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    @mitu I guess It is your prerogative. No worries at all. It is the learning process which is the most interesting part, and giving back to the community with no interest in profiting at all.

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    @BuZz thanks, I see something like this in e.g. moonlight.sh.

    Do you have any thoughts or comments on the method I use here in function enable_ vs the method in disable_ and install_ (or, on anything else)? I did it this way in enable_ because I also need to process the files individually, while the other two do them all as a group in the "for" loop:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash # This file is part of The RetroPie Project # # The RetroPie Project is the legal property of its developers, whose names are # too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT.md file distributed with this source. # # See the LICENSE.md file at the top-level directory of this distribution and # at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/master/LICENSE.md # rp_module_id="bgm123" rp_module_desc="Straightforward background music player using mpg123" rp_module_help="Place your MP3 files in $datadir/bgm" rp_module_section="exp" rp_module_flags="!all rpi" function _autostart_bgm123() { echo "$configdir/all/autostart.sh" } function _bashrc_bgm123() { echo "$home/.bashrc" } function _onstart_bgm123() { echo "$configdir/all/runcommand-onstart.sh" } function _onend_bgm123() { echo "$configdir/all/runcommand-onend.sh" } function depends_bgm123() { getDepends mpg123 } function install_bin_bgm123() { local scriptname="bgm_vol_fade.sh" local files=( "$(_autostart_bgm123)" "$(_bashrc_bgm123)" "$(_onstart_bgm123)" "$(_onend_bgm123)" ) local file cp "$md_data/$scriptname" "$md_inst" chmod +x "$md_inst/$scriptname" for file in "${files[@]}"; do # preserve original file versions if [[ -f "$file" && ! -f "$file.old.bgm123" ]]; then cp "$file" "$file.old.bgm123" chown $user:$user "$file.old.bgm123" fi done } function disable_bgm123() { local files=( "$(_autostart_bgm123)" "$(_bashrc_bgm123)" "$(_onstart_bgm123)" "$(_onend_bgm123)" ) local file # kill player now since .bashrc won't do it later vcgencmd force_audio hdmi 0 >/dev/null pgrep mpg123 >/dev/null && pkill mpg123 for file in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then # backup file and attempt to remove any existing bgm config cp -f "$file" "$file.bak" chown $user:$user "$file.bak" sed -i '/#bgm/d' "$file" # if file is now empty, remove it [[ ! -s "$file" ]] && rm -f "$file" fi done } function remove_bgm123() { disable_bgm123 remove_share_samba "bgm" restart_samba } function enable_bgm123() { local fadescript="$md_inst/bgm_vol_fade.sh" local autostart="$(_autostart_bgm123)" local bashrc="$(_bashrc_bgm123)" local onstart="$(_onstart_bgm123)" local onend="$(_onend_bgm123)" local file disable_bgm123 for file in "$autostart" "$bashrc" "$onstart" "$onend"; do touch "$file" chown $user:$user "$file" done echo -e "$(echo -e 'while pgrep omxplayer >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done #bgm123\n(vcgencmd force_audio hdmi 1 >/dev/null; sleep 8; mpg123 -Z "'$datadir'/bgm/"*.[mM][pP]3 >/dev/null 2>&1) & #bgm123'; cat $autostart)" > "$autostart" echo -e '[[ "$(tty)" == "/dev/tty1" ]] && (vcgencmd force_audio hdmi 0 >/dev/null; pkill mpg123) #bgm123' >> "$bashrc" echo -e '"'"$fadescript"'" -STOP & #bgm123' >> "$onstart" echo -e '(sleep 1; "'"$fadescript"'" -CONT) & #bgm123' >> "$onend" } function configure_bgm123() { [[ "$md_mode" == "remove" ]] && return local share="$datadir/bgm" mkUserDir "$share" add_share_samba "bgm" "$share" restart_samba enable_bgm123 } function play_pause_bgm123() { if pgrep mpg123 >/dev/null; then su $user -c "$md_inst/bgm_vol_fade.sh &" else su $user -c "(vcgencmd force_audio hdmi 1 >/dev/null; sleep 1; mpg123 -Z $datadir/bgm/*.[mM][pP]3 >/dev/null 2>&1) &" fi } function next_track_bgm123() { pgrep mpg123 >/dev/null && pkill mpg123 su $user -c "(vcgencmd force_audio hdmi 1 >/dev/null; sleep 1; mpg123 -Z $datadir/bgm/*.[mM][pP]3 >/dev/null 2>&1) &" } function gui_bgm123() { local cmd=(dialog --backtitle "$__backtitle" --cancel-label "Back" --menu "Choose an option." 22 86 16) while true; do local enabled=0 grep '#bgm123' "$configdir/all/autostart.sh" >/dev/null && enabled=1 local options=() if [[ "$enabled" -eq 1 ]]; then if pgrep emulationstatio >/dev/null; then options+=( P "Play / pause" N "Next track" ) fi options+=( 1 "Enable background music (currently: Enabled)" ) else options+=( 1 "Enable background music (currently: Disabled)" ) fi local choice=$("${cmd[@]}" "${options[@]}" 2>&1 >/dev/tty) if [[ -n "$choice" ]]; then case "$choice" in P) play_pause_bgm123 ;; N) next_track_bgm123 ;; 1) if [[ "$enabled" -eq 1 ]]; then disable_bgm123 printMsgs "dialog" "Background music disabled." else enable_bgm123 printMsgs "dialog" "Background music enabled." fi ;; esac else break fi done }


    @sleve_mcdichael said in Script module Q - vars outside of functions?:

    local autostart="$(_autostart_bgm123)" local bashrc="$(_bashrc_bgm123)" local onstart="$(_onstart_bgm123)" local onend="$(_onend_bgm123)"

    I am seeing in the style guide that I should not do this when the variable is assigned by command substitution and that declaration and assignment should be in separate lines:

    local autostart autostart="$(_autostart_bgm123)" local bashrc bashrc="$(_bashrc_bgm123)" local onstart onstart="$(_onstart_bgm123)" local onend onend="$(_onend_bgm123)" local file for file in "$autostart" "$bashrc" "$onstart" "$onend"; do
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    @mitu sorry I made another edit. I want to pass that as the %ROM% parameter so we can make another menu entry for the level editor.