Retro arch core settings wont save ghetefore ruining my aspect ratio
- list itemRe: Retroarch not saving any settings
Is it still working if so iam a noob can you please help me use thos settings you used.  )
(Most) settings aren't saved through RetroArch unless you break something. Use the configuration editor to set things like aspect ratio:
You can go by what the video suggests... I've found that's the long way and can be a lot more work.
I use the RGUI to do all of my changes and settings. I start with the first change, to make sure I am saving all my core changes correctly.
I'll use lr-vice for my example:
- I start a game, and use <select>+<X> button to enter RGUI (I imagine this to be the same as your controller?)
- I want to make a change to let's my Video so from the Main Menu --> Settings --> Video --> Scaling.
- I make my changes to the video screen size.
- I back out to Main Menu --> Settings --> Configuration
- I change the following: Enable "Save Config on Quit" and dsiable "Use Global Core Options File"
- Back out to Main Menu --> Configuration --> Save Current Config (or just close out of lr-vice)
- You will then see it create the lr-vice retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs.hdmi/c64
From now on, that will be your dedicated config file for lr-vice. I did the same for all my emulators and have had it this way for many years.
Now on to other stuff ...
To change the shaders is different:
- Go into RGU again
- From Main Menu --> Quick Menu --> Shaders --> Load (pick a shader)
- Back out to Shader menu and select "Save" --> "Save Core Preset" use nothing else. This will save your shader to the core you are running... in this case lr-vice. That will not be effected by other cores. So you can use multiple styles of shaders for different cores.
To Change Overlays:
- From Main Menu --> Quick Menu --> On-Screen Overlays
- Enable "Display Overlay" so you can see it and size it the way you need
- "Overlay Preset" - takes you to the list to choose your overlay - overlays are stored by default in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay
- Choose one and set the Scale and Opacity to what you want.
- Exit out of the emulator, or go back to Save Configuration above.
To change controllers:
- From Main Menu --> Quick Menu --> Controls - Port 1 Controls (Port 2, Port3... etc)
- Change the Device type to whatever WORKS in the Core. For lr-vice the Retropad option works fine. Some other cores may need you to play around with other options. Lr-Dosbox-Pure does. And it's per game as well.
- Back out to Controls Menu -->"Save Game Remp File" if it's a change per game. "Save Core Remap File" if this joystick setting works for all other games you tried in THIS core you are working with,
I've gone about this way and I've had little to no issues once everything is set.
I hope this all answered your question.
There are a ton of options to play with, and play all you want... but do not save it and disable "Save Config On Exit" and you'll have nothing to worry about.
@jamrom2 said in Retro arch core settings wont save ghetefore ruining my aspect ratio:
I'll use lr-vice for my example:
I start a game, and use <select>+<X> button to enter RGUI (I imagine this to be the same as your controller?)
I want to make a change to let's my Video so from the Main Menu --> Settings --> Video --> Scaling.
I make my changes to the video screen size.
I back out to Main Menu --> Settings --> Configuration
I change the following: Enable "Save Config on Quit" and dsiable "Use Global Core Options File"
Back out to Main Menu --> Configuration --> Save Current Config (or just close out of lr-vice)
You will then see it create the lr-vice retroarch.cfg in /opt/retropie/configs.hdmi/c64
From now on, that will be your dedicated config file for lr-vice. I did the same for all my emulators and have had it this way for many years.this absolutely works if you want to maintain your own config files forever, but it effectively breaks retropie's config hierarchy and makes your setup unsupportable. i strongly wouldn't recommend doing this when the configuration editor exists.
@dankcushions how does it make the configuration unsupportable?
Seems like it works fine, even after I've done a few RetroArch updates, as well as individual emulators.
@jamrom2 said in Retro arch core settings wont save ghetefore ruining my aspect ratio:
@dankcushions how does it make the configuration unsupportable?
Seems like it works fine, even after I've done a few RetroArch updates, as well as individual emulators.
right, it will probably work fine it's just if you ever have an issue and present the config files to someone to diagnose them, they'll be faced with a single, massive config file that overrides and ignores the retropie supplied and controlled config files /opt/retropie/all/retroarch.cfg and retroarch-core-options.cfg, so it makes it basically impossible for anyone else to support.
i would always advise to use retropie's tools to perform config changes where you can. though i suspect OPs issue would be solved by something other than a config change as retropie has the correct aspect ratios by default, but we have no info...
Oh... unsupportable... I get what you mean now! (smacks head with hand)
Yes.. I've reached that point that I'm comfortable with the file structure after screwing it up many times... and begging for help. LOL.
So yes, I agree.. that part should be optional.
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