Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5
@abj I find those useful to be honest, I keep it set so I know my game has saved and I can switch it off safely. Or if the wiimote has connected properly etc. The bigger solution would be some kind of answer we had for the script that looks at your controller and maps it if it doesn't exist in the config yet. Especially for things like hotkey. It could be possible seeing as dolphin now follows SDL's standardised Button East, West etc.
Anyway getting ahead of myself there, not sure how much interest in GameCube on pi 5 there is aside from a handful of us on here
@retropieuser555 said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
The bigger solution would be some kind of answer we had for the script that looks at your controller and maps it if it doesn't exist in the config yet. Especially for things like hotkey.
I have something in the works here, but not yet complete since I want to see if the settings can be mapped to a profile to be loaded automatically, especially since Dolphin doesn't have the concept of 'auto-configuration'.
I guess you could at command line level change the PadProfile1 when booting depending on the controllers.
But then the hotkey is inside it's own .ini, so not sure how you'd get around that
@retropieuser555 said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
Yes, that's part of the solution, the other part is the hotley mapping and determining which profiles to load (for multiple controllers).
A abj referenced this topic on
A abj referenced this topic on
How have you been getting multi-disc games to work?
I've tried using an m3u file but lr-dolphin doesn't seem to load it.
for example. .m3u file contains:
/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gc/B/Baten2.rvzbut then it just kicks me back to ES with the following error in my log:
[libretro INFO] 38:09:360 DolphinLibretro/Boot.cpp:177 N[Video]: Using GFX backend: Vulkan
[libretro ERROR] 38:09:360 DolphinLibretro/Boot.cpp:193 E[BOOT]: Could not boot /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/gc/B/Baten.m3u. M3U contains no paths
[ERROR] [Content]: Failed to load contentAny ideas?
I haven't tried this emulator yet, but I believe that all libretro emulators work the same.So, try the .m3u file structure like this:
game_disk1.rvz game_disk2.rvz
Or like this:
game (Disk 1).rvz game (Disk 2).rvz
@ionx said in Dolphin / Gamecube / Wiiware / Wii Compatibility on Pi 5:
I haven't tried this emulator yet, but I believe that all libretro emulators work the same.So, try the .m3u file structure like this:
game_disk1.rvz game_disk2.rvz
Or like this:
game (Disk 1).rvz game (Disk 2).rvz
I did... same error. :(
EDIT: I should mention that all my other .m3u files are working just fine on all my other consoles: Saturn, Dreamcast, X68000, etc, etc... so this is not my first rodeo with the format.
So someone over on reddit pointed this out and have been testing a little bit. For certain games playing with the under clock function seems to help smooth some of the games out that were on the edge of playability. So things like skies of Arcadia have a few slowdowns but putting the under clock to 70% seems to have smoothed that out. It might be worth playing with those settings for some games to see what it fixes. Although for a few it makes no real difference (Luigi's Mansion for example)
Thanks for the tip. Is this for the standalone version or Libretro, or both? -
@ionx standalone. I don't use the libretro version as it's a fair bit out of date, it might have an underclock option in the retroach core menu though
I tested it with Resident Evil Zero, which had massive frame drops during fight scenes, and the game is playable now.
Thank you very much again!
I tested more than 50 games with the underclocking setting, and the improvement is huge! I suggest making this setting the default.
@ionx I'm not sure it would be a good idea across the board as certain games timings are linked to the clock speed. So if you had a game that runs pretty much perfectly at 100% clock, underclocking could introduce issues.
Out of curiosity what perfect of clock speed are you testing at? Or are you mixing and matching across games?
Overall each game in standalone dolphin can have its own .ini file, so in theory having an .ini certain games could be done (as dolphin checks them by gameid, not rom/file name etc)
I think you are right, and it's good to know that each game can have its own .ini file.
I set the CPU speed to 70% and tested the games with this setting only.
Games like Metal Gear Solid, The Matrix, Resident Evil Zero, and Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Academy are playable now. -
@ionx but it's more than just an ini file, the trouble with retroach is you can't really create unique configs as you've no idea what the user will call their file name. Whereas in standalone dolphin it's not looking for the rom file name, it's that games unique ID, which is how mupen64plus manages to have loads of individual hacks for each game to make them work
@retropieuser555 @ionx The libretro version does have the underclock option and I have tested it on a couple of games and found it also helps improve performance. I've only had time to test that it is there and to see if it works or not. Anyone else have more time to dive into it further?
I had issues with Libretro, such as system freezing or black screens, and I don't use it. I suggest you use the standalone version -
@ionx yeah I have both installed. I just like libretro for the ease of everything being under one roof. But if I find something that really doesn't run at all with it, I'll switch over to the standalone.
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