Whats Up Guys?
@hansolo77 what a lovely message :) i havenโt played anything on my pi for a long time but will try and finish a classic over the christmas break, in between all the food :D
Hi !
I've been quite absent too for the last few weeks (or is it months already ?).
I just came back here a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised with the experimental lr-scummvm scriptmodule (as I try to be retroarch all the way).
Still hoping for a 2019 brand new RPi 4 (let's dream a little bit), and official release of FBA :)
Anyway thanks again to all contributors for this wonderful toy.
It's kind of Christmas everyday when you can (re)discover old gaming gems with retropie ! -
@Clyde said in Whats Up Guys?:
First and foremost, welcome back!
As for news from the RetroPie scene, I don't now much to tell what you can't see from the active threads in the Recent/Unread list. It also depends heavily on one's interests and preferences. Some topics that do come to my mind without any claim to be exhaustive:
- mame2003-plus is still heavily developed. Newest hotness: Backdrops!
- FBA got rudimentary mouse support.
- Nintendo sued LoveROMs, triggering many other rom sites to close or remove their download links out of the fear of being next in line.
- One being next in line was rapper Soulja Boy for selling a handheld console with many apparently unlicensed games on it.
- Sony had a try at a Playstation Classic Mini console and botched it in many ways.
Best wishes to you and your loved ones. Have fun.
Wow, so not much? :D
- I'm not familiar with mame2003-plus. Is there anything really "necessary" with it that's different from my current MAME which is running regular mame2003? I don't know about the backdrops, is that anything like the bezels? I'm using "The Bezel Project" stuff right now, and it works well enough.
- As for FBA, I'm really just starting to familiarize myself with it. I've always just used MAME, so FBA was something new I tried this summer. Looks like the only benefit of FBA over MAME is that it works better for some games. I really actually only installed it to get the cheevo system to work with some of the games. Other than that, I don't really see the benefit or need to have it. I'm thinking (sarcastically) "woo, mouse.."
- I knew about Nintendo getting greedy with rom sites. Funny thing is, they go after some site I've never heard of before. I have most of my roms backed up on my home server and on burned bluray disks for safe keeping. Not much more is needed. Still, sucks they went after them and it was a paradigm shift because of it.
- Never heard about Soulja Boy. That's just funny as all get out!
- Sony's botched PSCM was something I've actually been following. I can't believe what they finally released. It was a super fast cash grab and nothing more. I got my own legit PS and legit games, all of which were included in the Classic (although the Classic did have one or two I don't have). I also have a modded PS and backups, so I had no reason to buy this thing.
My biggest thing now is hoping 2019 will bring out the Atari VCS and it's upgraded hardware will bring in some much needed emulating power. They're saying it will have a sandbox that is completely separate from the Atari OS and their system, yet it will have 100% access to all of the CPU/RAM/GPU the system has, which means you'll get a system capable of running "current gen" games, as well as the potential to run even more stuff on the side.. You could install Windows on it and get Steam and PC games, or install Linux and get RetroPie in there. Exciting to see what comes of it. Got my Day One purchase in already.
@Sano said in Whats Up Guys?:
Hi !
I've been quite absent too for the last few weeks (or is it months already ?).
I just came back here a few days ago, and was pleasantly surprised with the experimental lr-scummvm scriptmodule (as I try to be retroarch all the way).
Still hoping for a 2019 brand new RPi 4 (let's dream a little bit), and official release of FBA :)
Anyway thanks again to all contributors for this wonderful toy.
It's kind of Christmas everyday when you can (re)discover old gaming gems with retropie !lr-scummvm you say? :) I never installed that on my PC. I know what it is though. I'd love to get in there and check out Day of the Tentacle. I saw a friend of my Dad's play it when he was showing off his 20'inch monitor back in the day. Been wanting to ever since. Might have to check that out.
Some other things I saw on the Libretro site was Reicast getting some love. They now have Naomi and Atomiswave systems running. That was the last thing I set up on my PC before going over to the Pi scene. Gonna have to check that out.
Anybody know if the Pi is capable of running any of those, or stuff like Saturn/GameCube? I know there is joke support for Dreamcast because a lot of people are asking about it working or not and getting the same results from N64. But the Saturn was an older system, maybe it works? GameCube is newer than N64, but maybe it works? I also saw a video of a guy's Pi build with his EmulationStation menu showing the NintendoDS. Is that system working? Anything else going on?
hey @hansolo77 and other guys too!
Regarding RetroArch updates, I can only say with enough confidence about the RetroAchievements front...
If you're still in 1.7.3 you're missing a new feature implemented in 1.7.4. Without such feature it can ruin the logic of some cheevos created recently (which means they won't trigger).
I wish to everyone a great time in these festive days and let's keep rocking in 2019!
@hansolo77 I'm confident you already played some ScummVM games at some point :)
Majority of great point and click games were using this engine between end of 80's and 90's :- Maniac mansion (and Day of the tentacle)
- Monkey island
- Sam & Max
- Indiana Jones
- Discworld
- King Quest
- Space Quest
- Leisure suite Larry
- Broken sword
Man, this list is becoming huge, I'll stop here, but there are so much more :)
Anyway, playing them very easily on retropie, with retroach support, it's awesome. -
There are too many fixes and improvements in mame2003-plus to name them from memory. If you're interested, you'll have to skip over its thread. The added and fixed games are listed in its changelog.md.
Up until now I've used mame2003-plus only for some games, but I'm on the brink of building a mame2003-plus romset as a replacement for my normal mame2003 set. The improvements are becoming just too many to swap it in on a per-game basis. ๐
I also don't use FBA much, apart from it being the standard emulator of my
rom folder, in which I keep the Neo Geo games I bought from GOG.com. But since I bought two spinners and two lightguns from Ultimarc as a xmas present to myself, ๐ I'm interested in mouse support in any emulator generally. -
I also didn't know LoveROMs before, and from what I heard since then, they may have made much money from their site over the years, so I don't think I'll shed many tears about their fall.
SoulJa Boy once was a YouTube phenomenon when his song "Crank That" was re-enacted by many people, including scientists from MIT. ๐ Just look for "crank that dance" or similar to find many of them.
I like Nintendo's SNES Mini and its hacking capabilities very much, so I hoped for a similar device from Sony. But as it is now, I'll wait the hacking community will make of it and maybe fix some of its flaws.
Now you've told me something I didn't know much about. I'll certainly look into the nue Atari VCS a little more.
@meleu said in Whats Up Guys?:
hey @hansolo77 and other guys too!
Regarding RetroArch updates, I can only say with enough confidence about the RetroAchievements front...
If you're still in 1.7.3 you're missing a new feature implemented in 1.7.4. Without such feature it can ruin the logic of some cheevos created recently (which means they won't trigger).
I wish to everyone a great time in these festive days and let's keep rocking in 2019!
I saw some mention about them working on a new overlay interface to replace the current "text only" one. Sounds like they're getting close to our dream of a popup with the thumbnail of the cheevo! ^_^ I wonder if an audible alert is in the works too. Would be killer if they eventually develop some form of online system (already somewhat working) for communities, friends lists, chatting, etc. I really need to update..
@Sano said in Whats Up Guys?:
@hansolo77 I'm confident you already played some ScummVM games at some point :)
Oh yes. Your list definitely contains games I'm familiar with, although I never played. Leisure Suit Larry I played on our Atari ST and finished. Maniac Mansion was ported to so many systems I don't know which I played it on first, but I know I never finished it. Broken Sword I believe my brother had on the PS1, or maybe it was Broken Sword 2. In either case, I never played it. I'm not sure if Myst/Riven was developed by the same people, but it's in that same tradition (although more a 1st person game instead of 2D click and the character moves there). I'll have to check this out when I have some free time. Was it very hard to make work? Are the games/roms typically like other systems (in zip or whatever form the emulator just loads) or are they folders that require
Yes, the Atari VCS is very exciting. They announced it earlier this year and once the backing support was open I was all in. My Dad is an Atari fanboy, and when they announced a return I had to jump on it. Got a Day One edition ordered (sold out in like the first 2-3 hours), along with the "classic" joystick ("quotes" because it's modernized with with LEDs) and the new standard thumb controller (looks like an Xbox controller with offset thumbsticks vs PlayStation's parallel). They have system specs up, and are determined to have a system capable of running 4k and current gen (maybe not Red Dead Redemption 2 level, but Indie level at least) games. Just the idea that I can do that, and then also have a beefier emulating system that can run Windows or Linux, it's just too inviting to pass up. If you want details, or to order/etc, check out:
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/atari-vcs-game-stream-connect-like-never-before -
The VCS has a nice, sleek design โ if you happen to have a feather duster for its many chinks. ๐ (I do happen to have one.)
I don't like its modern controller, though, because I never liked the asymmetric X-Box controller design. I prefer Playstation-like controllers, or even better, the Wii U Pro controllers. Of course that's a matter of taste, but I would like to have more options for the VCS in that regard apart from third-party controllers.
However, I'm looking forward to its market release to see some first-hand reviews.
edit: typo ("leak design" ๐)
I came here to say "welcome back" and ended up being hyped about Atari VCS.
@hansolo77 said in Whats Up Guys?:
Just the idea that I can do that, and then also have a beefier emulating system that can run Windows or Linux, it's just too inviting to pass up.
When you get one, you should definitely try installing retroarch on it and let us know how it runs.
@hansolo77 I just watched an ETAPrime video last week about the PlayStation Classic. They've already hacked it and got it running at 60 FPS with the ability to add games. Took them about a week to do it. I may grab one at work since I also get a discount. :) Just can't justify the cost as yet.
@ClassicGMR Only toggling 50 to 60 hz isn't a perfect solution. For example in Tekken 3 the timer will run down too fast.
I'm not really following the progress anymore..I wont buy it, not even for the 50% off price I see it now. -
@thelostsoul Don't be too much hyped, though. There is much doubt and criticism on YouTube, just search for "Atari VCS" to find it.
Of course the critics may exaggerate the negative signs they're seeing, but at least some of their objections sound fairly substantial. Let's wait and see.
@ClassicGMR said in Whats Up Guys?:
@hansolo77 I just watched an ETAPrime video last week about the PlayStation Classic. They've already hacked it and got it running at 60 FPS with the ability to add games.
And scanlines! (see first video at 3:30). I just can't play blocky classics without them. :)
But like @BobHarris, I doubt I will buy one even if it's on discount. The fact that those options are readily available by just plugging in a keyboard, it's even more of a shame that Sony didn't include them in their GUI. That said, it's very strange that only a small number of keyboards should work, like it's stated in the first video.
@hansolo77 well hello there, and thank you for the nice message as well!
I've been here though slightly more absent as work and family haven't allowed a lot of extra time these days. Still paying attention to RetroPie (in fact, the majority of my gaming these past 2 years has been on RetroPie as I struggle to get into the majority of most modern games these days for lack of consecutive time for playing), but mostly involved in the community via the odd troubleshooting post or more frequently through the MAME ROWs.
The more recent developments I've been excited about were lr-scummvm obviously, in hopes to relive the glory days of my childhood (though I tend to re-play Monkey Island 1 and 2 every handful of years, and I have The Day of the Tentacle Remastered on my backlog as well...), but also a really nice recommendation for those of you who like arcade-like games.
If you're familiar with Super Crate Box you might know that they have a Pi port of the game for free but it's notoriously tricky to set up any kind of controls for it other than keyboard, so I've not really played it as I run my RetroPie with either arcade controls or PS3 controls.
A C64 developer named Paul Koller ported it (officially) to the C64 and it runs beautifully. I don't have any attachment to C64 and in fact I had no game on it here prior to this one (I'm a ZX Spectrum guy), but this port is just perfect, and extremely faithful to the original game. If you're even remotely curious, do look it up and/or get it over at itch.io - it's a "name your own price" pricing scheme so you can get it for free, but the quality of the port for me made me donate to him even though I had already bought the game in other platforms several years back.
So that's it from my end.
A Merry Christmas to everyone and a happy new year!
Is there a way to find out what version of RetroPie I'm running? I updated the Retropie-Setup script, and now whenever I go to launch it it says Jessie is no longer supported and I should upgrade to Stretch. Is this just a disclaimer or has it detected I'm runnning an out of date version of the Kernel? It's been so long I can't remember.
I had surgery November 30th, and haven't had any new money come in yet. When I have some free spending cash I plan on upgrading my Pi to the 3b+, which I know requires the new Kernel. I'd like to know if I can use my current build on it, or if I'd be ahead to start from scratch again because my OS is out of date.
@hansolo77 I think the retropie team is going to phase out any new binaries and updates for Jesse. The future is stretch. If your image on Jesse is running fine, thereโs relly no reason to upgrade. But if you want the latest and greatest, it might be best to redo in stretch.
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