Deathsmiles on lr-mame2015 : Any performance tips?
@roslof I've been so impressed with this forum so far, I am sure you can work it out! Annoyed that I am in the "no-slider option" group.
note the slider is in the TAB MAME ui, not the retroarch UI.
@pjft I don't have h264_freq or isp_freq set in my overclock settings... Do they make a difference?
@AdamBeGood said in Deathsmiles on lr-mame2015 : Any performance tips?:
@pjft I don't have h264_freq or isp_freq set in my overclock settings... Do they make a difference?
Good question. I'm always trying to avoid being GPU-bound...
Take this with a grain of salt. This needs verification, and I want to avoid the "bad information is worse than no information" trap.
Two things I had "heard" from older messages in the Raspberry Pi forum from folks working on the kernel back in 2019:
- You could not overclock GPU settings above 750 (this may be wrong)
- Individual settings are no longer supported. gpu_freq should be used (this may be wrong)
To compare @pjft 's GPU-related settings:
v3d_freq=830vs. mine
gpu_freq=750Not noticing an immediate difference (which suggests that number 2 is indeed incorrect), but if we could truly squeeze more than 750 out of v3d_freq, there could be some % wins for 3D games.
This looks freshly updated: -
@roslof correct. The main thing I seem to get from the explicit v3d overclock is on Saturn and Dreamcast emulation, I believe. The clock frequency does change, at least you can measure it via the command line and it reports the new value.
@pjft Brilliant. I get to play w/overclock settings again! (yay and boo)
@roslof to be clear, and it might be just a placebo effect (I posted another thread on that) I'm using the 4k_60 option deliberately to (attempt to?) force the clock to be 10% higher.
Unsure if it actually does anything but thought I'd mention it. I'm on 1080p resolutions and screen.
@pjft same here with 1080p. I think it's worth my time playing around and testing. I already found undesirable results going slightly above your settings for v3d_freq, so I wager you've already had fun trying to max this thing out.
@Darksavior think I found it.
Enable Cheats in libretro Options, then restart. <--yes, this will enable Overclock CPU in MAME Tab Menu Slider ControlsTip: To update the overclock value more rapidly, hold Ctrl while moving left or right.
(and what shader are you using? those scanlines look perfect)
@roslof Thanks, that did it. Underclocking seems to help a bit. I'll do more testing later.
I use the crt-pi shader, then I modify it by setting both curvature settings to zero and increasing mask brightness to 1.00, the max. -
I've been following along with this thread, and underclocking the CPU in MAME definitely helps a lot for several games (though Ibara in particular still has some pretty bad slowdown/audio stuttering). Question though: Is there any way to get MAME to save the CPU underclock setting? Seems like every time I start a game I have to re-set the CPU clock again.
@SeraphisCain I'm guessing Overclock CPU settings cannot be saved: know the thread I linked is old, but I haven't been able to find anything to the contrairy.
It kind of blows my mind a little. Things like "Beam Width" for vector games can't be saved either. :|
Can anyone suggest an optimal/recommended underclock seeing for these games, or will it depends on the game?
A question: what is the underclock actually meant to do? Will it make things slower than they were in the real cab?
@SeraphisCain I find Ibara a problem, and Pink Sweets even worse. I'm going to go and play with my settings and see if I can get DeathSmiles better, and maybe Muchi Muchi Pork!
@roslof Let us know it you find any overclock settings which really work for you. :)
@AdamBeGood This might help:
I tried DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu 1.5 and... it seemed to indeed be better at 37%? Is this just a tremendous placebo effect? Can someone confirm or tell me how could I confirm this empirically - what to expect, FPS to stay closer to 60fps most times, or is it really just a "feeling" thing?
@roslof @AdamBeGood @Darksavior @SeraphisCain
Ok, since I'm a sucker for pain and whatnot, I tried to implement/hack away the overclock setting as a core option. I don't even imagine what else this may break, but from my limited testing it seems to work.
I'd appreciate your testing - I may end up submitting it upstream, though I have little hopes of it being approved as I am fairly sure that someone who actually knows the MAME and libretro code architecture would have much better ways of accomplishing it - not to mention that they may also find that this is not something they'd want as a core option.
Very much open to feedback - I tested it briefly on Deathsmiles and DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu and at least the value shown on the slider seems to change accordingly (if you have that menu open, though, you'll need to close it and open again for it to refresh).
If you can test and see if it effectively works as intended, I'd appreciate it. Also, if anyone actually knows the ins and outs of libretro architectures, feel free to say how I should have actually done this right from the get go.
Just extract it to your own
folder, or create a new system (probably a good idea).If it crashes, just run in verbose and send it my way, but it shouldn't. I just don't know if the default clock for everything is 100%, but from reading the code, it seems to be. That's also what I'm using as a default, but I'm afraid whether it might break games with non-100% default timings, if they exist.
@pjft brilliant!
I'll devote some time with this today.Per the post I listed above, I understand that it's possible to set this and have the game fail to boot, but I'd know how to fix this if that happens, I think this is a great option to have.
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