computer store tomorrow to buy a powered one, and was thinking a 7 port one would work nice. The kind with 4 on one side (available via the cartridge slot) and 3 "internal" that I can connect things like the NES ports too. I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do it.

    So is at all possible then the idea of having interchangeable controllers?

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    6 Posts

    I will try a fresh install tomorrow but something in me says it's a 4.0.2 issue... The beta I ran work perfectly on all consoles I put on there with just installing gamecon (which in v4 automatically installs db9 drivers directly if i'm correct?) and this command 'sudo sh -c 'echo "gamecon_gpio_rpi" >> /etc/modules && echo "options gamecon_gpio_rpi map=0,0,2,0,0,0" > /etc/modprobe.d/gamecon.conf && reboot'' which then was enough to setup the controller on the next boot and play on all mentioned consoles