Lens of Truth in Ocarina of Time?
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@quicksilver Thanks for the info. Kind of weird that the save file doesn't work though. I thought .srm saves were emulator independent.
I'll share a link to my save file when I get home later tonight.
@2stick There may be a way to convert the save file but Im not sure. I think the save files for lr-mupen and standalone mupen64 are kept in different directories which may be part of the reason it wont work (dont quote me on that). I believe that mupen64-glide will render the lens of truth properly but it has other issues.
@quicksilver Here's a link to my save file that you requested:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/3s0vqq1juvt2k51/Legend of Zelda%2C The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!].sra?dl=0
Needs to be added to /home/pi/.local/share/mupen64plus/saveThe mupen standalone save files are actually saved in a different directory and are a different format (.sra instead of .srm). They probably need to be converted to use with lr-mupen. Renaming doesn't work.
Also regarding Glide being able to render it properly; I've seen many people online say that, but it's not the case for me. Here's what it looks like for me with the Glide plugin (and every other plugin).
@2stick that's not glide, glide would have a fps counter in the bottom of the screen. I'm wondering if Zelda is on glides blacklist. Try turning mupen64 compatibility check off and try it with glide again.
@quicksilver I remember when the FPS counter used to be there, but I kinda remember reading a RetroPie dev say that it's since been removed since it's no longer needed to aid in performance. In the Runcommand menu, for the "Select Emulator for ROM" field I'm choosing "mupen64plus-GLideN64". Is that not what I should be doing?
Regardless, I found a save file converter and got my save working in lr-mupen64plus. And what do you know, the Lens of Truth works!
If you're interested, here's a link to the lr-mupen compatible save file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qzo5rgyj8xfhumb/The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.srm?dl=0
Needs to be added to /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/n64I'll add the necessary instructions to convert the save file to the OP in case anyone else comes across this in the future.
I'm still interested in knowing whether or not my ROM is actually loading in Glide when I select it. How would I go about turning off the compatibility check? I tried googling but I just get ROM performance/compatibility lists.
@2stick I'm pretty sure that the fps counter is still on by default. Do you have a couple different games you could test and see?
The setting for compatibility check is here:
Change the value from "1" to "0"
@quicksilver Changed that, and now I'm getting what looks to be a texture loading screen before the ROM launches (even if I choose the non high res Glide plugin). It never actually loads the ROM, as whatever is going on hangs around 715mb. So it does look like changing that compatibility check does allow Glide to launch. I'll have to do some digging to see why this texture stuff is happening though.
Thanks a lot for all the help and advice.
@2stick that message about noise textures loading is normal when using mupen64-glide
@2stick There must be some other compatibility settings that enable OOT to run correctly. Disabling the the compatibility check must be causing an issue with those other settings.
I just checked and it looks like a recent change put OOT on the glide blacklist. If you want to remove it without disabling the compatibility check you can do so here:
Looks like its on line 217. Try removing zelda from that line and try to run using glide again.
@quicksilver For whatever reason, mine is hanging. Before I went to bed last night I tried to load the ROM with Glide again, and it hung up around 700MB. It's still actually working, as every few minutes it'll show a fraction of a MB of progress. But I guess the CPU is so bogged down by whatever it's trying to do, because I can't even SSH into the Pi.
I left it loading the textures and let it run overnight. This morning when I checked it, it was back in Emulationstation so I thought it worked. However I tried to load the ROM again and the texture load hung up at 720MB.
If I can't figure it out tonight after work I'll just create a new post since we're not really talking about the Lens of Truth anymore lol.
@2stick Yea thats not normal. Are you overclocked? Try removing mupen64 and then reinstalling from binary.
@quicksilver I am overclocked. Don't know my settings off hand, but it's nothing crazy and it was 100% stable over a few different tests back when I originally did it a year or so ago.
I'll try removing/reinstalling mupen64 later today.
@2stick Over time emulators can become more demanding which may expose an unstable overclock. Its possible your stability testing wasnt as thorough as you thought (how did you test for stability?). Or it could be something completely unrelated but its worth investigating. Before you change your settings can you post the contents of your config.txt?
@quicksilver I tested it with Stress and cpuburn.
A part of me thinks that I only actually have the GPU overclocked, but I may be thinking of a different board. When I get home I'll check my config and post it here to be sure.
@2stick yea CPU burn really only tests your cooling and power supply. The stress program I have found to be inadequate at determining stability. I can pass it at 1400ghz but my pi really isn't stable past 1350mhz. This is because it is only stressing your CPU. You really want to test using something that will thrash your CPU, GPU, and ram all at the same time. I have another thread with a good conversation going about overclocking and proper stability testing.
Again, I have no clue if this is the cause of your current issue. But it's worth investigating because bad overclocks can do all sorts of wierd things.
@2stick Did you happen to have the instructions for converting the save file? We're having the same issue with the Lens of Truth.
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