Crash during Basic Install on a Ubuntu/Windows overclocked machine
Hi all!
This is a crosspost from askUbuntu. I was hoping to be able to get some more insight here.
I have an overclocked system that has been running a 9700k@4.9Ghz for about a year now. I have never had a crash due to overclocked cpu. However, I wanted to set up a ubuntu installation just for fun to play with RetroPie. I set up a dual boot system on my nvme drive, allocating 26 gb to ubuntu. Installation and everything went fine, until I started to clone RetroPie-Setup from git. My system got rebooted three times during the process, no error message or anything ( I don't know how to check error logs in ubuntu, yet) So I reset everything in my BIOS (I have an Asus z390 Prime) and booted again into ubuntu. The installation process went through rather smoothly. I monitored the clock speeds, they were in their normal range for non-oc CPU.
Again, in Windows, I never had any crashed due to overclocking. I fine-tuned that cpu when I first got it.
So my question is this: Is this a possibility that ocing could be the cause for my system crashes? Could anyone point me to some insightful logs, perhaps in /var/logs ? That I could provide?
I don't like the fact that I have to change my BIOS Profile for ubuntu, should that in fact be the cause.
I tried to google a bit about this issue but wasn't able to find anything related at all.
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