Retropie freezes
What is the output rating on the Power Supply (It will say something like 5v Xamps etc) ?
Have you made any configuration changes (eg overclocking) ?
Where can I find the power supply?
I just changed the hdmi_group hdmi_mode and hdmi_drive -
At the end of the USB power cable - it's the part that plugs into the wall socket.
@BuZz 5V 2500mA
@lkmaster When you say it freezes, do you have to pull the power to restart, or is there just a very long (several minutes) delay when exiting EmulationStation?
I've found that if you have a huge collection of ROMS and scrape all the metadata it has a serious impact on the time it takes to exit EmulationStation/shutdown.
It does eventually exit though.
You can speed it up by switching off the parse gameslist on exit option but I think you may also lose any game metadata (last time played, total hours played) etc?
I have to restart and some times i get in to a game and then it freezes after arround 3 mins and I have to restart too.
I have to restar arround 10 times to get in a game. -
If no body knows how to help me. Do some body know how to save my save states on a usb so I can reinsall retropie but not lose my savestates.
This would be very helpfull as well. -
There's a backup script from @Drakaen391 that you could try: option if you just want to backup saves is you could run this from the command prompt:
find /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ -name "*.srm" -o -name "*.state*" | tar --transform 's|/home/pi/||g' -PcJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz -T -
Restore with:
tar -C /home/pi -xJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz
I actually got the above script here on the forums but I can't remember who posted it.
After you run this you can just moveretropie_game_saves.tar.xz
over to your USB flash drive -
Try another Power supply / USB power cable
Try another SDCard with a new image -
Thank you but I'm a linux beginner so I don't really understand this ^^
Can you give me some examples or comands becaus I dont know what to do. -
@BuZz but if I use a new image I lose my save states
You can either press F4 on an attached USB keyboard to your Raspberry Pi (aka RPi) or SSH in using something like PuTTY. Once you get logged in, just type in (or copy & paste) exactly from my previous post (the first line in red).find /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ -name "*.srm" -o -name "*.state*" | tar --transform 's|/home/pi/||g' -PcJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz -T -
Next make sure you have your USB flash drive plugged in to your RPi and then type
cp retropie_game_saves.tar.xz /media/usb0
Another way to do the same thing is from your Windows PC use FileZilla to getretropie_game_saves.tar.xz
from the/home/pi/
directory.After you have re-installed RetroPie on your microSD card and you back up and running, then with that same USB flash drive in either push F4 and type
cd /media/usb0
thentar -C /home/pi -xJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz
or push it back over using FileZilla then press F4 and just typetar -C /home/pi -xJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz
Hopefully that wasn't too confusing!
You might give this a read! List of common Linux commands: -
@lkmaster said in Retropie freezes:
@BuZz but if I use a new image I lose my save states
use the instructions above / or just copy your roms folder off over the network - also see
I have done it like u said and now when I try to load my save state this apers
Failed to load state from "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes/dragon quest IV ... -
I did a back up before I reinsalled retropie -
@lkmaster said in Retropie freezes:
I have done it like u said and now when I try to load my save state this apers
Failed to load state from "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes/dragon quest IV ...
I did a back up before I reinsalled retropiedid you restore your save states by extracting the retropie_game_saves.tar.xz file after reinstalling RetroPie?
tar -C /home/pi -xJf retropie_game_saves.tar.xz
@backstander yes but maybe my savestates are in another direktory do you know how I can check this or change this?
You can search for files by using something like thissudo find / -name "<filename>”
Most of the save state files end is ".state" so I think you could do something likesudo find / -name ".state"
. I don't use the find function that much.I personally like to use Locate instead!
To install Locate type:
sudo apt-get install locate
To update the database that Locate uses to find files and directories:
sudo updatedb
Now all you have to do is type this to find something:
locate <filename>
Example: to look for those ".state" files you would do this:
locate .state
The only downside to Locate is that you sometimes have to update the database (
sudo updatedb
) to make sure you get all the newest files in your search. Updating will also remove newly deleted files. -
It's in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/snes/dragon quest.. -
Do I have to delet some thing or can I just try it again to coppy the files
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