SNES and PS not exiting with escape key
I'm building a laptop controller with a raspberry inside for a friend.
I got all of the arcade games working in Carbon with videos (thanks for the help).My curiosity now is that SNES, N64 and PS games will not let me exit.
My Ultimarc is set to keyboard and I have a dedicated escape key to exit.
These cores will not let me enter retroarch with the regular F1 key.I am working with a modified retroarch.cfg file I setup to remove conflicts between games and systems to work better with the keyboard.
Specifically, I'm trying to stay with MAME key standards and remove anything that I don't want or need (fast forward, netplay, players 3-16, etc.)Any thoughts on what I've left out or overlooked.
Pi Model or other hardware:3B+
Power Supply used: Canakit 5v 2.5a
RetroPie Version Used: v4.8.9 on Buster and Retroarch 1.19.1
Built From: RetroPie website
USB Devices connected: Ultimarc mini
Controller used: Ultimarc mini - 8 game buttons, spinner, trackball, joystick, 4 admin buttons with ipac hot key (select, start, pause, enter, exit)
Error messages received: na
Verbose log (if relevant): na
Guide used: na
File: na
Emulator: lr-mupen64plus, lr-pcsx-rearmed, lr-snes9x2010
Attachment of config files: see below for all config
** Updated 01/15/2025
** Manually setup player 1 inputs
** Manually setup player 2 inputs
** Manually setup arcade buttons
** Manually nul for unwanted functions
** Deleted netplay references
** Delete references to gamepads
** 16 players... honestly.
cache_directory = "/tmp/retroarch"
core_options_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch-core-options.cfg"
system_directory = "~/RetroPie/BIOS"
config_save_on_exit = "true"
video_threaded = "true"
video_smooth = "true"
video_aspect_ratio_auto = "true"
video_font_size = "24.0"
video_message_bgcolor_enable = "false"
video_message_bgcolor_red = "0"
video_message_bgcolor_green = "0"
video_message_bgcolor_blue = "0"
video_message_bgcolor_opacity = "1.0"
input_joypad_driver = "udev"
input_autodetect_enable = "true"
menu_swap_ok_cancel_buttons = "false"** Player buttons ************************************************
input_player1_start = "num5"
input_player1_select = "num1"
input_player1_left = "left"
input_player1_right = "right"
input_player1_up = "up"
input_player1_down = "down"
input_player1_a = "ctrl"
input_player1_b = "alt"
input_player1_x = "space"
input_player1_y = "shift"
input_player1_l = "z"
input_player1_r = "x"
input_player1_l2 = "c"
input_player1_r2 = "v"input_player2_start = "num6"
input_player2_select = "num2"
input_player2_left = "d"
input_player2_right = "g"
input_player2_up = "r"
input_player2_down = "f"
input_player2_a = "a"
input_player2_b = "s"
input_player2_y = "w"
input_player2_x = "q"
input_player2_l = "i"
input_player2_r = "k"
input_player2_l2 = "j"
input_player2_r2 = "l"** Special Keys ************************************************
input_menu_toggle = "f1"
input_save_state = "f2"
input_load_state = "f3"
input_state_slot_increase = "f6"
input_state_slot_decrease = "f7"** ipac does not need a key
** enter = "enter" does this need to exist?
** mame menu is tabinput_exit_emulator = "esc"
input_reset = "backspace"
input_pause_toggle = "p"
input_audio_mute = "f9"
input_volume_up = "plus"
input_volume_down = "subtract"all_users_control_menu = "true"
menu_driver = "rgui"
menu_show_online_updater = "true"
menu_show_core_updater = "true"
menu_unified_controls = "true"video_gpu_screenshot = "true"
input_enable_hotkey = "i"
auto_remaps_enable = "true"
xmb_show_add = "false"
xmb_show_history = "false"
xmb_show_images = "false"
xmb_show_music = "false"
xmb_shadows_enable = "false"
core_updater_buildbot_url = ""
core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = ""
libretro_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
libretro_info_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cores"
content_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/database/rdb"
cheat_database_path = "~/.config/retroarch/cheats"
content_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/"
content_favorites_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/"
content_music_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/"
content_video_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/"
content_image_history_path = "/opt/retropie/configs/all/"
cursor_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/database/cursors"
screenshot_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/screenshots"
input_remapping_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config/remaps"
video_shader_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/shaders"
video_filter_dir = "default"
core_assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/downloads"
assets_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/assets"
dynamic_wallpapers_directory = "default"
thumbnails_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/thumbnails"
playlist_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/playlists"
joypad_autoconfig_dir = "~/.config/retroarch/autoconfig"
audio_filter_dir = "default"
savefile_directory = "default"
savestate_directory = "default"
rgui_browser_directory = "default"
rgui_config_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/config"
overlay_directory = "~/.config/retroarch/overlay"
video_driver = "gl"
record_driver = "ffmpeg"
camera_driver = "null"
wifi_driver = "null"
location_driver = "null"
audio_driver = "alsathread"
audio_resampler = "sinc"
input_driver = "udev"
led_driver = "null"
netplay_mitm_server = "nyc"
video_aspect_ratio = "-1.000000"
video_scale = "3.000000"
video_refresh_rate = "59.940060"
audio_rate_control_delta = "0.005000"
audio_max_timing_skew = "0.050000"
audio_volume = "0.000000"
audio_mixer_volume = "0.000000"
input_overlay_opacity = "0.700000"
input_overlay_scale = "1.000000"
menu_wallpaper_opacity = "0.300000"
menu_framebuffer_opacity = "0.900000"
menu_footer_opacity = "1.000000"
menu_header_opacity = "1.000000"
video_message_pos_x = "0.050000"
video_message_pos_y = "0.050000"
fastforward_ratio = "0.000000"
slowmotion_ratio = "3.000000"
input_axis_threshold = "0.500000"
video_msg_bgcolor_opacity = "1.000000"
state_slot = "0"
netplay_check_frames = "600"
input_bind_timeout = "5"
input_turbo_period = "6"
input_duty_cycle = "3"
input_max_users = "2"
input_menu_toggle_gamepad_combo = "0"
audio_latency = "64"
audio_resampler_quality = "2"
audio_block_frames = "0"
autosave_interval = "0"
libretro_log_level = "1"
keyboard_gamepad_mapping_type = "1"
input_poll_type_behavior = "2"
video_monitor_index = "0"
video_fullscreen_x = "0"
video_fullscreen_y = "0"
video_window_x = "0"
video_window_y = "0"
video_window_opacity = "100"
network_cmd_port = "55355"
network_remote_base_port = "55400"
keymapper_port = "0"
dpi_override_value = "200"
menu_thumbnails = "3"
xmb_alpha_factor = "75"
xmb_scale_factor = "100"
xmb_theme = "0"
xmb_menu_color_theme = "4"
menu_font_color_red = "255"
menu_font_color_green = "255"
menu_font_color_blue = "255"
materialui_menu_color_theme = "0"
menu_shader_pipeline = "1"
audio_out_rate = "48000"
custom_viewport_width = "1600"
custom_viewport_height = "1200"
custom_viewport_x = "160"
custom_viewport_y = "0"
content_history_size = "100"
video_hard_sync_frames = "0"
video_frame_delay = "0"
video_max_swapchain_images = "3"
video_swap_interval = "1"
video_rotation = "0"
aspect_ratio_index = "21"
user_language = "0"
bundle_assets_extract_version_current = "0"
bundle_assets_extract_last_version = "0"
input_overlay_show_physical_inputs_port = "0"
video_msg_bgcolor_red = "0"
video_msg_bgcolor_green = "0"
video_msg_bgcolor_blue = "0"** deleted gamepads
automatically_add_content_to_playlist = "false"
ui_companion_start_on_boot = "true"
ui_companion_enable = "false"
video_gpu_record = "false"
input_remap_binds_enable = "true"** deleted netplay
input_descriptor_label_show = "true"
input_descriptor_hide_unbound = "false"
load_dummy_on_core_shutdown = "true"
check_firmware_before_loading = "false"
builtin_mediaplayer_enable = "true"
builtin_imageviewer_enable = "true"
fps_show = "true"
framecount_show = "true"
ui_menubar_enable = "true"
suspend_screensaver_enable = "true"
audio_sync = "true"
video_shader_enable = "false"
video_shader_watch_files = "false"
video_allow_rotate = "true"
video_windowed_fullscreen = "true"
video_crop_overscan = "true"
video_scale_integer = "false"
video_force_aspect = "true"
video_shared_context = "false"
auto_screenshot_filename = "true"
video_force_srgb_disable = "false"
video_fullscreen = "false"
bundle_assets_extract_enable = "false"
video_vsync = "true"
video_hard_sync = "false"
video_black_frame_insertion = "false"
video_disable_composition = "false"
pause_nonactive = "true"
video_post_filter_record = "false"
keyboard_gamepad_enable = "true"
core_set_supports_no_game_enable = "true"
audio_enable = "true"
audio_mute_enable = "false"
audio_mixer_mute_enable = "false"
location_allow = "false"
video_font_enable = "true"
core_updater_auto_extract_archive = "true"
camera_allow = "false"
threaded_data_runloop_enable = "true"
menu_throttle_framerate = "true"
menu_linear_filter = "true"
menu_horizontal_animation = "true"
dpi_override_enable = "true"
menu_pause_libretro = "true"
menu_mouse_enable = "true"
menu_pointer_enable = "false"
menu_timedate_enable = "true"
menu_battery_level_enable = "true"
menu_core_enable = "true"
menu_dynamic_wallpaper_enable = "false"
quick_menu_show_take_screenshot = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_load_state = "true"
quick_menu_show_undo_save_load_state = "true"
quick_menu_show_add_to_favorites = "true"
quick_menu_show_options = "true"
quick_menu_show_controls = "true"
quick_menu_show_cheats = "true"
quick_menu_show_shaders = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_core_overrides = "true"
quick_menu_show_save_game_overrides = "true"
quick_menu_show_information = "true"
kiosk_mode_enable = "false"
content_show_settings = "true"
content_show_favorites = "true"
content_show_images = "true"
content_show_music = "true"
content_show_video = "true"
content_show_netplay = "true"
content_show_history = "true"
content_show_add = "true"
menu_show_load_core = "true"
menu_show_load_content = "true"
menu_show_information = "true"
menu_show_configurations = "true"
menu_show_help = "true"
menu_show_quit_retroarch = "true"
menu_show_reboot = "true"
filter_by_current_core = "false"
rgui_show_start_screen = "false"
menu_navigation_wraparound_enable = "true"
menu_navigation_browser_filter_supported_extensions_enable = "true"
menu_show_advanced_settings = "false"
materialui_icons_enable = "true"
cheevos_enable = "false"
cheevos_test_unofficial = "false"
cheevos_hardcore_mode_enable = "false"
cheevos_leaderboards_enable = "false"
cheevos_badges_enable = "false"
cheevos_verbose_enable = "false"
input_overlay_enable = "true"
input_overlay_enable_autopreferred = "true"
input_overlay_show_physical_inputs = "false"
input_overlay_hide_in_menu = "true"
network_cmd_enable = "false"
stdin_cmd_enable = "false"
network_remote_enable = "false"
keymapper_enable = "true"
netplay_nat_traversal = "true"
block_sram_overwrite = "false"
savestate_auto_index = "false"
savestate_auto_save = "false"
savestate_auto_load = "false"
savestate_thumbnail_enable = "false"
history_list_enable = "true"
playlist_entry_remove = "true"
playlist_entry_rename = "true"
game_specific_options = "true"
auto_overrides_enable = "true"
auto_shaders_enable = "true"
sort_savefiles_enable = "false"
sort_savestates_enable = "false"
show_hidden_files = "false"
audio_rate_control = "true"
savestates_in_content_dir = "false"
savefiles_in_content_dir = "false"
systemfiles_in_content_dir = "false"
screenshots_in_content_dir = "false"
video_msg_bgcolor_enable = "false"
video_window_show_decorations = "true"log_verbosity = "false"
perfcnt_enable = "false"
video_message_color = "ffff00"
menu_entry_normal_color = "ffffffff"
menu_entry_hover_color = "ff64ff64"
menu_title_color = "ff64ff64"
gamma_correction = "false"
flicker_filter_enable = "false"
soft_filter_enable = "false"
soft_filter_index = "0"
current_resolution_id = "0"
flicker_filter_index = "0"xmb_font = ""
content_show_settings_password = ""
kiosk_mode_password = ""
netplay_nickname = ""
video_filter = ""
audio_dsp_plugin = ""
video_shader = ""
menu_wallpaper = ""
input_overlay = ""
video_font_path = ""
content_history_dir = ""
resampler_directory = ""
recording_output_directory = ""
recording_config_directory = ""
playlist_names = ""
playlist_cores = ""
audio_device = ""
camera_device = ""
cheevos_username = ""
cheevos_password = ""
video_context_driver = ""
input_keyboard_layout = ""
bundle_assets_src_path = ""
bundle_assets_dst_path = ""
bundle_assets_dst_path_subdir = "" -
Please large configs or logs on
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