Development of module-script generator for lr-mess, lr-mame and mame standalone
@Folly BTW is there an option to enable the Digital Video Cartridge? About 50% of games seem to need it.
As far as I know the developers of lr-same_cdi had help from the guy who made the first Philips CDI emulator for windows which did support DVC.
So hopefully he will help in the future in the development of that. -
@Folly (and others of course)......a little off-topic but related.
I took all of the work done here and in the other related posts and migrated this same logic to a Windows PC based setup.
I've created an AutoHotKey script (compiled into an exe file) that will launch Retroarch and pass additional parameters for the MESS based systems.
Here's a link to my Github for it. There's a README with examples, an already compiled exe in the "release" section as well as the source AHK script.
You can read the AHK script and see what is currently implemented for those MESS systems that need a little bit of additional things added to the *.cmd file used by MESS.
Hope someone finds this useful. I have it working great using Attract Mode and EmulationStation on my PC. Any gaming front-end will work though.
Congratulations for created this.
Seems very cool for Windows users.I will add a link in the first post.
@Folly The 440 script, the one before the last one that has Hamsters and other games you think that should be released to a broader public as a binary?
Me thinks so :DIn the future lies the cd and hard drive stuff...
but for now, do you think a keyboard mapper to joypad could be done for the 440 version of the emulator? They seem to work well with the c64 and zxspectrum where you select keyboard, but you can use the analog selection below it and remap the keys to the joypad for individual games. It would be great to use a joypad for the archimedes.
be well!! - Doug
@duglor said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess, lr-mame and mame standalone:
@Folly The 440 script, the one before the last one that has Hamsters and other games you think that should be released to a broader public as a binary?
Not sure what you mean by this, for those who want it's already available using this project.
In the future lies the cd and hard drive stuff...
Right now I am busy with the scraper stuff.
If somehow I find it useful to do some tests again I will try it again.
But since it didn't work on the other drivers, chances are that it will have the same result.
So I don't want to waste my time on something that probably doesn't work, do you get it ?but for now, do you think a keyboard mapper to joypad could be done for the 440 version of the emulator? They seem to work well with the c64 and zxspectrum where you select keyboard, but you can use the analog selection below it and remap the keys to the joypad for individual games. It would be great to use a joypad for the archimedes.
I think there are possibilities, just find the best solution for yourself.
be well!! - Doug
be well too !
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
@Folly How do you switch disks in the Archimedes Emulator again? I don't see an option in the retroach menu...was it one of the function keys? I can't recall. The fuction keys seem to be taken over by MAME or hotkeys in the 440 version of the archimedes emulator.
Is it something where i have turn focus on and then use a function key to change a disk. I totally forgot. -
Just use the "tab" key for entering the mame-gui.
If it doesn't work or you can't find it then let me know. -
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
Because we are busy with improving the gamelists I also improved this : -
I have improved my script with automating "handheld" list for the easy ones.
Only jak_sdoo is not in the list as it's a preliminary driver, so we should check this driver.I created a commit, that is relevant for mame 0.250, so we can easily pick out the new "good" drivers.
So we can test them and add necessary files to the google-drive. (artwork etc)Let me know what you think of it automating it this way.
Here it is : -
I tested jak_sdoo and seems to be fine.
So I added code that will add our preliminary drivers, if they still exist in mame, and sort the list again.
jak_sdoo is added again.
So now we are up to date for :
tigerrz.iniUnless you want to add more manually tested preliminary drivers. -
Here is the added code and the automatically created classich.ini for mame 0.250 : -
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
Update for mame 0.250 .
Added updated handheld & plug&play data to the database.
all_in1 data is the only data that is not yet fully updated and automated.
M mitu referenced this topic on
E eberhab referenced this topic on
D DTEAM referenced this topic on
Yes I saw it, cool !
Also the binary in retropie is already updated to 251.Now we will be able to play the new handhelds.
I will have to wait for the progettosnaps updates, in order to update the database and the script.
I compare your classich drivers list from your first post vs my list and monkeygk and nstarfox are not in your list. Do you know if new roms are missing in our lists?
I will try to generate new mp4s with the background (for some handheld system) when I have time
My first post list isn't updated yet.
(I will probably update it when I have build up the new dorted list for mame 251)
Though I can see that nstarfox is already in my classich.ini .Is monkeygk an old driver ?
I don't see it in 250 and 251. -
@Folly said in Development of module-script generator for lr-mess, lr-mame and mame standalone:
Is monkeygk an old driver ?
I don't see it in 250 and's a clone of GNW_MMOUSE in Game and Watch from MAME 0.238. Not listed anymore. I'm gonna delete it.
Everything is updated to mame0251.
I also did the driver links in post 1.Edit :
Damn, I made a mistake ;-(
I used the wrong in files !
I have to rebuild the database again. -
I hope everything is ok now.
For those who did already an update to mame0251, please update again, within the script, to update to the latest database.
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