My flat-pack cocktail cabinet build
Hi guys,
So I’m a bit of a klutz when it comes to building, cutting, drilling or anything else, but I wanted to have an arcade cabinet. They are ridiculously expensive to buy ready-made or even second-hand, but I managed to make the below from a flat-pack kit (even if it wasn’t exactly cheap) without serious injury or doing anything too stupid (e.g. put big holes in the wrong place, break the plexiglass, or drop something on it).
There's a parts lists , some software configuration information and other bits that you might find useful.
[ Arcade Cabinet Build.pdf]
Just thought some of you might like it, and there are some little quirks in there that I hadn't seen others do (e.g. using the same RPi that runs Retropie as a bluetooth sink, so I can play music on my phone out of the cabinet speakers while I game).
No shame in using a flat pack. I did so, too, since my manual skills and tools are very limited. Although your build looks great already in its plain, clean-cut elegance, do you plan to add some artwork?
I went a slightly different route with mine. I went for a thin build: INITIAL IDEA=
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