• Xboxdrv or XINIT problem

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    I see in process list "dbus-daemon" that probably launched by xinit. When controls fails at the first launch, this process is after the game process in the list. When controls are ok during next launches, this process is before. It looks like the game need this process before.

    Is there a way to delay the launch of the game started by xinit command ?

    xinit '/home/pi/box86/build/box86' '/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/ut99/System/ut-bin-x86'
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    @mitu I'm .. sure I'm not using it or setting it up appropriately.

    I'm not using the runcommand.sh file that is for launching game in retropie. i'm sort of bypassing that, because I couldnt figure out the process or syntax

    first, when you are just on the command line area (No Desktop) to initiate xinit, you must use sudo, but that doenst mean that retropie itself doesnt take care of that in some ... manner.

    anyway, heres my commands.

    the game's .sh file reads:

    xinit /usr/local/bin/wine /home/pi/.wine/drive_c/game_path/game.exe

    Next: es_systems.cfg file reads:

    <command>sudo %ROM%</command>

    thats it and it works.
    I tried for hours to get the normal:
    <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 SYS pc</command> to work, but it wouldn't load, but also requires a config file.

    so in the /opt/retropie/configs/pc
    i created emulators.cfg file, but what do i put in there?
    pc = wine ?
    default = pc
    and if so, what do I change the game.sh file to? it already has the wine command in it.

    my main reason for creating this thread, was to figure out the syntax for 3 files.

    I've been working with the retropie software since 2015 when i got my first raspberry pi 2, but I've never tried this type of launch and its not easy to find the details about this type of functionality.

    thanks for listening. :)

  • XINIT and ;

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    @mitu sorry I made another edit. I want to pass that as the %ROM% parameter so we can make another menu entry for the level editor.

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    Hey everyone, im having similar issues, ok so first this first im on rpi4 latest retropie 4.8.

    This was the only close issue i could find.

    The thing i am having is my gamepad and keyboard wont work when adding XINIT to yabasanshiro emulator.cfg i tested running retropie on desktop but gets hot so i than thought why not reverse it, now all games should be running from vulkan from my understanding and run great but notging works i have to reboot my pi from ssh.

    Could this issue be the same for fullscreen or maybe i need to point my config to my key2map for yabasanshiro.


  • Starting ports with Xinit

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    @quicksilver They are! more so than i thought they'd be. It's not ready for prime time to the extent that all the titles seem to have slowdowns or small rendering issues, but so far Scud Race, Sega Rally 2, Virtua Fighter 3 and Spikeout have all been immensely playable.

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    so to run this from emulationstation @mitu said to add XINIT: /opt/retropie/ports/dunelegacy/dunelegacy in the emulators.cfg file in /opt/retropie/configs/ports/dunelegacy folder and retropie's run command will handle xinit. So I removed xserver-xorg-legacy package and tested what he told me to do. It does in fact work, no need for sudo before the xinit command with his suggestion.

    As a side note he actually told me to do this for glhexen2 which needs xinit but couldnt find the game data files if you run "sudo xinit". I used what he told me and applied it to dunelegacy.

    There are two more issues, one I have overcome the other I need help with. The issue I overcame was that when you run dunelegacy it says it cant find the pak files to run the game and wants them either in the "data" folder or /home/pi/.configs/dunelegacy/data". So in the start script located in /home/pi/Retropie/roms/ports/dunelegacy.sh I added "cd /opt/retropie/ports/dunelegacy" before the runcommand line. This first puts you in the dunelegacy directory with the executable and the data folder it wants, then runs the runcommand to execute the dunelegacy executable. I wish I could have the data under /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports like every other game ran in emulationstation but I havent figured out how to do that yet if its even possible.

    The issue I need help with is I have no keyboard in dune legacy, but the mouse works. The game works fine otherwise. I cannot figure out how to get the keyboard working.

    Keyboard does work in glhexen2 using XINIT: string so it must be something wrong with dunelegacy??

    Any help on this would be great.

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    @retropieuser555 please open a new topic and provide details of set up.

    Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first

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    Thank you mitu. That has worked quite well.

  • Fofix problems

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    @zacknawrocki There's nothing new since the last message that I added to the topic - I'm not interested in Fofix so I didn't try to find a solution to the error.