Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World
@dankcushions No.
I've created a few of those for vertical arcade games to use crt-pi-vertical, or to set latency options, but I don't have a .zip.cfg for this rom.
pi@rpi-tv:~ $ ls -l RetroPie/roms/snes/Super\ Mario\ World\ \(USA\).zip* -rw-rw-r-- 1 pi pi 345695 Jun 30 15:58 'RetroPie/roms/snes/Super Mario World (USA).zip' pi@rpi-tv:~ $
@busywait and did you try deleting/renaming the override?
Other configuration files that are changed:
pi@rpi-tv:~ $ cat /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg # Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line input_overlay = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay/Super-Nintendo-Entertainment-System.cfg" input_overlay_opacity = "1.000000" input_remapping_directory = "/opt/retropie/configs/snes/" video_shader = "/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/shader/crt-pi.glslp" #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"
pi@rpi-tv:~ $ cat /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg accessibility_enable = "false" accessibility_narrator_speech_speed = "5" ai_service_enable = "false" ai_service_mode = "0" ai_service_pause = "false" ai_service_source_lang = "0" ai_service_target_lang = "0" ai_service_url = "http://localhost:4404/" all_users_control_menu = "true" apply_cheats_after_load = "false" apply_cheats_after_toggle = "false" # aspect_ratio_index = "" assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/assets" audio_block_frames = "0" audio_device = "" audio_driver = "alsa" audio_dsp_plugin = "" audio_enable = "true" audio_enable_menu = "false" audio_enable_menu_bgm = "false" audio_enable_menu_cancel = "false" audio_enable_menu_notice = "false" audio_enable_menu_ok = "false" audio_fastforward_mute = "false" audio_filter_dir = "default" audio_latency = "64" audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000" audio_mixer_mute_enable = "false" audio_mixer_volume = "0.000000" audio_mute_enable = "false" audio_out_rate = "48000" audio_rate_control = "true" audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000" audio_resampler = "sinc" audio_resampler_quality = "2" audio_sync = "true" audio_volume = "0.000000" auto_overrides_enable = "true" auto_remaps_enable = "true" auto_screenshot_filename = "true" auto_shaders_enable = "true" autosave_interval = "0" block_sram_overwrite = "false" builtin_imageviewer_enable = "true" builtin_mediaplayer_enable = "true" bundle_assets_dst_path = "" bundle_assets_dst_path_subdir = "" bundle_assets_extract_enable = "false" bundle_assets_extract_last_version = "0" bundle_assets_extract_version_current = "0" bundle_assets_src_path = "" cache_directory = "/tmp/retroarch" camera_allow = "false" camera_device = "" camera_driver = "null" cheat_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cheats" check_firmware_before_loading = "false" cheevos_auto_screenshot = "false" cheevos_badges_enable = "false" cheevos_enable = "false" cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable = "false" cheevos_leaderboards_enable = "false" cheevos_password = "" cheevos_richpresence_enable = "true" cheevos_start_active = "false" cheevos_test_unofficial = "false" cheevos_token = "" cheevos_username = "" cheevos_verbose_enable = "false" config_save_on_exit = "false" content_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/database/rdb" content_favorites_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/" content_favorites_size = "200" content_history_dir = "" content_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/" content_history_size = "200" content_image_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/" content_music_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/" content_runtime_log = "true" content_runtime_log_aggregate = "false" content_show_add = "true" content_show_favorites = "true" content_show_history = "true" content_show_images = "true" content_show_music = "true" content_show_netplay = "true" content_show_playlists = "true" content_show_settings = "true" content_show_settings_password = "" content_show_video = "true" content_video_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/" core_assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/downloads" core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg" core_set_supports_no_game_enable = "true" core_updater_auto_extract_archive = "true" core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = "" core_updater_buildbot_cores_url = "" core_updater_show_experimental_cores = "false" crt_switch_center_adjust = "0" crt_switch_resolution = "0" crt_switch_resolution_super = "2560" crt_switch_resolution_use_custom_refresh_rate = "false" crt_video_refresh_rate = "60.000000" current_resolution_id = "0" cursor_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/database/cursors" custom_viewport_height = "960" custom_viewport_width = "1280" custom_viewport_x = "320" custom_viewport_y = "60" desktop_menu_enable = "true" discord_allow = "false" discord_app_id = "475456035851599874" driver_switch_enable = "true" dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default" enable_device_vibration = "true" fastforward_ratio = "0.000000" 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input_cheat_index_minus_mbtn = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus = "y" input_cheat_index_plus_axis = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus_btn = "nul" input_cheat_index_plus_mbtn = "nul" input_cheat_toggle = "u" input_cheat_toggle_axis = "nul" input_cheat_toggle_btn = "nul" input_cheat_toggle_mbtn = "nul" input_descriptor_hide_unbound = "false" input_descriptor_label_show = "true" input_desktop_menu_toggle = "f5" input_desktop_menu_toggle_axis = "nul" input_desktop_menu_toggle_btn = "nul" input_desktop_menu_toggle_mbtn = "nul" input_device_p1 = "0" ... snip ... input_player9_y_mbtn = "nul" input_poll_type_behavior = "2" input_recording_toggle = "nul" input_recording_toggle_axis = "nul" input_recording_toggle_btn = "nul" input_recording_toggle_mbtn = "nul" input_remap_binds_enable = "true" input_remapping_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config/remaps" input_reset = "h" input_reset_axis = "nul" input_reset_btn = "nul" input_reset_mbtn = "nul" input_rewind = "r" input_rewind_axis = "nul" 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pi@rpi-tv:~ $
@busywait said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
this is non-standard. it should be much shorter. you can see an example of the default /all/retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist (you may have to reinstall retroarch for this to generate, can't remember). i would replace your version with that.
however i don't think either of these will affect your log as they affect all games in the core, so i defer to my previous reply.
@dankcushions OK, wow. Thank you.
I moved the file out of the way, and got a full verbose log afterwards.
mv "/home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Super Mario World (USA).cfg{,.bak}"
Mysterious indeed. (And a bit fragile). I'll try and remember this if I need a verbose log in the future.
I suppose it would be safest for the Bezel Project overrides to be in (or modify existing configs in) the rom folder? (Which is up to the BP author, obvs.)
@dankcushions retroarch.cfg.rp-dist works in the same way as default config files changes on debian with its dpkg-dist files. If the default config is different from the user's one, when updating the package this file will be created. It won't be created if the
is the same as the default. -
@busywait You shouldn't run with the retroarch.cfg removed or moved out of the way. It will generate a new config which will be wrong. You can reinstall retroarch from binary if you remove the retroarch.cfg to install a default one in the place, or update with your current retroarch.cfg in place to get a new retroarch.cfg.rp-dist file which contains the defaults which you could copy from.
@buzz said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
@dankcushions retroarch.cfg.rp-dist works in the same way as default config files changes on debian with its dpkg-dist files. If the default config is different from the user's one, when updating the package this file will be created. It won't be created if the
is the same as the default.Thanks both - looks like I have a set of clean rp-dists, which will be helpful!
pi@rpi-tv:~ $ find /opt/retropie/ -name '*dist' /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/mame-libretro/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/fba/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/mastersystem/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/n64/mupen64plus.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/nes/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist /opt/retropie/configs/arcade/retroarch.cfg.rp-dist
@buzz said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
@busywait You shouldn't run with the retroarch.cfg removed or moved out of the way. It will generate a new config which will be wrong. You can reinstall retroarch from binary if you remove the retroarch.cfg to install a default one in the place, or update with your current retroarch.cfg in place to get a new retroarch.cfg.rp-dist file which contains the defaults which you could copy from.
Thanks - the file that I moved out of the way was a small config override (only a single line in, related to the Bezel Project), and I've put it back for now, despite the fact it breaks logging :o
@busywait said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
@dankcushions OK, wow. Thank you.
I moved the file out of the way, and got a full verbose log afterwards.
mv "/home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Super Mario World (USA).cfg{,.bak}"
Mysterious indeed. (And a bit fragile).
bizarre, retroarch is frequently a house of cards. if you care to, please log an issue for them to look at:
@dankcushions said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
@busywait said in Verbose log is truncated from Snes9x with Super Mario World:
@dankcushions OK, wow. Thank you.
I moved the file out of the way, and got a full verbose log afterwards.
mv "/home/pi/.config/retroarch/config/Snes9x/Super Mario World (USA).cfg{,.bak}"
Mysterious indeed. (And a bit fragile).
bizarre, retroarch is frequently a house of cards. if you care to, please log an issue for them to look at:
I do care, but I'd want to log it against their latest version. Will RetroArch 1.9 make it into RetroPie soon?
@busywait We are waiting for 1.9.1 (Assuming that doesn't have issues on RetroPie we have to look into etc).
Related? makes me nervous of using the BezelProject, which uses override configuration for game themes, and when I can see --appendconfig is used in the RetroPie command lines.
To retain the bezel configuration and the ability to run with verbose logging I have moved the bezel configuration into a game .zip.cfg file.
input_overlay = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay/GameBezels/SNES/Super Mario World (USA).cfg" config_save_on_exit = "false"
I added an issue in the BezelProject github:
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