@gare You can get RetroArch to run in verbose mode by choosing to launch with verbose logging. Seems like an issue with the audio - perhaps PulseAudio/Pipewire gets stuck ? Does it happen also with standalone emulators (i.e. Mupen64plus or PPSSPP) ?
Let me repeat my previous question - do you have a system override where the RetroArch settings are different for the gba system ? Is your gba system's configuration file custom/different from the default that RetroPie installs ?
Post the config file (/opt/retropie/configs/gba/retroarch.cfg) on pastebin.com. If you can, get a verbose log from RetroArch during this occurence and post it also on pastebin.com
@mitu Yes I did everything works Fine. I got a 1440p Monitor (as you probably alr know) and I switched to a 1080p Monitor everything works fine. I should prolly go check it on my 1440p Monitor again. I think the only thinks that won't load are the things happening on "console".
@mitu Thank you.
Only option 1 was possible for me.
My next step will be to buy a DualShock 4 gamepad.
Also, I will try to install OpenMediaVault to have NAS.
I was able to fix this issue. I tried a third television that it worked on. I guess retropie didn't like the refresh rate or resolution on my monitor originally? I was able to set the settings via the other TV and now everything works fine on the intended monitor.
@llivingst I ran into a similar issue when I updated a year old build on my pi 4. It would get to emulation station, but went to a blank screen when going into a game. It think it was crashing cause I could not exit back to emulation station or my video feed was gone. I know a lot of kernel changes were made, so maybe you have a custom configuration that interferes with the new kernel. But Step one would be to try switching hdmi ports. I remember that being in the wrong port did that before. If not, you might have to reimage a new build. I changed all my custom configs from overclocks to KMS drivers switched back to and still no go.