cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro
@ruicunha said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
im making a teste with 15 roms
Many of the games have similar. Hardware and may to extent share pieces so it tries to rebuild from those but it can only rebuild with what it has available which is why it's recommended to build from a full set, preferably newer rolling back for the best results. I've never had a perfect rebuild because name has never been perfect- always something broken which is to be expected with the thousands of different pieces of hardware it emulates
@herb_fargus said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
I've never had a perfect rebuild
I had everything go perfectly on a rebuild one time, but I've had so many minor errors since, under what I thought were the best of conditions, that it almost seems like a folk tale now.
@ruicunha said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
After doing everything in order to rebuild my set, everything is still the same, the same roms still dont work and those same roms work if i install lr_mame2010. Is it possible that you cannot rebuild this versions?
You can build any set. It's farily easy if you have the newest MAME ROM set (or correct ROMs) and the rollback set.
You need 3 things ClrMamePro, a DAT and ROMs. The DAT has very specific information on the ROMs it expects to find. You specify the rebuild source and destination. When you hit run It pulls ROMs from the source and rebuilds them in the destination according to the DAT.
You're kind of stuck with the DAT's people have already created. If one doesn't fit what you want you'll need to use a 3rd party program like DatUtil or other similar tool to build a tailored ROM set or go the old fashioned route and hand pull the ROMs you wish to run.
@mediamogul - You kind of lost me on the ROM dependencies. If you build a Non-Merge set it shouldn't require additional ROM sets to be present to work properly.
I was curious when you say you never have built a perfect set? You mean you're always missing files?
One thing that can happen is that there are errors in the DAT dating back to the original MAME source. For example there were some errors in the original MAME 0.78 DAT that could trickle down in the form of incomplete rebuilds. I recently fixed all of these that I know about for the mame2003 DAT: 0.78 XML.dat
There are a few romsets with messed up merge tags in the mame2014 DAT right now as well. Those come from minor errors in the MAME 0.159 source. If you rebuild a Non-Merged MAME 2014 collection in clrmamepro it will finish successfully. Then if you immediately go to scanning mode and scan that same set, it will remove a handful of files, and then tell you it's incomplete. You can then go to the rebuilder mode, which will add the files back....
@markwkidd said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
or example there were some errors in the original MAME 0.78 DAT that could trickle down in the form of incomplete rebuilds.
That's interesting. You're saying that the code was written with one version of the ROM but the DAT was built with a different (incorrect) version of the ROM?
Merged MAME 2014 collection in clrmamepro it will finish successfully. Then if you immediately go to scanning mode and scan that same set, it will remove a handful of files, and then tell you it's incomplete. You can then go to the rebuilder mode, which will add the files back....
This I don't quite understand. If you use the same DAT and the same set type for example Non-Merged it seems like it should produce the same results. Unless you Rebuild with Non-Merged then Scan with Split. You're saying you can Rebuild with Non-Merged and Scan with Non-Merged and it produces different errors/file removals? Different settings between Rebuild and Scan possibly?
I´ll explain what i did:
I reinstalled retropie
went to a 0.185 rom set i found, and choose about 400 roms, only the parents..
I know mame2003 works with 0.78., that makes many roms of my set rollback to the mame menu.So i installed clrmamepro
I downloaded the dat files that are located in this doc. and followed this steps:
started clrmamepro
added the 0.78 dat file
added the rompath
chose rebuild and chosed my roms file
choose non-merged
a message appear that ruibuild differs from setup i press ok
after i get my new romset, i place them in retropie mame, and the same roms wont work.
If i install mame2010 some of them will work.This is very frustrating for me since im building a romset in order to buy a bartop and preserve all my favourite games, for 2 weeks ive been downloading the roms and learning how to use retropie.
If someone knows a way to fix my romset im willing to give a tip or a donation to retropie, also if somone has teamspeak or discord that can use to help me i would appreciate.
This can be frustrating but get easier with time. Once you get a correct set built, name it and save it and it will always be there for you.
To do a proper rollback to an earlier version you need a full set from a more recent version of mame as well as a rollback set. This extra rollback set will hold all the old versions of ROMs that were removed as sets progressed.
There is a thread in these forums for Mame Set Rebuilder which is a great first utility to use for rebuilding, and easier to start with than ClrMamePro.
Put your Full Set & Rollback Set in the source directory and build from your .dat.
Sorry if this has already been covered but I didn’t notice any reference to the rollback set while skimming this topic. And that is the key to getting a complete usable package.
i already read the Validating, Rebuilding, and Filtering ROM Collections docs.
Im rebuilding again my 400 roms, if it will not work, ill probably install mame2010 that seems to work with newer sets.
Lr-mame 2016 will work with a newer set, do you guys think this is a better solution?
Mame2016 will run slower as the emulation is more accurate. You may be able to get games to launch but may not have the best gaming experience. I have never tried that core on the Pi
@riverstorm said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
@markwkidd said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
or example there were some errors in the original MAME 0.78 DAT that could trickle down in the form of incomplete rebuilds.
That's interesting. You're saying that the code was written with one version of the ROM but the DAT was built with a different (incorrect) version of the ROM?
The MAME source is maintained by hand. Sometime people fixed things, or broke things, or didn't quite type the correct parent-clone relationship into the source. Then a few versions later it gets corrected. There's another thread where @grant2258 is working intensively to help fix a number of these little human errors in mame2003.
This I don't quite understand. If you use the same DAT and the same set type for example Non-Merged it seems like it should produce the same results. Unless you Rebuild with Non-Merged then Scan with Split. You're saying you can Rebuild with Non-Merged and Scan with Non-Merged and it produces different errors/file removals? Different settings between Rebuild and Scan possibly?
I has to do with some screwy parent-clone setting where the MAME 0.159 source (and the DAT) says that two roms have a parent-clone relationship but they have different CRCs. Or something to that effect. My guess is that the two different modes of running clrmamepro decide to resolve this impossible conflict in two different ways.
@markwkidd that is great news that they are going back through these iconic sets. I never thought about the errors that are fixed moving forward we’re never fixed looking back. Makes a lot of sense and is making me re-think my “complete” sets that I’ve been using for years. Thank you for your input.
@riverstorm said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
@markwkidd said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
or example there were some errors in the original MAME 0.78 DAT that could trickle down in the form of incomplete rebuilds.
That's interesting. You're saying that the code was written with one version of the ROM but the DAT was built with a different (incorrect) version of the ROM?
Merged MAME 2014 collection in clrmamepro it will finish successfully. Then if you immediately go to scanning mode and scan that same set, it will remove a handful of files, and then tell you it's incomplete. You can then go to the rebuilder mode, which will add the files back....
This I don't quite understand. If you use the same DAT and the same set type for example Non-Merged it seems like it should produce the same results. Unless you Rebuild with Non-Merged then Scan with Split. You're saying you can Rebuild with Non-Merged and Scan with Non-Merged and it produces different errors/file removals? Different settings between Rebuild and Scan possibly?
are you scanning your rebuilds to a different folder? add the clrmame pro backup dir as well if you done this or if you havent. it might be recoverable. If you want to downgrade you will need the roll back roms. Then like mark said you have dupe crcs and wrong merges that why you should really be using the right dat and not one from mame itself unless you filter it all. The dupe crcs you can do much about thats why sha is there just delete the extra sets that shouldnt be there
All very confusing, rolling back my roms wont work. solution get mame 2010 and try to install most of roms at fba.
If i cannot get this right i´ll need to pay someone to install my roms.
@ruicunha said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
All very confusing, rolling back my roms wont work. solution get mame 2010 and try to install most of roms at fba.
If i cannot get this right i´ll need to pay someone to install my roms.
its not really its like this mame changes roms and when these roms change get lost in the upgrade path of mame so you cant build the old set if the other rom that was changed was removed. The solution is get the file that contains these lost roms its called a mame roll back set it contains all the rejected roms mame lost. If you want to build a 0.78 set from mame2010 set you would need a mame 2010 roll back set as well
There are a few romsets with messed up merge tags in the mame2014 DAT right now as well. Those come from minor errors in the MAME 0.159 source. If you rebuild a Non-Merged MAME 2014 collection in clrmamepro it will finish successfully. Then if you immediately go to scanning mode and scan that same set, it will remove a handful of files, and then tell you it's incomplete. You can then go to the rebuilder mode, which will add the files back....
@grant2258 - Yeah I am pretty comfortable with ClrMamePro as I've been using for years but there's always something new to learn or understand. I was just trying to see if I am missing something in the scenario explained. My question was more pertaining to understanding rather than needing help.
If you Rebuild a set and Scan it keeping the type as Non-Merged why would it add ROMs in Rebuild and remove them during a Scan. When you run ClrMamePro it's aware of set types chosen between Rebuild and Scan. If they don't match it will throw a warning asking if you really want to do this because it doesn't make sense obviously.
Barring there's no current bugs in ClrMamePro causing issues changing from Rebuild to Scan doesn't change the DAT and doesn't change the set type. Actually nothing has changed.
ClrMamePro can handle equal hashes or names on a merge without issue if it's aware of them in the DAT. It was designed that way. The case scenario mentioned is Non-Merged.
The only scenario where I can see this happening is switching between Non-Merged to Split or Non-Merged to Merged or vice versa with bad merge information but since it's a Non-Merged set merge tags aren't even used and equal names or hashes become irrelevant.
The only thing with ClrMarmPro I never quite understood is why they allow a switch in set types between Rebuild and Scan when it's the same DAT profile. The developer of ClrMamePro Roman man that guy knows DATs when you go and ask him questions and he's a pretty neat guy I am sure he had a reason and use.
@ruicunha said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
after i get my new romset, i place them in retropie mame, and the same roms wont work.
Did you get the "Missing List" after you ran it through ClrMamePro? Basically a report after it completes listing all missing and needed ROMs.
How i get a missing list? i just upload roms to pie after clrmamepro. i only want to use like 400 roms for mame, problem is that i got them from a 0.185 set.
my fba set works, neo-geo also works, mame is the problem several roms wont work.
i cant understand how to roll the roms back.
Tommorow ill try installing mame2010 prob some roms will work, cause today guests in my house got addicted to tetris and wont let go :)After i try mame 2010 and if some roms wont work ill try tofind thoseroms from a 0.139 set.
I gave up on rebuilding romset, its too confusing and the result is that ill get more roms than i need.Thanks for all the help.
@ruicunha said in cant rebuild roms with clrmamepro:
How i get a missing list?
I thought you followed the tutorial here? You can't possibly be.
If you did follow it there's no way to not get the list. It pops up after the Rebuild is complete. It requires you to click 'OK' before proceeding. It will show the number of files matched, missing, skipped. Total ROM files, sets, etc. Afterwards another pop-up will show you exactly what your missing in the form of set names and missing ROMs, sound samples, etc. It will be anywhere from clean to tens of thousands of missing ROMs.
there's no need to rebuild anything. mame 0.78 set is trivial to obtain. what's more, it's a non-merged set so if you don't want all the clones, you can just delete them manually without breaking any of the ones you want to keep.if it's only 400 roms you want it'll be quicker to just cut and paste those from the 0.78 set than to read our documentation ;)
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