Multidisk MSX games and M3U files - 2025
as per this post
I was checking above posts and been testing the m3u on msx
Game loads ok with lr-bluemsx but cant load automatically next disk.
It requires the disk swap from RA to load the needed diskIf correct i read that later is the required step even with use of m3u?
If not please advise, If the norm then okPlease to hear any feedback
@2Play there is a hotkey for swapping disks on retroarch. But yes you're right in that it's not like dolphin where it switches automatically, I think that switch is hard coded into specific games, as dolphin only has 4-5 games with 2 discs. MSX has hundreds of games that require swaps at non uniform times during gameplay
One other problem though is retroarch/bluemsx doesn't label the disk correctly. I raised a ticket in GitHub for this so hopefully someone will take this up and fix it
@retropieuser555 are you referring to the RA disc control where eject and load options exist?
@retropieuser555 and yes i confirm disc index does not display/is empty
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