Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement
@abj said in Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement:
I reinstalled from my backup, which is 3 weeks old, and then updated the: retropie-setup script, core packages, raspberry packages and everything is working correctly.
If i update the mupen64plus then the problem appears.Okay, there were five (5) upstream changes made to the mupen64plus-core repo on May 3rd. UPDATE: Issue identified and explained here with temporary workaround.
@abj said in Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement:
If i update the mupen64plus then the problem appears.
Which means this is not related to any OS/RetroPie updates, but with a core update. Just like @TPR before, you're reporting any issues un-related to the Pi5 on your installation here, just because you're using Bookworm on a Pi5. I'm going to lock this topic down if it's going to become a dumping ground for any issues appearing on RaspiOS Bookworm with/without PI5.
Sorry, my only purpose was to inform users to be careful with what is safe to update to avoid this problem. I will not post any issue again. -
@roslof i have already try this but without luck.
R roslof referenced this topic on
Official Raspberry Pi M.2 HAT+ on sale now: https://www.raspberrypi.com/news/m-2-hat-on-sale-now-for-12/
I'm using the pi 5 for quite some time now, and so far I got everything working well. Except for Dosbox Staging.
It runs quite well, the auto crt shader is super cool, the performance ist great, but I have a lot of sound issues.
Many (most?) games feature audio dropouts and crackling noise. I think it has something to do with MIDI, but I'm not sure.
Has anyone else tried Dosbox Staging with the Pi5 so far? -
For the Raspberry Pi 5, is the 64-bit OS Lite image preferable?
@ionx said in Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement:
For the Raspberry Pi 5, is the 64-bit OS Lite image preferable?
Yes, use the 64bit OS version if you intend to do a manual installation.
I installed RetroPie manually, and everything is working fine!
I am going to try Vulkan so I can run some Naomi and Naomi 2 games that don't run very well under OpenGL. Besides reinstalling RetroArch and SDL2, do I have to reinstall the cores? -
Any update on the Pi5 Image?
How does the PI5 handle System 32?
What Mame is used, so I can pre-grab the library. etc. -
@Jiryn What mame is used?
I would say the same as on the other images, so either 2003 as a default (which imho should be replaced with m2k3+, but that is just me and my 2ct) or the ones you install via retropie-setup (and personally i doubt that a pi5 will perform well on current-mame, but maybe at least be playable for some older titles (e.g. even asteroid with newer mame(s) (.251 was the last version I tried on the pi4) wasn't really playable) -
@Jiryn An overclocked pi4 ran system32 games on mame2016. With a pi5, I'm using fbneo. I wouldn't use mame2003 again unless you want to play Killer Instinct or similar games.
Hi Mitu,
I can't get sound with USB audio. Is there a way to set it on the Pi5. Am I the only one having this problem?
@DTEAM said in Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement:
Am I the only one having this problem?
Probably not, but also unlikely it's a Pi5 specific issue. Open a separate topic and post the details of your problem and system, along with any configuration you may have tried.
Question, Does OpenBor work on pi5?
I'm not getting mine to load, is this a pi5 issue that's still being sorted? -
@DTEAM Follow this procedure, works on my Pi5.
Apologies if this is unrelated, but I have never been able to get neogeo working on the pi 5. I am using fbneo as the emulator, and trying to run it from "neogeo" as a system, not from the arcade system menu.
This works fine on my pi 4.
Any ideas? -
@Dopedtoinfinity said in Raspberry Pi 5 - official announcement:
This works fine on my pi 4.
Any ideas?No related to Pi5. Please open a separate topic and provide the info requested in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.
@mitu thanks and apologies.
I was using FBNeo for everything, but System 32 seems slow.
I think I was using Mame2010 and still getting some weird results on games like Jurassic Park.Though, I may be remembering wrong since it looks great in my video
Basically, my PI is so I can play and stream Arcade Games, 32X, and legacy consoles I don't own (The Ataris)
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