@mitu hey,
I am unable to reach shell(?) I have tried by exiting the Emumation Station and afterwards by pressing F4 from the ESbut to no avail... Both actions lead to=>black screen.
Any suggestions?
@Pipino57 Do you have a 4k TV ?
@mitu no I am using an acer monitor LCD ED242QR A, 1920×1080 @ 120 Hz.
Do you think that has something to do with it?
@Pipino57 okay so I just tried on my TV and it is working perfectly fine no black screens when I want to go to the settings
So my question is how can I make it work on my monitor? Because I would prefer playing on my monitor more convenient for me.
I would very appreciate some inputs please
@mitu Hi there, I'm having the same issue described here. I can see the options menu but when getting into one option black screen. I have tried quitting the ES to run line commands but the command line never shows up.
I'm trying to play in a 4k tv samsung UN49MU6300
Please help!
thank you -
@Pipino57 Hey, did you find a solution after? I'm having the exact same issue as you, and I'd love to play on my monitor. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Also experiencing this same issue. Connected to an LG C9 television. Booting into RetroPie is fine. Selecting any items in the Configuration menu goes to a black screen. Exiting the OS also goes to a black screen, so there seems to be no way to reach a command prompt.
Config.txt is forcing HDMI group 1, mode 63, drive 2.
Tried disable overscan, force hotplug, and ignore edid 5000080. None seemed to resolve the issue.
Anybody found a fix yet?
@raymeo Please open a separate topic instead of bumping a very old topic. Add the info requested in and post your
. -
I too am having this issue on an 65" LG OLED. I have tried to change many of the display options. The only one that gives me a picture leaves me in this exact same scenario where the emulation station menus work but as soon as I need to go into any kind of Pi setting menu from emulation station I am left with a black screen. I didn't have these problems when using my Retropie build on a Pi 3B+ this seems to only be an issue with the Pi 4 builds.
I didn't have these problems when using my Retropie build on a Pi 3B+ this seems to only be an issue with the Pi 4 builds.
That's because the Pi3 doesn't support 4k, while the Pi4b does. Instruct your Pi to disable the 4k video video modes, as outlined here.
If you still have problems after following the instructions in the docs, please open a separate topic instead of bumping old topics, thank you.
M mitu locked this topic on
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