Wii remote for use a gun
Hi there.
I have just bought a dolphin sensor bar for use in retropie 4.0 for possible use in gun games.
I have been reading up a bit about this and there seem to be many ways of setting the controller up.
Is there a specific setting for making the pi and dolphin bar recgnise the infrared for targetting etc.thanks for your advise.
Due to the DolphinBar making use of absolute mouse coordinates like a USB light gun, it currently only works with AdvanceMAME. This is something being discussed by the libretro team at the moment and hopefully will be added to RetroArch for use with NES/SNES/SMS/SMD/SCD/PSX/MAME sometime in the future.
@mediamogul thanks for that quick response.
Does that mean all fps games like Jurassic park and lethal enforcers are currently unplayable.
Sorry to change the subject .
I have seen some posts about the Wii remote being used as an airmouse with a cross hair on the screen in mame. Is that possible at all?
I'm still learning to tweak my current setup and add more playability.Thanks again
Does that mean all fps games like Jurassic park and lethal enforcers are currently unplayable.
If you can get those to run in AdvanceMAME, then you can use your DolphinBar/WiiMote. Outside of AdvanceMAME Standard mice and airmice can be used.
I have seen some posts about the Wii remote being used as an airmouse with a cross hair on the screen in mame. Is that possible at all?
In AdvanceMAME, yes. Everything else will likely work in time, but it could be quite a while.
@mediamogul I have been racking my brain brain here trying to get the wimote software installed.
Multiple errors to do with various things from .net issues to software not running lol.
Is there an idiot's guide which sounds like I need it to find. Thanks -
The beauty part of having a DolphinBar is that there's no software to install. Depending on the mode, everything is just seen as a standard mouse,keyboard and/or gamepad. What is it that you're trying to install?
@mediamogul said in Wii remote for use a gun:
Due to the DolphinBar making use of absolute mouse coordinates like a USB light gun, it currently only works with AdvanceMAME. This is something being discussed by the libretro team at the moment and hopefully will be added to RetroArch for use with NES/SNES/SMS/SMD/SCD/PSX/MAME sometime in the future.
My understanding is that casdevel from libretro is actively interested in making any changes to the RetroArch input drivers necessary for full compatibility with absolute and relative mouse-like devices.
It seems that casdevel thinks this functionality is already there (albeit in the most latest nightly versions of RA, not the static 1.6 ver currently in Retropie). I would really like someone to write a github issue about it if these absolute coordinate mice are still not usable with most cores.
I'll be back with my dolphinbar in early July, but I'll still volunteer to help write up the github issue if someone else can confirm that it's there.
Happy to help if I can. I'll try compiling the latest nightly sometime tomorrow and see how it goes. For testing, do you know of any core that is more likely to have support than others?
@mediamogul said in Wii remote for use a gun:
Happy to help if I can. I'll try compiling the latest nightly sometime tomorrow and see how it goes. For testing, do you know of any core that is more likely to have support than others?
So far the new mice code has been tested with the MAME 2003 core. I'd start there, although that shouldn't be the only one with support according to what casdevel wrote.
@mediamogul thanks for that. I seem to have got somewhere now woohoo.
The dolphin bar and woo more are recognised in advance name. But calibration of the device within mame does not work with the movement. Only buttons.
Crosshair stays in centre then slightest movemt it either goes completely to left right of screen etc.I thought in order to use the wiimote software build into the dolphin bar you first had to calibrate it in standard Windows. Then install in retropie aswell. Or am I misunderstanding this.
Sorry for the endless questions. I'm sure you have a hammer ready.Kindest regards
I thought in order to use the wiimote software build into the dolphin bar you first had to calibrate it in standard Windows.
If you run the DolphinBar in it's mouse mode, any system should simply see the Wiimote as a mouse. Movement could then be calibrated with any software that can fine-tune a mouse. I don't use anything to calibrate movement myself, but then again, I do have to stand decently far away to get a greater range of movement. That isn't normally a problem though, as I am usually playing from a chair or couch.
Hey everyone.
I've had a working Wiimote (with a cheap plastic gun case thing you can get for like 10 bucks on Amazon) and a DolphinBar. Yes, it only works on AdvMame, but I have around 50 games working with this setup, and it's very easy to get working. I have not had to calibrate anything whatsoever in AdvMame (I have the default emulator as AdvMame 1.4).
You plug in the DolphinBar into the first USB of the Pi and then pair your Wiimote to the Pi. That's pretty much it. Crosshairs automatically show up on the screen when each game boots up, and crosshairs move accurately when I move the gun. There are some games I've found that the crosshairs are a bit off (Police Trainer fires actually a bit more left of what I aim), but almost everything else shoots flawlessly. I will say that there are some games that lag so much they're unplayable like Time Crisis. Could be because I'm still on a Pi 2, but big graphic-intensive games like that and House of the Dead are just super laggy that aren't even worth playing, even though they technically "work."
I can put together a list of games that work for me if that will help. I was also thinking of putting a video together to show how my setup works, so if anyone is interested in that, I can put it on here as well.
@mediamogul This is fantastic news! Definitely would love to play my old Sega Light Phaser games on the pi!
@masterful Do you have your Wiimote paired to your Pi through Bluetooth?
I've just run a few tests and got some disappointing results. The first test was with two standard mice on lr-mame2003 running 'Terminator 2'. I'm on the latest nightly, I have the input driver set to 'udev' and the player 1 & 2 mouse index set to 0 and 1 respectively. Unfortunately the player two mouse was completely unresponsive. There may be a piece to the puzzle I'm missing, but at first blush it looks like the mouse index feature isn't working on the Pi.
The second test was with the DophinBar and WiiMote. Here I tested with lr-mame2003, lr-nestopia, lr-Genesis-Plus-GX and lr-snes9x2010. All the cores registered the mouse clicks, but would not register any movement. Finally, I tested an Ultimarc USB arcade gun and received the same results as I did with the DolphinBar. As I went along, I tested to make sure the system was reading the various mice with
and they all checked out. -
@BGallagherLA You can speed up time crisis tweaking the configuration. To do that, disable the framebuffer for this game. It's always slow but more playable
@mediamogul said in Wii remote for use a gun:
I've just run a few tests and got some disappointing results. The first test was with two standard mice on lr-mame2003 running 'Terminator 2'. I'm on the latest nightly, I have the input driver set to 'udev' and the player 1 & 2 mouse index set to 0 and 1 respectively. Unfortunately the player two mouse was completely unresponsive. There may be a piece to the puzzle I'm missing, but at first blush it looks like the mouse index feature isn't working on the Pi.
The second test was with the DophinBar and WiiMote. Here I tested with lr-mame2003, lr-nestopia, lr-Genesis-Plus-GX and lr-snes9x2010. All the cores registered the mouse clicks, but would not register any movement. Finally, I tested an Ultimarc USB arcade gun and received the same results as I did with the DolphinBar. As I went along, I tested to make sure the system was reading the various mice with
and they all checked out.it might be worth trying with the linuxraw driver.
just to confirm from the other thread - you are using the latest nightly, yeah? i.e., currently the only way to get that is to edit the retroarch.sh script before the source compilation, otherwise it will get v1.6 or something like that.
it might be worth trying with the linuxraw driver.
I'll try that this evening.
just to confirm from the other thread - you are using the latest nightly, yeah?
I modified the script module from
gitPullOrClone "$md_build" https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch.git v1.6.0 to
gitPullOrClone "$md_build" https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch.git and it seemed to build the latest without any errors. All the most recent additions are intact, such as mice indexes and menu transparency for XMB, but maybe there are additional considerations to allow the multiple mice to function.
@mediamogul it might be worth asking on the github issue: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/4775
also did you rebuild mame2003 from source? again it needs the latest version.
i've been meaning to test this myself, just not got around to it :(
@dankcushions said in Wii remote for use a gun:
@mediamogul it might be worth asking on the github issue: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/issues/4775
I second posting on hithub assuming you've got latest mame2003 core.
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